Every love song is about you

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"Alex looks like he's been hit by a bus!" Nick laughed loudly as we strolled into the airport hand-in-hand toward the loudest group there.

"Fuck off." Alex groaned and let go of the trolley holding our bags and suitcases to rub his eye tiredly, I briefly embraced the girls and moved round to the guys, "How's he been?" Nick asked me, leaving his arm loosely wrapped over my shoulders.

"He's been good." I grinned and looked over to Alex whom looked absolutely miserable because he was 'Knackered' I don't blame him though as it was 5:45am in the morning, though our plane didn't take off until 7am, Matt insisted on us getting there an hour beforehand.

"I fancy Maccies." Jamie huffed, Katie scowled as she looked over at him and berated him for 'constantly wanting unhealthy food' to which Jamie pulled a face at her for and then sulked like a child.

"A McMuffin does sound pretty good right now." Breana mumbled, leaning to the side and resting her head droopily on my shoulder, I leant my temple against the top of her head and sighed heavily.

"McDonald's then?" Matt asked, earning a very enthusiastic (not) chorus of 'Yeahs' from the rest of us, I happily waddled over to Alex and intertwined our hands once more, he pushed the trolly along with his free hand and brought my hand up to his lips to place a sloppy kiss on my knuckles as we headed to McDonald's.

"You can sleep for the whole flight Al." I smiled up at him, "Can I use yer as a pillow?" He asked, "It's first class Al so we'll have beds..." I giggled lightly, "But yes you can use me as a pillow."

McDonald's honestly seemed like heaven on earth so early in the morning, I only rarely ate from here so seeing the food advertised on the screens dotted around the place really made my mouth water.

Alex waited outside with the trolly, alongside Matt, Jamie and Kelly as they each had trollies with their and their other halves' belongings on. "Al what'd you want?" I called out to him, "A sausage and Egg McMuffin with a hash brown please love." Alex retorted.

I placed the order on one of those TV things that you can order on, Nick crept up behind me and punched my back lightly causing me to jump out my skin. "Bastard." I huffed as he chuckled and stood by my side flicking his receipt in the air.

"What ya gettin'?" Nick asked me, "Cheesy bacon flatbread, Al's having a McMuffin then were both having a hash brown." I said, tapping my card against the machine and waiting for the receipt.

"Ohh my numbers just been called!" Nick squealed and ran off to the counter to collect his food, I laughed and shook my head at him, he'd always been my closest friend out of the lads, I looked at him like a brother as things he did very much reminded me of what my older brother was like.

"Here you are." I hummed and handed Alex his bag with breakfast inside, he gushed like a little boy and leant down to skim his lips over mine briefly as a 'Thank you'

"God do you two ever keep it PG." Jamie groaned from beside us before taking a bite out of his food, I looked to Alex whom was also stifling a laugh just like myself before we looked back to Jamie and shook our heads.

"I'm so happy there's no press about, I look like a right tit." Katie huffed as she sat down on the edge of her and Jamie's trolly, "Yer look gorgeous shut up." Jamie nudged his elbow against her head and I couldn't help but smile at the two.

Once we'd boarded the plane everyone seemed to be in a better mood, each of us securing our seats and saying bye for the moment to one another as the first class seats were like little tiny bedrooms and had curtains sectioning them off.

"Can you come in the same one as me?" Alex asked me, we were stood in the middle of the aisle, I was placing my bags down onto one seat though Alex's was across the aisle from me, "What both of us in that one?" I asked him with a light laugh, gesturing to the reclined seat.

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