Chapter 31 | "miss me"

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"Hello, Chaerin, bet you weren't expecting to see me again." He said with a dark smirk. "Miss me?"

Taeyong turned to look at the girl, reassuringly squeezing her hand. She felt Taeyong, gripping onto his hand like it was a lifeline as she was literally frozen in shock. Seeing her state, Taeyong spoke for her.

"What are you doing here, Hansol?" He growled lowly.

"Ah Lee Taeyong, the infamous leader of NCT and personal watch dog of Chaerin, I've been waiting for this moment." Hansol laughed out, his voice echoing around the clearing.

"You're the one who's been sending us threats? Why?"

"Because I knew it would bring us to right here." The tall boy replied seriously. "I knew you'd come to tie up these loose ends when I didn't do anything but wait. So predictable."

Taeyong felt himself fill with rage as the boy in the center taunted him, mentally scolding himself for falling right into his trap. Chaerin felt Taeyong's grip tighten around her hand, his trembling muscles snapping her out of her daze. She quickly began rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb, feeling him relax slightly.

"Hansol, what is this all about?" She asked, her voice clear and calm despite the emotional war going on inside of her.

"Ah right, you're all in the dark about this." He chuckled darkly. "You actually ended up being quite useful to me, so thank you for that."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I only dated your sorry ass because of your little gang friends." He sneered, seeing the surprise on her face.


"Yeah I know all about your friends. Yuta, Doyoung, Kun, and shortie, all four of them." He sneered at her. "Why do you think I dated you in the first place?"

"It was all because of them?" She asked quietly.

"Of course it was, why would I actually like you?" Her glare hardened at the boy as he laughed in her face. "I saw how close you were with them and knew you'd be useful."

"Useful?" She questioned, quickly realizing there was quite a bit to this story. "Useful for what?"

"For my revenge." The boy in the center chuckled darkly, turning his gaze back onto Chaerin. "You see, Chaerin, your gang does a lot of damage here is Seoul, and they aren't very merciful to criminals. So I'm sure you can guess what fate my parents faced when NCT came to stop them from their little trafficking arrangement."

She shared a serious look with Taeyong, both of them having a mix of nervousness and anger in their eyes as Hansol continued.

"They killed my parents. I was 15. I have no siblings, it was just us. Think about how it felt to have said goodbye to them one night as they went out for their usual work only for them to never return home." He cried out, his voice filled with rage. "I've been waiting seven years to finally get my revenge."


"And you were just the perfect opportunity, even more so once I saw that little tattoo on your neck when we went dress shopping. And here I thought you were all innocent in all of this."

"She didn't do anything, Hansol, leave her out of it. She only joined us months ago." Taeyong growled, protectively taking a step forward and pushing Chaerin slightly behind him.

"Like I care. She's supporting you murderers and that's enough for me. If she really wants to be one of you, I thought it was only fair for us to be on an even playing field."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"How's your family, Chaerin? Did they call to say happy graduation?" He called to the girl, Chaerin feeling her whole body freeze.

Hansol smirked, seeing the obvious panic and fear written all over her face.

"No? Truly a pity, but I guess you can't call your daughter when you're dead."

"What did you do?" Taeyong yelled, his voice booming threateningly through the room.

"I killed them." Hansol said lowly. Well, not directly, but I have people in the states who are very discreet."

"M-my parents..."

"Not just your parents. Your brother as well. And your aunt. Your uncles. Cousins. Everyone not in Korea is now lying in boxes on the floor of the Pacific Ocean."

Hansol smirked as he watched her expression fall, all the anger and confusion in her eyes fading away to nothingness. She crumbled to her feet, her muscles giving out from the shock of it all as tears slowly began to pour from her eyes.

Taeyong felt her let go of his hand, quickly spinning around and bending down next to her. He pulled her into his chest, turning her away from Hansol while he stared down the tall boy.

If looks could kill, Hansol would be lying dead on the floor from the glares Taeyong was shooting at him.

Chaerin was breaking down, her small boys wracked with endless waves of sobs as Taeyong silently rubbed her back. The only thing to snap him out of his focus on Chaerin was the sound of a gun cocking.

"And now it's time for you to join them." Hansol whispered, pointing the gun at her back.

Taeyong's eyes widened, he quickly rose to his feet, stepping in front of Chaerin and drawing his own gun. He immediately pulled the trigger, too quick for Hansol to be able to get a shot at them as his body thumped to the ground.

Letting out a huff of relief, Taeyong helped Chaerin to her feet, pulling the small girl into a proper hug.


Shhhh it's okay." He said quietly, holding her tight. "You'll be okay, lets get out of here."

She nodded at him, clinging onto him for dear life as she felt she was about to collapse at any moment. His heart broke seeing her so vulnerable, and with one last glance at Hansol's body lying in the dust, he led her out.

 His heart broke seeing her so vulnerable, and with one last glance at Hansol's body lying in the dust, he led her out

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