I sprint up the flights of steps and within seconds, I was already on the fourth floor. I could hear Soo-ah yelling at me from two floors down and I smirk. I run up the last two staircases to our shared room and slide behind the mini-bar. Within less than a minute, my best friend burst through the non-existent door.
'Yah! That was unfair, you jerk!' she yelled. I sense her scanning the room and I let out a small scoff, laughing to myself like the evil villian I am. She walks over to the wardrobe and I snuck behind her.
She turns a few times but I'm one step ahead. I roll over to the beanbags near our mini-library and wait for her to head back to the area near our beds. She was inspecting the balcony door when I ran up from behind her and-
She jumped and steadied herself, holding her heart.
'Are you three years old?' she asks, panting.
'No,' I huff.
Oh no. I am a three year old.
'Scaring people with 'boo' and cheating in a race,' she tuts as I pull her up.
'Well, you got scared and you lost so you're just salty,' I poke my tongue out at her.
She rolls her eyes as she pushes me into the bathroom. 'Go shower. You stink,'
'Shut up,' I mumble as she passes me new clothes and underwear from the wardrobe.
I peel off my tragic pajamas that I spent a day-out in and pull my hair into a quick messy bun. I turn on the shower tap and waited until it got hot enough for me to step in. As the mist slowly filled the room, I pulled out my phone to connect it to the speaker.
I embrace the hot water as Lovesick Girls by Blackpink starts to echo in the room. Over the years, I've learnt a decent amount of Korean from Soo-ah and she's learnt my dialect. We studied Japanese together so we both are quite talented in the linguistics area but Soo-ah loves it more than I do. She loves travelling.
Not me though.
Why people want to leave their home, I don't know. I'm happy where I am. In this hidden piece of land worshipped by the people and embraced by the mountains. I'm happy in this place.
'But we were born to be alone,' the speaker played.
'Yeah, we were born to be alone,' I sang back.
I turn off the shower tap as the speaker echoed my words. I take a breath and open my eyes, water droplets decorating my eyelashes.
'But why we still looking for love?'
I stare at the floor as I slowly dried myself, thinking.
Soo-ah chose this song.
It was actually this song that made me realize that she liked me. She showed me the song so we could determine if we should add it to the playlist or not. I remember clearly the way she stared at me while I listened to the song. I may have closed my eyes and had headphones in but I could see the way she stared at me.
It was as clear as day.
The way she closed the space between us while I was in my own musical world and whispered to me.
Of course, I didn't hear what she said. I'm not God.
I quickly slip into a pair of pajama shorts. Baby blue and was cropped around my waist, exposing my bellybutton.
At least, they do my legs justice.
I step out of the bathroom into my favourite pair of slippers, which has been baby blue for years.
Ayy, I match.
I pull out my hair tie, letting my dark hair fall back into its natural position. The mist made it a bit wavy and I run my hands through my bangs, as it rests into a natural wolfcut. I've had bangs for years as well.
I stroll into the bedroom part of the no-doors apartment-like room and stare at a full length mirror.
Like usual, I look the same.
Whether, I'm dressing up, sleeping or mid-receive, I always look the same. I don't know why some people are so insecure about how they look 24/7 but maybe it's cuz I can't relate.
I don't think I have insecurities but I know I have flaws. Just none that I obsess over. As I recall, my school measurement statistics said that I was as flat as a 7-year-old boy.
I don't really care though. At least I have as ass and that's more than the school nurse can say.
105cm legs, 39cm waist, 45cm ass...
Damm, I forgot I was model for a sec. Whatever.
I walk over to my bed amidst all the chaos, a.k.a the luggage and billions of boxes.
'SOo-ah,' I call out.
'I'm right next to you- What do you want?'
I turn to my left and sure enough, she was sitting on her bed. (in case anyone forgot, the feet of their beds are aligned)
'Should we unpack?'
She stared at me.
'Probably should,'
There was silence.
'Do you want to go the lake?'
I grab a pastel pink and grey windbreaker from the wardrobe and dash down the stairs. I dash the kitchen, stopping to smell the delicious wontons. I savored the scent of the scallions before running out into the garden, down the polished stone stairs. I hear Soo-ah yelling at me to be careful and after several flights, we arrive at the side of the lake.
I take a deep breath as the wind ruffled my hair.
This is one of the places I go when I'm stressed. It helps clear my mind and when I leave, I always know exactly what to do.
I look to my right at the volleyball court which was clean and spotless. I stroll over to the court and opened the underground shed where all our equipment was kept. I take out a plain white Mikasa and toss it to Soo-ah.
The two of us start passing to each other.
It's probably not wise to exercise after showering.
It's summer in a couple months so it's fine. Neither of us sweated anyway.
We continue migrating to the east and the mountains slowly disappeared and we were started to greet a set of rocky hills (im pretty sure that is the definition of mountain-)
The grass turned to sand and I catch the ball, stopping our rally.
I take off my rubber slippers and slide into the calm waves. Soo-ah follows suit as we stare at the moon, who revealed herself to us, the clouds making way for the queen herself.
I stroll around, kicking water at Soo-ah every now and then.
'Soo-ah,' I call out, wanting to clear some thoughts.
'Hm?' I sense her presence a couple metres to my left and a couple steps behind me.
'Can we talk?'
Author's Note:
ello. so schools back in session and istg online learning is gonna kill me

Her Captain, The Gamemaster
Fanfiction'It's possible to be alone but not be lonely, y'know?' 'Not friends, not enemies. Just strangers with memories' 'Because once upon a time, you were my everything' The story of a girl who just wants some peace and quiet and maybe play some volleyball...