Chapter 37 | "get back"

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Quick question for you guys: I've been getting some requests for a more mature themed story, rather than action-focused. Obviously I'm not a smut writer so it won't be that but it might be a bit more... suggestive and intense, so to speak. Would you guys be interested in that? I'm thinking of maybe a CEO style story. Let me know!

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Chaerin woke up that night drenched in sweat, unable to stop the trembles that shook her whole body. Her eyes scanned the room frantically before remembering where she was.

After being cleared by Taeil, she was allowed back into her own room for the night, only to be awoken by more nightmares. Well, not really nightmares as unfortunately, they were real.

She could feel her throat tightening up with panic and her heart thumping in her chest. Her mind knew she was safe and that everything was okay, but her body didn't. Every nerve inside of her was screaming to find comfort for her heart that felt like it was shattering over and over again.

She didn't even think, her body moving on instinct as she climbed out of her bed, leaving her room and walking down the hallway. Before she was even aware of what was going on, she found herself knocking on a wooden door, a few moments of silence before a husky voice beckoned her in.

"Chaerin?" Taeyong asked, his hair messy from sleep as he sat up in his bed.

Once he noticed the tears on her face, he was immediately on his feet, crossing the room in seconds and pulling her into his embrace. He let out a sigh as he held her trembling body in his arms.

"Another nightmare?" He asked, stepping back to wipe the tears off her face.

She nodded.

"I don't know what to do." She mumbled sadly. "His words... they just follow me. It hurts in here." She pointed to her heart.

"I know, loves, I'm sorry." Taeyong replied sadly. "You don't deserve this."

He sighed as she wrapped her arms around him again, pulling herself closer to him.

"Do you want to sleep here tonight?" He asked cautiously, not wanting to freak her out. "Only if it would make you more comfortable."

She paused, thinking for a moment before slowly nodding her head. Taeyong gently wrapped his hand around hers and led her to his bed, pulling open the covers and patting the spot next to him.

She slowly climbed in, curling into his warmth as he wrapped his arms around her. Instantly, she felt calmer. Her heartbeat slowed and her breathing relaxed.

Taeyong felt safe.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked with a slight chuckle as he noticed a small grin on her face.

"You still have my doodles on your arm." She mumbled, seeing the flower designs covering his skin from earlier.

"Oh yeah." He nodded. "How could I erase your masterpiece so soon?"

She let out an amused huff as she settled into him, feeling sleep already creeping up on her.

"Goodnight, Taeyong." She mumbled as she drifted off.

"Goodnight loves." He sighed, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head before allowing himself to fall back to sleep with Chaerin in his arms.

- - -

When Chaerin woke up the next morning, she was disoriented by the familiar surrounding before remembering what had happened the night before. She sat up and saw the bed empty, wondering where Taeyong had gone.

Her questions were answered as her eyes fell onto a note left on his pillow.

Morning Lovely,

I thought you could use the extra sleep, feel free to stay as long as you wish.
The guys are really worried about you, and I think it would really help for you to see them, but only if you're up to it. If not, just send me a text and I'll be right up with a cup of coffee and some movies to watch together.


She sighed, putting down the note and stretching out her arms.

Did she really want to try and put on a brave face right now? No.

Did she really want to be asked a bunch of questions and have to just tell everyone that she was okay? No.

Did you really want to see the pity in 22 eyes staring at her and watching her every move? No.

But did she want to keep worrying the boys? No. And did she miss them and their laughter and comfort? Absolutely.

Pushing herself out of Taeyong's bed, she saw that he had left her favorite hoodie of his lying by the end of the bed. It was a black hoodie with a small red rose embroidered on the front with his initials.

Smiling to herself, she slipped it on over her night clothes and shorts before opening the door and making her way to the staircase. As she stood at the top, she could hear the voices of the boys all talking with Taeyong in the main room.

"Has she texted you yet?" She heard Chenle ask.


"Well how about now?"

"No, Yangyang, nothing."


"Still no, Jisung, still no."

"Well how about-"

"It's been less than a second since you last asked me, no she has not texted!" She heard Taeyong groan. "I'll let you know if she does, alright?"

"Taeyong, do you think she's going to come down?" Chaerin heard Jaehyun ask.

"I don't know, it's been a lot for her to handle." The older boy sighed out. "But if she does, you all are to be on your very best behavior, alright?"

She smiled to herself as she heard Taeyong switch into protective leader mode, his voice dropping low with a threatening edge to his words.

"Nothing crazy, nothing that might make her upset, got it? And don't bombard her with questions either. Of course she's going to tell you guys that she's alright but we should all know that she's not." He continued. "If she decides to come down, we're just here to support her while she needs it."

"Got it." "Yes sir." "Of course." She heard them chorus.

With a sigh, she put her hand on the railing and slowly made her way down the stairs. The moment they heard her footsteps, all the talking ceased and all eyes were on her as she reached the bottom. She saw the corner of Taeyong's lips turn up as he saw her wearing his hoodie.

"Hi guys. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not really okay right now." She said softly, seeing the sad but understanding smiles on all their faces. "But I will be. I'm gonna be alright."

"We're just glad to see you, Chae." Yuta said, the boys all nodding in agreement.

"Well, all I can do is try to get back to feeling normal." She said with a sigh. "So I'm starving, let's eat something."

The mood was instantly lifted as the boys all nodded, hearding their way into the kitchen with big smiles on their faces, Chaerin amongst them.

The mood was instantly lifted as the boys all nodded, hearding their way into the kitchen with big smiles on their faces, Chaerin amongst them

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