The mysterious man who calls himself my Father..

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"Bullshit." I muttered, tears pricking my eyes as I glared daggers at my so-called 'Father' before me.

"Why would I lie?" He smirked, his smirk looked a little like my own, not that I smirked very much.

"Because you're a stranger." I huffed, furrowing my brows so tightly together that I could've popped a vein.

He thinned his eyes at me before standing up and making me jump slightly, he moved closer causing me to lean back and shift in my seat. Extending his hand out to me I glanced to and from his face and his hand.

"Blake Meyer."
I gulped before letting my hand meet his own and shaking it slowly, removing my hand as quickly as I could afterwards.

"Eleanor D'Aboville, don't think I'm taking your last name, I still don't believe you." I mumbled.

"I'm gonna be honest here okay?" Blake smiled sarcastically, shaking his head and pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek after he spoke.

"I never liked your Dad, he was a right cunt..." I stood from my seat, not that I had much strength within me now and I felt like I could collapse any moment but no one dares talk about my Dad that way.

"Shut your fucking mouth." I grit my teeth hard, watching the man before me chuckle at my reaction, my fists clenched.

"..He would taunt me all high school, thought he was the right big man, took the piss when your Mum left me for Him, that angered me to levels no one understands. You see, I loved your Mum, I'd have done anything for her.." Blake took another step forward, I backed away so the back of my calves hit the cold seat.

"..But clearly your Mother was just looking for a one night stand, I was left heartbroken, whilst she was off living her best life with your 'Dad'.." He used his fingers to gesture speech marks as he said that word, it made bile rise on my tongue at how cocky he was.

"I'd see it all on Facebook, pictures of you all on holiday, pictures of your Mum kissing your Dad, it made me sick really, how did he get to be so happy when I was just left in the dirt?" Blake thinned his eyes once more, the look in them was psychotic, my chest tightened, I did not feel safe right now.

"It had been about, god...twenty something years? And I still wasn't over her. It got me so riled up that one night I just..." He let out a sharp breathe, a hot tear trickled down my cheek to which I brushed away immediately.

"..Well I found out where your family lived, a voice sort of told me in my head, 'that should be you in there, laughing with your wife and children, waiting for your middle daughter to come home from work'" A short gasp escaped my parted lips from his words, no no no.

"..So without hesitation, I made it happen, I went in there Eleanor all guns a blazin' booted that pathetic front door of yours down and well...something on your front porch caught my eye..." He tilted his head slowly, his eyes running all over my face as if he was mocking me with that stupid voice in his head.

"..This broken metal pipe on the floor, I picked it up without a doubt, I heard your Mum and 'Dad' questioning what the noise was, the first person to come out was your brother. He looked too much like your Dad and that just made me fucking pissed off."

"I don't wanna hear it, get the fuck away from me..." I mumbled, shuffling away from him as best I could before he harshly grabbed my wrist and tugged me back, a small scream escaped my lips but his other hand slammed over my mouth, muffling any noise to come out.

"..He was dead in no time, next was your Dad....Oh-ho, god wasn't I dreaming of doing that to him for years..." My tears ran underneath his palm, causing him to glare daggers straight into my soul.

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