Chapter 8 | "he hurt you"

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"I cannot believe you talked back to Taeyong like that." Yuta muttered as she closed her locker. "How are you still alive and walking?"

"Look I don't know the dude, so I'm not scared of him the way you guys are." She replied.

"You should be."

"You're probably right, but I'm not. And I'm not just going to let someone punch me and say nothing."

"Yeah speaking of punch, how's your face?" Yuta asked, looking at the bruise on her cheek that she tried (and failed) to cover with makeup.

"Painful." She sighed. "No I'm fine, just a big ass bruise and my jaw is a bit sore but it's whatever. I'm more pissed that it happened than hurt."

"Yeah no ones ever talked to him that way." He replied with a nod. "I think you even surprised him. He was pretty speechless after you left, and that never happens."

"Well he deserved it. That fucker hits damn hard and I wasn't even paying attention. It was a cheap shot." She grunted out angrily.

"I just wish you had the guts to talk to your boyfriend the way you talked to Taeyong." Yuta muttered, catching sight of Hansol at the other end of the hallway.

"Yuta, you know it's different." She sighed, stopping to face him.

"Why. Why does he get a pass? Why is he allowed to treat you that way?"

"Yuta, I've liked him for four years. Since freshman year I've had a crush on him. You're not deaf, I know you hear how people talk about what a great guy he is."

"Yeah but he doesn't act like one." He muttered bitterly.

"Well there's got to be a reason everyone speaks so highly of him. And I've liked him for so long, I'm sure he'll come around."

"You've liked the idea of him, Chaerin." Yuta said slowly. "Actually being with him is different. Just because people like him, doesn't mean he deserves a pass."

"It's just hard, Yuta. I know you guys hate him but there's something about him that makes me stay." She said quietly, a deep frown on her face.

"Hey, hey I didn't mean to make you sad." Yuta said quickly, noticing her expression. "I'm just saying that I think you deserve better, but if he really makes you happy, then that's fine."

She smiled at her friend, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. The hug was quickly broken as she felt a hand wrap around her forearm and yank her away.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hansol growled out harshly, his fingers digging into the skin on her arm.

"I was just hugging him. He's a friend, Hansol, it's fine." She said, wincing slightly from the pain.

"God what happened to your face? You can't be walking around looking like that, I have a reputation to uphold you know." He said with disgust, staring at the dark spot on her cheek.

"I'm sorry, it's just- ow can you please let go? You're hurting me." She winced out, his fingers digging in harder, no doubt leaving bruises.

"You don't get to make demands, I-"

"I think she said to let her go."

They both turned at the sound of a voice. Chaerin smiled as she saw Jaehyun walking over to them, Lucas and Sicheng on either side of him. The three had a dominating aura as they approached, reminding Chaerin of just how lethal they actually were.

"Back of kid, this doesn't involve you." Hansol scoffed out, gripping her arm tighter. "I don't talk with juniors or freshmen."

"Well I don't take well to being ignored." Jaehyun growled, resting a hand threateningly on Hansol's shoulder as he noticed the way Chaerin's face was contorting in pain.

"Back off, loser, or else I'll-"

"Or else you'll what?" Lucas asked lowly, stepping closer to Hansol and staring down at him.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do?" Sicheng added, mimicking Lucas.

"You don't want to mess with me." Hansol said lowly, causing the three boys to let out dark chuckles.

"Really?" Lucas chuckled. "Try us."

Hansol stared at the three tall boys, their eyes dark and muscles tense. Knowing he was beat, he stepped back, slightly loosening his grip on Chaerin's arm but pulling her towards him anyway.

"She said to let go." Jaehyun repeated, stepping close to them again. "So I suggest you do as she asked or else we're going to have a problem."

"I think I know what my girlfriend wants."

Jaehyun's eyes widened at the word 'girlfriend'. They knew she was dating someone, but they didn't think he would treat her like that. It broke their hearts to see the helpless look on her face, so opposite to her usual self at home.

"Then let her decide." Lucas said quickly. "Are you okay with this, Chaerin?"

She paused, looking between the boys momentarily as Hansol tightened his grip on her. The moment she started to feel pain on her arm she shook her head.

"Please let go." She said quietly.

Hansol's eyes narrowed in anger but he complied, releasing her arm. She didn't miss the rage in his eyes as he turned away from her and stalked down the hallway.

"Chaerin, are you alright?" Lucas asked as Jaehyun examined her arm.

"I'm fine."

"She's got some bruises. Damnit he hurt you, I'll go kill that fucker-"

"If that was an option, I would've done it already." Yuta grumbled, cutting off Jaehyun.

"I-I'm gonna go." Chaerin said quietly, turning and running down the hallway.

"Chae-" Sicheng called after her but she was already gone.

"Chae-" Sicheng called after her but she was already gone

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