Chapter 14 | "deserve to die"

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Chaerin's eyes widened at the order, the two other boys sharing a nervous glance as she felt anger flood her veins. She quickly ran over to Taeyong, standing in front of the girls with a protective glare.

"No! Taeyong what is wrong with you, they're innocent!" She argued, standing her ground.

"Step aside, Chaerin. Let Yuta and Jaehyun take care of them."

"No. I won't let you."

"You still don't seem to get it." Taeyong huffed angrily, shaking his head at the small girl. "You're nothing to me, the bottom of the food chain so you don't get a say. I'm the leader and my word is law."

"I'm not bowing down to you, and I'm not going to let you kill innocent people for fun." She turned away from him, bending down in front of the terrified girls and quickly cutting off the ropes on their arms. "Look, say nothing, you were never here, you never saw anything. If we find out that any of you spoke a single word about us, we'll kill all of you. Understand?"

The girls all nodded their heads, quickly helping her undo their bondage and standing with terrified but grateful expressions.

"Alright, now get out of here quickly. You're free."

Chaerin watched as the girls all bowed their heads to her before running out of the building and into the night. She let out a relieved sigh as she watched them disappear.

"I didn't say you could do that." Taeyong said lowly, turning to face her once the girls were gone.

She just scoffed, staring up at him with an angry, indignant glare.

"No you didn't, but I did it anyway."

Taeyong didn't respond as she turned, walking over to one of the men and pulling her knife out of his chest. She pushed the blade back into its spot on her holster, shooting Taeyong one more glare before walking out of the warehouse to where their cars were.

- - -

He was furious. Absolutely enraged.

Even days after it happened, Taeyong still couldn't believe that she had dared to disobey him on a mission. As he thought back to the event, he could still picture her face. The hardened, cold expression as she stood up to him.

It made him angry. No one challenged him. No one ever. Until she did.

As much as it angered him, there was also something intriguing about it. He kept thinking back to the moment, anger flaring in his mind but something else lingering there.

He wouldn't let himself dwell on it, shaking off the feeling as he prepared for another mission. His car speeding towards the location through the night.

He quickly arrived on sight, another sex trafficking ring for them to disrupt. He slammed his car door, seeing two cars there already with Johnny and Jaehyun waiting.

"Is it just us for this one?" He asked, catching the gun that Jaehyun tossed to him.

"One more car." Johnny reported. "There they are."

The three turned as Yuta's car pulled into the dirt pullout, the Japanese boy stepping out of the driver's seat with a nod. Taeyong returned the gesture before seeing the passenger seat open as well and Chaerin step out. The leader's grip tightened on his gun as he watched Jaehyun give her a quick side hug and Johnny pass her a gun of her own.

"Alright, let's make this quick." He said, setting out into the dark building.

Chaerin rolled her eyes, she didn't miss the glare Taeyong sent her when she got out of the car. Jaehyun saw her reaction, giving her a quick pat on the back before setting off on his own.

She let out a sigh, doing a quick scan to make sure she was fully equipped before turning and snaking her way around the building.

"Hey Renjun?" She asked, pressing her in-ear mic.


"This is another sex trafficking breakup, isn't it?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Are there innocents inside this one too?"

"Yes. About 8. Why do you ask?"

"Because we all know how wonderful that went over with Taeyong and I last time."

"Maybe just let him do his thing, Chae, you don't want to piss him off." Renjun mumbled lowly.

"Look, I'm fine with murdering these sick criminals, but these girl don't deserve to die. Taeyong can take his attitude to hell for all I care."

"So stubborn..." Renjun tsked through the mic. "You're almost there."

"Got it, thanks."

She heard him cut the line as she stared down another group of men. Sex traffickers. The horrified looks on the girls faces in the center made her feel sick to her stomach, clutching her gun tightly as she aimed at one of the men.

Yuta's shot rung out in the building, Chaerin instantly pulling her trigger on her target as well as she gripped her gun and prepared to drop in.

"Here we go again." She mumbled, hopping out from her hiding place and jumping into the fray.

Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to quickly update in honor of my 300 followers! Thank you guys so much and I hope you're enjoying the story!

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Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to quickly update in honor of my 300 followers! Thank you guys so much and I hope you're enjoying the story!

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