Chapter 48 | "at last"

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Chaerin slowly walked down a familiar path that night, already knowing exactly where Taeyong would be. As she approached their bench and took a seat next to him, she heard him draw in a nervous breath, waiting for her to speak.

"Why didn't you tell me he was alive?" She asked softly.

"I was worried."

"Worried I would go back to him?" She asked again, turning to meet his eyes, seeing nothing but pain and regret in them.

"No, no of course not. And as much as it would hurt me, if you really wanted to go to him, I would've let you." He replied with a sigh. "But after everything that happened, I was worried it would be too much for you to handle."

"You should've told me. It was hurtful."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I was just so worried about you after everything that had happened... I just didn't want to overwhelm you more." He spoke softly, gently, as if he was worried he would break her more than he already believed he had.

She just let out a scoff, rolling her eyes at him.

"Making decisions for me, again?" She asked playfully, giving his shoulder a light nudge.

Just that one touch was enough to tell him everything he needed to know. It was like all the tension left his body as he let out a relieved sigh.

"I probably should've learned not to do that by now." He said with a chuckle. "You're just a poor girl who got stuck with a controlling monster."

Chaerin straightened up when he said that, turning to look out over the small pond in front of them, the water sparkling under the moonlight.

"Did you ever consider the idea that you're not a monster anymore?"

"What makes you say that?" He asked in confusion, turning to look at her.

She let out a breath, pulling her eyes away from the water snd meeting his gaze.

"Because spending time with you makes me forget."

"Really?" He asked, his breath barely a whisper.

"Yeah. Before I couldn't look at you without remembering the cold-hearted killer, but now I'm thinking that I was wrong all along, even with all the other things that have happened." She said softly, not breaking eye contact.

"You certainly weren't wrong before." He said with an amused huff.

"Then what's different?"

"You." He said quickly, his voice unwavering as he looked deep into her eyes. "You make me want to be better."

"You don't need to be."

"I know, but I want to be." She tore her eyes away, unable to handle the intensity as he did the same. "You said you know what love is now, hmm?"

He could see her slowly nodding her head as she thought back to the words she had said to Hansol earlier that day. She wasn't even aware of the fact that he heard all of that, so focused on her somehow alive ex that she didn't hear them approach.

"That's good..." he said slowly, turning to look at her. "you deserve love."

He turned away from her, raising his head to look up at the night sky, a black abyss speckled with stars. She followed his gaze for a moment before turning back to him.

She studied his face. The hard, handsome features that softened only for her. The lips that always called her loves. The eyes that she could get lost in.

Unconsciously she raised a hand, placing it on his cheek and turning his face back to look at her. She stared up into his round eyes before slowly leaning up and giving him a light peck on the lips.

Her eyes widened as she realized what she did, an embarrassed blush on her face while she turned away from him. Taeyong just smirked, his heart warming with happiness as he quickly grabbed her chin, gently turning her towards him and pulling her into a much longer kiss.

"So you're not mad at me?" He said with a breathy smile as they pulled away from one another.

"I am, but I'll get over it." She replied with a light laugh.

"Well, loves, That was long overdue." He mused, sitting up straighter. "By the way, I told you so."


"I told you that I'd show you what love feels like, remember?" He said, an amused glint in his eye.

"That you did." She chuckled with a nod. "And you were right about something else, too."

"What's that?"

"That it's okay to love something I can't explain. You must've learned that somewhere, right?"

"Yeah I did." He said with a nod, looking deep into her eyes. "I learned it the moment I almost let you walk out of this house all those months ago."

"Well I'm glad I didn't, because you're the best mistake I ever made, homicidal maniac and all." She replied playfully.

The two of them chuckled for a moment before falling into comfortable silence. She slowly leaned her head onto his shoulder, allowing herself to simply enjoy the moment.

"Thank you." He said quietly.

"For what?" She asked, sitting up.


"Oh stop." She said, rolling her eyes.

"I'm serious. I don't deserve you."

"Taeyong, I made you wait for me for so long. I'm just lucky that you decided I was worth it." She said seriously, gripping his hands in hers.

"I would wait an eternity to be with you." He replied, intertwining their fingers. "I've never thought anyone would be able to love me. To have someone not only stay with me through all my anger and violence, but to save me from it. And I certainly never thought I'd feel so strongly for anyone in this lifetime, but here you are."

"Here I am. The girl who fell in love with the perfect killer."

"I'm definitely not perfect." He laughed lightly.

"No you're not a perfect, but you're perfect for me."

He stared at her when those words left her mouth. Never did he ever think a few words could be so powerful but that one line held everything he ever needed to hear.

"I love you."

"I know." She said with a giggle. "I love you too."

He smiled at her and finally everything was perfect for the two of them. She smiled back, wrapping her arms around his neck and allowing him to pull her in for another sweet kiss, their worlds falling into place in each other's arms at last.

Wow omg I can't believe this story is over! I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! This is definitely my favorite story of the ones I've written, so thank you again to everyone who took the time to read it

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Wow omg I can't believe this story is over! I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! This is definitely my favorite story of the ones I've written, so thank you again to everyone who took the time to read it.

I'll be back soon with more stories for you guys!

-Author Hyun <3

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