That's why I know she likes me.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to hurt her or lead her on. I would never.
Let's go back to the beginning.
(inserts cool transition)
It started 3 years ago when me and Soo-ah had just moved to Japan. It was around then when I started picking up strange signals from her. She had been less focused and I noticed that she picked up a habit of spacing out.
One day, after training we went home to take a shower. After I finished, Soo-ah went in to shower but I realized that I left my hair dryer inside the bathroom so I went back in to get it. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Me and Soo-ah are close so it wasn't uncomfortable.
But when I walked in, I heard her talking to herself. She didn't notice my presence in the steamy bathroom and I could easily pick up her echoing words no matter how much I tried to block it out.
Her conversation to herself went like 'Day 3 of realizing I have a big crush on my best friend. Today, we held another mini-game. Of course Li won. I asked her again to play me seriously but she brushed me off AGAIN,'
'She's so cool! I want to be with her and be like her at the same time! She has no idea how pretty and addicting she is and I am so grateful to be her friend but it can't hurt to like her in a romantic way, can it?'
'AISH, what do you think about it, Soo-ah? Hmm, I don't know. I'm only barely 12. I don't even know if this will ever get anywhere. I spent a month trying to figure out these feelings. I would be heartbroken if she stopped being friends with me,'
'So I probably shouldn't ever tell her. I'll just be her friend,'
(cool transition back)
And that's how it happened.
She has no idea that I know and I intend on keeping it that way. I have no intentions on ruining a perfectly fine friendship over something that won't ever work.
I don't feel anything for her and I probably won't ever. Call it cruel, call it toxic, call it whatever you want. I'm trying to protect both of us.
I ruffle my hair with my towel to try and clean off the dirt and sweat before walking towards Jiyeon who waved me over.
'That was pretty sick,' she commented in Chinese.
'你也可以,' (niyekeyi) I reply. You're pretty strong too.
We share a similar evil grin. 'At first glance, we look like polar opposites but there are quite a few things we have in common,'
'Really?' she raised an eyebrow.
'Mhm, we both have someone we idolize and we both have that ability to mess with our opponents,'
'Hehe I guess,'
'Your direct attack scared me and all you're such a heavy hitter, not to mention your accuracy and jumping power,'
'You're better. Your defense is so untouchable it's kinda scary. We both know that if you played how you normally play, I wouldn't last a chance,'
'You drew out my hunger pretty well. I look forward to seeing you again,' I say lazily before walking off, a smile creeping onto my face.
*Soo-ah's POV*
'That, is a Li in her natural habitat. On the court, playing against a worthy opponent. DO YOU GUYS SEE THAT SMILE?!?'
Annie prodded her chin onto her hands. 'It's kinda weird seeing her so... what's the right word? Warm? Bright? Determined? Human?
The triplets nodded in agreement.
'I've never seen her so powered up,' I say to them and they look at me in surprise. 'Not even all those years ago when she still pushed herself continuously,'
I feel a now-familiar pain.
'I've never seen her so happy,' I whisper.
*Li's POV*
I run up to my team who immediately jumped on top of me. 'Not now, guys, I just exercised,'
A light laugh escapes my mouth and my eyes close and they laughed as well.
'Wait,' Esme pauses.
'What?' I ask.
'She didn't say no,'
'She said not now,' Wren continues, looking me up and down suspiciously.
I tilt my head a little in confusion.
' she suggesting something?'
'Not really?' I answer.
We share a laugh and it's the most alive I've felt since all those years ago when I was still in China.
'Ah Li, where you been?' I hear Soo-ah ask.
I turn to her with a smile and we share a conspiratorial laugh before I run towards Jiao Lian who was motioning for me to go to her.
'So I was watching,'
'I had no idea,' I replied, my tone light.
She chuckled.
'If your game didn't impress me before, your game against Jeon certainly did,'
I feel a smile on my face.
'You're certainly one of the most extraordinary players I've ever met and I can guarantee that wherever you go, you will be able to play professionally,'
I nod and she continues. 'I'm sure scouts from all around the world would love to have you on their teams and I'm aware you have many recruitments already. If you do consider our team, please contact me. We have a holiday camp starting in a few days in your hometown area,'
She passes me a business card which I pocket before giving her a 'yes!!!' look.
I walk away giving her a small bow and I feel all my energy disperse. My breathing slows a little and my eyes falter. And just like that, I was back to being the girl I usually am. My presence diminishes and I motion to Soo-ah that I'm leaving.
She follows me, dragging the other girls with her. All the scouts and the other school watched us leave.
We were walking down the street in silence. It was calm and peaceful.
'Were you ever gonna play us like that?'
I stop. My emotions were back in control and my eyes were fixed back to their normal dazy and tired stance as I open my mouth to reply.
Author's Note:
im getting ripped tonite rip that 🐱 ayee

Her Captain, The Gamemaster
Fanfiction'It's possible to be alone but not be lonely, y'know?' 'Not friends, not enemies. Just strangers with memories' 'Because once upon a time, you were my everything' The story of a girl who just wants some peace and quiet and maybe play some volleyball...