Chapter 21 | "have fun"

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Chaerin's eyes widened as they walked into the huge store. The walls were lined with dresses of all different types and colors, her gaze sparkles with excitement as she looked around.

"You look like you've never been shopping before." Johnny teased with a laugh, seeing her in a state of almost childlike wonder.

"Oh shut up, I'm excited."

"Well have fun," Taeyong said. "We'll come check on you in a bit."

With a nod, the two older boys turned and set off out into a different part of the mall, leaving Chaerin alone with Hansol.

"Alright, let's find a dress." He mumbled, setting off through the store.

She just rolled her eyes before setting off in the other direction, her eyes greedily scanning the gorgeous garments until her arms were absolutely full.

"Hansol, I'm going to go and try these on." She called, seeing the tall boy approaching her.

"This one two." He replied, placing a green dress on the top of her pile.

"But I don't like the color green."

"I said try it on." He growled, shoving her towards the changing room. "Now hurry up."

- - -

After trying on many, many dresses, Chaerin had found her favorite. But of course, Hansol always had to get in the way.

"Get the green one, it's sexier." He mused, pointed at his green dress from earlier.

It was short, way too short. It barely reached her mid thigh. It had an open back, a slit across the middle and a plunging neckline that almost reached her waist. It was less like a dress and more like a swimsuit. Not to mention, she hated the color.

"Yeah but isn't it a bit too much? It kinda makes me uncomfortable..." she said nervously, seeing the way Hansol narrowed his eyes at her. "Plus green isn't my color, I look gross. What about the red one?" She asked, holding up the dress she had selected.

"No it makes you look ugly."

"Excuse me? I happen to like the red one. I look best in red." She said quietly, a frown on her face.

"I said no. Red is a gross color, it makes you look like a devil. You're not wearing red."

"Oh come on, red isn't all bad. So many beautiful things are red. Like... roses."

"Chaerin, I said no. You're wearing the green dress snd that's final."

"But this is my prom too! I don't want to wear that dress." She exclaimed, letting out an exasperated sigh as she saw Hansol's expression shift to anger.

"Didn't you hear me? I thought I said no. Now, if you want me to get you a dress, it's going to be the one that I choose. Put down that ugly dress and get the green-"

"Hey, Chaerin, how's the dress shopping going?"

The two of them turned to see Taeyong walking over, a few small shopping bags in his hand.

"Oh hi Taeyong, it's fine."

"Find one you like? Are you getting that pretty red one you're holding?" He asked with a smile, motioning to the dress she was protectively clutching onto.

"Oh uh, I-I don't know."

Hansol just rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone.

"I'm going to go make a phone call, just hurry the fuck up, and grab the one I liked, alright Chaerin?"

She lowered her eyes with a sigh, nodding her head as he turned snd stalked away. Taeyong slowly walked over, going to stand in front of the small girl.

"Everything okay, loves?"

"Just... Hansol being Hansol." She sighed out with a shake of her head. "I'm fine, we're just having a disagreement on dresses. He wants me to wear that green one."

"Green? You never wear green, it's not your color."

"I know but Hansol said it's sexier and he likes it."

"Yeah sexier is one way to put it. Is this even a dress? More like a fabric swatch." Taeyong murmured, picking at the minimalist green dress.

"Yeah I know.... I like the red one the most but it's a hard no from him."

"Try it on, let me see it." He saw the hesitation on her face and turned to her with round, pleading eyes. "Just indulge me here, please."

"Okay, fine." She sighed, turning back into the dressing room.

The slipped into the red dress, taking a brief glance at herself in the mirror with a smile. The dress was dark red, rich and deep like blood. It was tight around her waist, highlighting her figure, with off the shoulder sleeves that were a mix of sexy but elegant. The large slit up the side of the flowy skirt added to the playful elegance of the whole outfit.

"Wow, if you don't buy that dress, I will. You look stunning, loves." Taeyong said, his jaw dropping as she stepped out of the room. "The red really brings out the gold in your eyes."

"I know right!" She exclaimed happily before her expression fell. "But it's fine. My parents can't afford to get me a nice dress and Hansol will only pay for the one he likes so I guess I'm stuck with the green one."

"Chaerin, you should've just told me. I'll buy you the red one, not a problem." He replied with a wave of his hand.

"Taeyong, you don't need to waste money on me, it's fine."

"I run the largest mafia on this continent, I have more than enough money to spend." The older boy chuckled out. "Plus, if it means making you happy, it's not a waste."

"But Hansol will be upset."

"Yeah but you're the one wearing the dress. This is your prom too, Chaerin, and you only get one. Do you really want to spend one of the most special days of school wearing a dress you hate?" He knew he was getting through to her when he saw the shift in her eyes.

He took a step closer and tucking a stray hair behind her ear as she looked up to meet his eyes.

"You're beautiful in everything, Chae, but don't you deserve to feel absolutely stunning?"

- - -

Hansol approached the front counter and instantly his blood started boiling at what he saw.

"What are you doing? I told you I'm not buying you that." He growled, seeing Chaerin and Taeyong standing by the cashier with the red dress on the table.

"Don't worry about it bro, I am." Taeyong replied with a smirk, swiping his card and picking up the dress. "Here, lovely, all yours. Now, let's go find Johnny and get you some matching shoes, hmm?"

With a smile, he linked arms with the girl and dragged her out of the store, leaving Hansol alone and fuming.

With a smile, he linked arms with the girl and dragged her out of the store, leaving Hansol alone and fuming

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