Chapter 13 | "got them"

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If Chaerin thought that things were going to change around the house with Taeyong, she was sadly mistaken. He was not any nicer or warmer towards her, if anything he seemed more annoyed by her presence than ever.

Now that she had technically graduated from her training, she joined the rest of them with normal practices, which were led by Taeyong. The guys did their best to shield her from him, but he seemed hell bent on picking on her.

He used her for demonstrations, examples, anything to call her out and hurt her. He had broken her nose twice, gave her multiple bruises, and landed her in Taeil's medical chair for about 12 stitches total. Safe to say, he didn't like her and she received the message loud and clear.

Unfortunately for him, there was no denying that she was an asset to the gang. She had been a huge help with their hacking team and leading missions from the base. Even more so, they realized how useful she was on the field, I mean, what gang member would feel threatened by a small, 5'2, 22 year old girl.

Plus her speed and precision lended itself on a field of muscular, clumsy men, especially when she was as accurate and skilled with a gun as she was. They had slowly transitioned her from working the computers to working the mission field, which is where they were right now, heading to break up a sex trafficking ring.

"Got eyes on them yet, Chaerin?"

"Not yet, Renjun, but I can hear them talking, should be right around this corner." Chaerin let out a breath as she peaked around the corner of the warehouse, seeing a group of people gathered in the center. "Got them."

"How many?"

"5 armed, just like you said, and maybe.... 10 hostages." She reported, surveying the crowd.

"Hostages? There's others?"

"Well unless they tie up unarmed, terrified members of their own gang, then I'd say yes to hostages."

"Ugh I knew we shouldn't have let Taeyong go on this one." She could hear Renjun muttered to himself as he typed something into the computer.

"What do you mean?"

"Just- nothing. Continue with the plan. Taeyong, Yuta, and Jaehyun are all in position. You're a good shot so this should be pretty self explanatory: try not to hit any of those innocents and don't show your face to them."

"Got it." She mumbled, pulling out her gun and pulling up her face mask.

"It's your call. Take your shot whenever you're ready and drop on in. Good luck."

Chaerin let out a breath, fixing her gaze on the largest guy and carefully taking her aim. She forced her rapidly beating hard to relax and calmed the shake in her muscles with her finger on the trigger. Not giving herself another moment to think, she pulled it, a loud bang erupting from her weapon as the man fell.

Almost instantly after her shot rung out, three more resonated from other areas in the room. She looked around and noticed the three other boys expose themselves from their hiding places, Chaerin quickly doing the same as the four of them dropped down into the warehouse room.

Soon, more men started streaming into the room, all armed and firing on the small group. Chaerin didn't even have time to think as she opened fire on any and all of the newcomers, seeing their bodies fall before they could reach her.

She felt a sharp pain on her neck as a bullet grazed her skin, knocking her off her feet as the sting of the speeding metal making her wince before she turned and shot at her attacker.

"You okay?" Yuta asked, pulling her back to her feet and taking a quick glance at her bleeding neck. "Yikes, that doesn't look too good."

"Doesn't feel too good either, but I'm alright." She huffed out, shooting over his shoulder as she noticed a man approaching them.

They shared a quick nod before splitting up again, both of them going to tackle their own set of assailants. She quickly dived under the outstretched arms of one man, shooting him promptly in the back just as another ran towards her. She pulled on her trigger as he approached, but nothing came out.

"Fuck." She mumbled under her breath, quickly grabbing one of her knives and hurtling it into his chest.

She quickly put her gun away, pulling out another and opening fire on the remaining men in front of her. After taking care of her group, she spun around to see the rest of the boys still fighting.

Yuta and Jaehyun were both doing well, working together to tackle the last of their group. She let out a sigh of relief as she noticed neither of them limping or bleeding.

She then scanned the room for Taeyong, panicking slightly when she didn't see him before her eyes landed on his brown hair in the center of a brawl with three other men. With wide eyes, she began to make her way over to help but before she could, he shot them all dead with a cold huff.

The clearing fell into an almost defeating silence as the gunshots ended, replaced only by their heavy breathing as they surveyed the bloodbath of bodies on the ground in front of them.

"Good job." Renjun said into her ear. "No one else is coming, these guys won't cause any issues anymore."

Yuta and Jaehyun were staring at her curiously, waiting for Renjun's report. She quickly flashed them a thumbs up, seeing the two boys relax their shoulders with smiles on their faces. Taeyong stared at the men on the ground, a mix of disgust and contempt on his face as he checked to make sure they were all dead.

"Alright, we're done." Taeyong said with a nod. "Let's go."

"Wait Tae," Yuta called out, causing the older boy to stop in his tracks. "What about them?"

Taeyong turned to look at the innocent girls all gagged and tied up on the floor, their eyes filled with fearful tears as they stared at the four of them. His eyes narrowed as he looked at them before a chilling smirk made its way onto his face.

"Kill them."

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