Forcing a smile and waving goodbye

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1 Hour Left...

I was stood in the middle of the airport, my bag clutched in my left hand and my suitcase in my other. This was it.

"Fook off, You ain't goin'!" Nick grabbed me in a headlock causing me to laugh loudly as he tried to tug me toward the exit.

"I'm going to miss you attacking me." I giggled as he let me go, I ran a hand through my hair and stared back at the 7 faces gazing at me.

"Shall we grab a coffee before you go?" Matt suggested, I glanced at everyone who nodded, Alex moved over to me and took my Suitcase from me.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

"Oh no I'm not helping yer, I'm case-napping it so you can't go.." Alex chuckled devilishly as he jogged up ahead of us and pulled my suitcase behind him.

"You are a dick!" I called and Chased after him, not even looking where I was going when I completely missed the fact he'd tripped on the suitcase and was now on the floor, followed by me, that was now on top of him.

"You elbowed me ribs!" Alex groaned as I was in a mess of laughter, people around us staring as if we were aliens.

I snorted as I stood up and helped him up after me, the others heading over to us all shaking their heads giggling quietly.

"Sorry." Alex waved off an old couple we'd fallen over next to. They whispered to eachother before walking off.

"Someone hasn't had their wheetabix." Alex mumbled and raised his brows.

"Coffee! Come on you slow coaches." Matt ordered.

"Slow? We were way ahead of you!" Alex clipped the back of Matts head with his hand, tugging my suitcase behind him as we walked to a Starbucks in the airport.

I walked in between Bre and Thalia, each of them linking their arms through my own as we reminisced on our moments we'd spent all together.

I was an iced coffee girl, don't get me wrong hot coffees are nice but iced coffee is just that much better. We sat at two tables pushed together, laughing loudly at little things no one but us would've found funny, I couldn't help but keep checking the time on my phone, it was 6:56am, I had 35 minutes left.

"El." Jamie grabbed my attention and gestured to my drink asking to try some, I handed it over to him and watched him sip it slowly before scrunching his face up and shivering.

"Brain freeze." He squealed and put the drink down immediately, we all erupted into laughter as he rubbed his temples and groaned.

"Hey Eleanor I forgot to give yer this." Matt handed me an envelope, I furrowed my brows at him with a curious smile on my lips as I unpeeled the top and peered inside.

"It's all the photos I've taken of your time with us." Matt smiled, my heart melted as I pulled out a bunch of pictures held together by a hair band which was most likely Breana's, I made a note to give it to her because hair bands were such an easy thing to lose. I literally had two, fuck knows where the rest had gone.

"These are so good Matt oh my god." I smiled as I looked through each of the pictures, Breana leant her head on my shoulder looking at the photos with me.

"Ay look it's me!" Alex chuckled from the other side of me, pointing his finger to the picture of me sat in front of my 'Goodbye Cake' and Alex pretending to eat the icing off the top.

I grinned as I flicked through the rest of the pictures before putting them back into the envelope and sealing it back up. I slipped the envelope into my suitcase so I knew it'd be safe as those were pictures I wanted to treasure forever.

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