Out of the frying pan, Into the water

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Eleanor's POV:

My hands shook violently with anticipation as a member of the Jury slowly stood to give their final statement about whether Meyer should be thrown in jail.

Alex had been up on the Plaintiff yesterday and Meyer had gone up there this morning, Alex's speech was far more convincing than my own as Alex explained the look in my eyes when he burst into the hospital and found us both.

"Hey, you alright?" Alex leaned his head down to my ear and whispered, his hands slowly moving over to cup my own before bringing them to rest in his on his knee. I nodded, smiling softly at the reassuring gesture.

"Your Honour we've rounded up our notes, taken in every ounce of information, spoken to Detectives and looked through files.." The member of Jury spoke loudly, my eyes shooting over as I watched her read from her sheet, my throat ran dry and suddenly it became very hard to breathe.

"..As the Jury, Speaking for the Murder of The D'Aboville family, with Mr. Blake Meyer as the official suspect in the mystery.." Alex squeezed my hands, the world caving in as these next few words to fall from the woman's mouth depended on my entire future. Knitting my eyes shut and rocking my head downward, I couldn't watch.

"We have come to the conclusion that Mr. Blake Meyer is guilty for murder in the first degree." My eyes shot open as a gasp of air escaped the back of my throat, Alex's entire body relaxed beside me as a hushed chatter flooded through the room. Alex turned and cupped the sides of my face, his tear-filled eyes looking into my own as he nodded to say 'we did it.'

"Order." The Judge called, tapping his gavel against the sound block, the sound echoing throughout the hall as I turned and watched Meyer get ripped up from his seat by two officers and taken out of the room.

"We did it." I breathed out in relief, standing up slowly alongside Alex, he chuckled breathlessly before turning me to face him and pulling me into his chest, "Yeah we did El." He whispered, planting a long kiss on the top of my head as happy tears escaped my eyes and soaked his shirt.

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"Eleanor!" A voice called behind me as Alex and I strolled out of the building towards my car.

Turning on my heal I was met with my two bestfriends whom I hadn't seen in what felt like years. "Luna? What the fuck!" I beamed, unlinking my hand from under Alex's arm and bounding over to her, her scent of sweet perfume engulfing my nostrils as she swayed us both side to side.

"We've been coming to the trials since they started, we couldn't get a seat next to you yesterday or today.." She said as she pulled back from me, a lanky figure soon came into view from behind her as Wayne towered over the two of us, a wide grin spread across his lips as I released Luna and leapt onto him.

"So that's it, it's officially over." Lu smiled, sniffing back her tears (that we're all tears of happiness and relief of course) as Wayne loosely wrapped an arm around us both, the three of us strolling over to Alex who had his back leant up the side of my car and his hands in his slack pockets.

"He been taking care of you El?" Wayne asked as we stopped in front of him, Alex nodding toward the two with a soft smile before looking to me. "Yeah he's been the best." I beamed at him appreciatively, before slivering out from Wayne's strong hold on my shoulders and moving next to Alex to face my two bestfriends.

"You're both more than welcome to join El and I for a meal tonight." Alex offered, his hand coming round to gently touch the small of my back. I watched as Luna eyed him suspiciously before shaking her head with a smirk tugging at her lips, my brows furrowed as I made a mental note to pull her up on that later.

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