Chapter 35 | "trust you"

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At the sound of a door opening, all the guys were on their feet, nervously anticipating who would be walking into their house. The moment Taeyong rounded the corner, they started throwing questions at him, only to for him to silence them with a wave.

"Shh, she's sleeping." He whispered, gently carrying the exhausted girl in his arms. "It's been a rough day for her."

"Is she okay?" Yuta asked quietly, his eyes wide with concern as he noticed all the blood on her.

"It's not hers, she's not hurt." Taeyong replied, causing all the boys to relax. "Not physically at least."

"Why don't you take her to the medical office." Taeil suggested. "I can give her some medicine to relax her until she's ready to wake up."

Taeyong nodded, dipping his head to the rest of the boys as he followed the older boy to his office. Once there, he carefully laid her on one of the beds as Taeil set up some fluid and medication for her.

"Taeyong." Gestured the older boy once he was done, calling him away from her and into his office.

Carefully he shut the door, making sure that Chaerin was still asleep before letting out a sigh.

"What happened?"

"She lost it." Taeyong whispered. "All the grief that she's been trying to push down has finally caught up to her. She killed people and then was on the verge of killing herself."

"I see..." Taeil mumbled solemnly. "I'll give her some stuff to regulate her emotions for the next few days and we'll keep a close eye on her until she's stable."

"What should the rest of us do?"

"Be there for her. Act normal. No violence or fighting or anything around her for a while. Nothing that'll skew her emotions or mental state. Right now, she just needs to stay calm and grieve."

"I'll tell the guys, thanks Taeil." The leader said gratefully, rising from his seat.

"No problem."

Taeyong dipped his head to the medic as he exited the small office. He stared at Chaerin's small body, her face and hands covered in the blood of her victims with tears staining her cheeks.

He let out a sigh, casting a final, pitiful glance at the broken girl before leaving her to sleep.

- - -

"Morning loves, how are you?" Taeyong said softly as he walked into the medical office the next day, seeing her sitting up in bed already.

"I feel funny." She replied with a pout.

"Funny?" He asked, eyes widening in concern. "Have you told Taeil?"

"You mean the fluffy moon man? He turned me into an elephant, I think it might be poison."

"I had her inhale some laughing gas to relieve her anxiety." Taeil answered, seeing the confused look on Taeyong's face. "She woke up screaming snd crying and I couldn't even talk to her."

"I see." He replied, his eyes softening as he looked at her. "How long will she be like this?"

"Maybe an hour or less. She kinda says anything that comes to her mind right now, so be careful." Taeil replied, standing up and walking to his private office. "Don't upset her."

"Got it."

"Hey, Taetae!" She called, a goofy expression on her face. "I gotta tell you something but it's a secret, okay?"


"Come here." she whispered, beckoning him over.


He took a seat at the edge of her bed.


He leaned in.

"I think I like you." She whispered with a chuckle.

"You like me?" He asked, his heart skipping a beat.

She squinted at him, holding her index finger and thumb an inch apart. He let out a chuckle, nodding his head in understanding.

"Well thank you, I like you too."

She nodded, staring up at him before letting out a gasp.

"You have a little rose on your face, I'm jealous!" She said with a pout.


"Yeah right there!" She reached up and touched the scar near his eye. "it's so pretty~ I want one!"

"I promise you, you don't want one of these." He laughed out, remembering just how painful it was.

"Yes I do, you soggy waffle, don't tell me what to do!"

"Did you just call me a soggy waffle?" He asked in amusement, seeing her nod at him with a very serious expression. "Jesus Christ, Taeil how much stuff did you give her?"

"Hey, don't judge me!" She said before breaking into a yawn.

"Are you getting tired?" She nodded. "Alright, go back to sleep then, I'll be here when you wake up."

"Promise?" She asked softly.


"Okay then, goodnight flower boy."

After seeing her off to sleep, Taeil walked back into the room, smiling at the way Taeyong was staring at the small girl.

"She'll be up again in an hour or so but at that point the laughing gas will have worn off." He said, startling the younger boy. "I think you should stay here. Wait with her until she wakes up."


"She trusts you in a different way from the rest of us."  Taeil replied with a smile. "Believe me, she's going to need you here for her when she wakes up."


With a dip of his head, Taeil exited the room, leaving Taeyong to sigh to himself as he watched her, mentally preparing himself for how she'd be when she woke up.

With a dip of his head, Taeil exited the room, leaving Taeyong to sigh to himself as he watched her, mentally preparing himself for how she'd be when she woke up

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