Chapter 16 | "not so fast"

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"So he just let you go? Really? He just yelled at you then drove you home without doing anything?"

"Yup." Chaerin said with a nod as she walked with Yuta through the hallways of their school. "I yelled back of course but yeah, he didn't hurt me or anything."

"You really have some guts, Chae." He replied, shaking his head in astonishment. "It takes a lot to stand up to him without being hurt."

Chaerin just shrugged, opening her locker to grab her books.

"Oh speaking of hurt, how's your wound?"

"Eh it's fine, just a little stab wound."

"Did someone say stab wound?" The pair turned to see the other three boys walking up to them. "Is that from Taeyong?"

"No, just a mission mistake." She replied with a shake of her head.

"Oh really? I heard Taeyong held you back yesterday, surprised to see you in one piece." Ten said, shutting her locker for her as they set off.

"Did he do something, Chae?"

"No actually he didn't." She replied, seeing Kun visibly relax. "I'm just fine. We yelled at one another a bit and then he just backed off and drove me home. It was really weird."

The four boys exchanged glances, they obviously knew something that she didn't. Just as she opened her mouth to question them, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hansol?" She asked, seeing the tall boy standing in front of her.

"Hey, uh, can we talk?"

She felt the boys stiffen behind her, their gazes narrowing into glares. Chaerin straightened up, feeling her heart beat faster at the sight of her ex before waving them off.

"What do you want?" She asked once they were alone.

"I want to get back together."

"What?" She recoiled in shock.

"Yeah, I miss you." He mumbled, lightly grabbing her hand.

"You've literally dated 5 other girls in the last two months that we've been broken up."

"I know but it just made me realize that I miss you. I want you back." He pleaded with round eyes. "I love you, Chaerin,"

She gasped at his confession, at a total loss for words as her head began spinning. She had waited four years to hear those words from him, and finally hearing him say that he loves her eliminated all rational thought from her head.

"Don't you love me too?" He asked forcefully.

"I- I uh-"

"You love me right?"



"Sure." She spat out quickly.

"Good then it's settled, we're getting back together." He said cheerily, squeezing her hand. "I'll see you later, babe."

He flashed her a smile before turning and walking down the hallway towards his next class.

- - -

"You did what?" Yuta exclaimed, the four boys staring at her with a mix of shock and frustration.

"Why would you say yes? You've been so much better off without him!" Doyoung reasoned gently.

"I know I just... I don't know. He said he loved me, so I wanted to give him another chance." She said quietly, staring at the ground.

"He said he loved you?" Kun echoed, an understanding frown appearing on his face. "Oh Chaerin...."

"I've been waiting so long." She mumbled.

"It's alright, we understand. Maybe he'll be better this time." Kun said hopefully as they arrived home. "Just be careful, alright?"

"I will." She said with a smile as they walked into the house.

When they entered, Jaehyun was there, waiting for them.

"What's up, Jae?" Ten asked, high fiving the younger boy.

"Training. Taeyong wanted everyone down in the practice room asap."

Chaerin rolled her eyes, dropping her bag on the couch and heading down to the practice room with the others.

She sighed as she noticed it was ground combat day. She could already feel her wound aching at the thought of it but stepped onto the mat and began stretching nonetheless.

- - -

After a few hours of practice, and Taeil checking up on her every few minutes, Chaerin was sore to say the least. Despite asking Taeyong for an off day to heal, he refused. Thankfully, all the guys had gone easy on her and had taken extra care with her wound.

"Alright guys, last round of fighting and then you're done for the day, pair up." Taeyong called out to the guys.

Chaerin looked around for someone who she hadn't fought yet, making eye contact with a smiling Jaemin as he beckoned her over. She took a step towards him before an arm shot out to stop her.

"Not so fast." She turned to see Taeyong looking at her. "You're fighting me for this round."

She felt a chill go down her spine as she nodded at him, sending an apologetic glance to Jaemin before facing the older boy.

Letting out a deep sigh, she ran towards him, swinging out with her arm. She felt her fist connect with his shoulder, the older boy grunting at the impact before spinning around and hitting her in the back.

They exchanged hits back and fourth, Chaerin pushing herself to fight back harder, the last thing she wanted was to be humiliated by him. She was starting to get the upper hand, backing him towards one corner of the mat.

She noticed the sounds of fighting around them cease, glancing at the boys who were now watching her and Taeyong with curious smiles. The older boy noticed her momentary distraction, using the opportunity to flip the fight. Literally.

Before she knew it, he had grabbed hold of her arm and flipped her straight onto her back. She thumped onto the ground with a loud, painful thud, the boys around the room sharing a collective gasp.

"Don't lose focus." Taeyong growled at her. "If this was a real fight, you'd be dead."

She just stared up at him, anger flooding her veins as she felt searing pain where her stab wound was. She noticed Taeil rush forward, bending down to take a look at her but she waved him away.

"Everybody out of here. Right now." She growled lowly.

The boys exchanged nervous glances at her command, the air tense with nervous silence.

"I said now! Go!"

"I said now! Go!"

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