Chapter 27 | "for the best"

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"Wait then he said what?"

"Yeah, I know it's crazy right?"

Chaerin was currently in Yuta's room, sharing a big tub of ice cream and some chips on his bed as she caught him up on all that had happened in the past few days.

"Wow, I can't believe he said that to you at prom..." Yuta trailed off, shoving a few chips into his mouth. "I mean, we were watching y'all, not in a creepy way, but you're our girl and Taeyong is... well, Taeyong." The two of them laughed together before Yuta continued. "We all suspected that he might have feelings for you since y'all have gotten close recently, but damn. Saying that? He basically said that he's gonna love you one day...that's heavy."

"I know, I couldn't even really respond." She mumbled, scooping some more ice cream into her mouth. "He said he knows I'm not there with him yet, hell, I was in a relationship still, but-"

"Wait." Yuta held up a hand, cutting her off. "Was?"

"Oh yeah..." she trailed off, a frown on her face. "We broke up today."

"Pause. We or him. Because he's dumped you before and then went crawling back, so is it for real this time?"

"Yeah it is." She said with a nod. "Because I was the one who broke it off today."

Yuta's eyes widened in astonishment as he dropped the spoon in his hand. After momentary shock, he quickly crawled over to her and attacked her in a hug.

"Oh Chaerin I'm so proud of you." He squealed, squeezing her tight. "You finally stood up to that asshole."

"Yuta... cant breath...."

He chuckled and let her go, returning to his spot on the bed.

"Oh my little baby is all grown up now." He said dramatically, wiping a fake tear from his eyes.

"Shut up, bitch." She laughed out, swung a pillow at his head.

"Alright alright, done teasing." Yuta said, holding up his arms in surrender. "But seriously, Chae, I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself to him, that's really huge for you."

"Thank, Yuta." She sighed, putting the pillow down. "It's weird, for the first time I felt like I was seeing everything clearly. When I usually talk to him, it's like I go into a daze. Everything around me kinda blurs, but in a bad way, almost like I'm trapped and all I can do is just nod my head to whatever he was saying. But today... today was different. I could actually think for myself."

"Do you think any of it has to do with Taeyong?" Yuta asked carefully, a curious glint in his eyes.

"I don't know. Probably, honestly, but I'm not really thinking about that right now."

"Right, I'm so insensitive, sorry Chae, are you alright?" Yuta said quickly, noticing the sadness in her eyes. "I know he wasn't good to you, but you've liked him for so long and finally being done... it's gotta be heavy."

"I'm okay, strangely enough. It hurts losing someone, obviously, but it doesn't feel heavy. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders." She murmured, her eyes full of confusion. "Like, it stings knowing that it's done for real, but I also know this is for the best."

"Well, that's good. That jerk doesn't deserve your tears or heartbreak." Yuta said with a smile, offering her some more ice cream. "Also, I totally interrupted you a few minutes ago, you were telling me what Taeyong said."

"Right." She said, straightening up. "He told me that he'd wait for me. That it was okay for me not to feel the same."

"Wow... he... he really likes you, Chae." Yuta said slowly, his eyes wide. "You haven't known him the way that we have, but you must really mean a lot to him."

"Why do you say that?" She asked curiously.

"Look, Taeyong isn't a bad guy. He's a borderline psychopath but deep down, he's good." Yuta said with a slight chuckle. "You know that we're all terrified of him, because, well, he's a power obsessed killer who can be completely ruthless. But with you...."

"With me...?"

"Let's just say Taeyong isn't the type to wait around. When he wants something, he gets it, one way or another. If he said that he's gonna wait for you... that really means something." Yuta said with a nod.

"Well, it's crazy how different he is around me now that he wants me here. I've seen the psychopath side of him, and I never could've imagined how sweet he could be." Chaerin murmured. "He's just always there at the right times, he knows what to say. He listens but also leads, he can be playful and protective and a goofball and really sweet. I know there's that demon side to him, but the not demon side is actually really amazing."

"Well, I think he's probably realized that he can't force you into things." Yuta laughed out. "You've yelled at him, fought with him, and even disobeyed him on a mission, and yet you're still alive. I think it's pretty clear that he can't control you, and he's decided that you're worth playing the long game for."

"There's something about him that's always drawn me in... but I literally just got out of a toxic relationship. I don't think I can just jump into a new one."

"You don't need to, the last thing he wants is for to try and manufacture feelings for him. Just let yourself be open to the possibility, and see where your heart takes you." Yuta said with a smile.

"Thanks, Yuta."

"Of course, what are besties for?" He replied, patting the pillow next to him for her to lie on as he switched on the TV on his wall. "Now stop hogging the ice cream and let's find something to watch."


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