Chapter 4 | "what an asshole"

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Grunts and panting echoed around the room as Chaerin wrestled with Jeno. Despite being younger than her, he was much taller and much stronger from years of training. And she, being a computer nerd who only left the classroom for cheer practice, was significantly out of her league fighting him.

"Good, keep going, Chaerin." Jaehyun encouraged from the side, him and Jaemin giving her tips and advice as they observed.

"Try out the combo we worked on yesterday!" Jaemin called, a switch going off in her brain as she quickly threw a set of kicks and punches at Jeno.

He blocked all of them, obviously, but she could see in his eyes that she had caught him off guard with her speed. She winced as she felt him land a hit to her side, her body still sore from all the new training.

"Easy, Jeno, she's not used to this." Jaehyun called out, the younger boy sending her an apologetic smile. "Alright, Chaerin, try the takedown maneuver."

She quickly wrapped herself around him, gripping onto his shoulder and allowing her body to fall to the ground, bringing him down with her.

"Good job." Jeno said with a smile, looking up at her as she pinned him.

"Thanks." She panted out, offering a hand to pull him up. "But I know you could've avoided that if you wanted to."

"Of course I could've." He said with a chuckle. "But not too bad for only a week of training. You almost got me there with Jaemin's quick attack."

"You still are so bad at blocking those." Jaemin chuckled out as he and Jeno waved their goodbyes and left the room.

"You're getting a lot better, Chaerin." The older boy said with an approving nod as he walked over to her. "You're very agile and flexible which is a big plus."

"I'm big into cheerleading. Been doing cheer and gymnastics for 8 years now so."

"Makes sense, you've got great core strength. It's just about building up your actual muscle mass now so that you can take down guys like Jeno and I." Jaehyun said with a smile. "But you're improving which is great to see. Nice work."


"How's our star girl doing down here?" Yuta said as he strode into the room with the others three boys.

"Shaping up to kick your asses soon enough." Jaehyun answered cheekily. "She's picking up really quick."

"Yeah well she's a little smarty pants." Kun said, ruffling her hair. "Hendery said you already boosted the security on our files?"

"Oh yeah. You guys had a pretty easy access system. I showed him how to set up more firewalls to protect your info and stuff."

"You see, I knew she'd be helpful." Ten said approvingly. "So, are we going to fight or what?"

"Fight?" She asked, confused.

"Yeah, show us your skills." Doyoung replied, cracking his knuckles playfully. "Unless you're too scared."

"Scared? Me? I'll kick your ass right now!" She exclaimed, raising her arms in a joking manner and hopping from foot to foot.

All the boys laughed at her as the four newcomers set down their things on the side of the mat.

"Alright you four, take it easy. Pull your punches on her, she's still really sore from the muscle building." Jaehyun warned as they walked onto the mat.

"Yeah yeah, don't kick her ass too bad, we got it." Ten said flippantly. "You're going down, Hwang, I'm going to-"

"You five, get upstairs right now." Said a voice from the doorway.

They stopped and turned, seeing Taeyong standing there with a serious expression. Chaerin felt herself tense up at the sight of him, something about his aura scared her, especially since he hadnt even spoken to her yet.

Every time she entered the room when he was there, he stood up and left without a word. She would always catch him glaring at her from a far around the house as well. His gaze chilled her to the core.

"Why? We were just about to fight!" Doyoung whined.

"Too bad. Night training for 127 and WayV right now. Let's go." He said with a growl, the other boys immediately nodding and walking to the door.

Taeyong stood aside as the members left the room one by one. Chaerin hesitantly walked over to him, not having introduced herself yet.

"Uh, hi." She said softly, his eyes instantly flashing to her with an intimidating glare. "I haven't formally introduced myself yet, I'm Hwang Chaerin-"

"I know. I don't care." He said coldly before turning on his heel and walking out the door, leaving her speechless.

"What an asshole..." she mumbled out once he left, shaking her head and walking back to her room to shower.

" she mumbled out once he left, shaking her head and walking back to her room to shower

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