*Li's POV*
My eyes flutter open to be greeted with the chirping of birds outside my window and the rays of the sun peaking through the curtains. I get up and without even thinking about it, I stretch my arms over my shoulder. I look around the room.
Luggage. Everywhere.
I groan, knowing that I will have to unpack them all later and I slip my feet into a pair of small baby blue slippers as I stood up, taking in the smell of fresh sheets and clean pajamas.
I throw open a window and clean up the spacious room just enough so that Soo-ah won't fall flat on her ass when she arrives. I open a couple suitcases and put them all into our sliding wardrobe categorized by theme and colour.
On one side, there are black hoodies, cargo pants and chains. On another, there were skirts and blouses and t-shirts. On another, there were sweatpants, more hoodies and oodies. Shafted into a corner was a railing of designer dresses and clothing which are generally ignored by us. Despite having lots of different styles in the wardrobe, the biggest occupants in all our sporting gear.
I laugh internally as I put away some of our stuff, my bones cracking slightly. After I cleared 3 out of a trillion suitcases, I pull out a yoga mat and start conditioning my body, reminding myself to go swimming.
After that, I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth and clean my face, typing up my long hair into an impromptu ponytail before walking down six flights of stairs to face my grandma who was already in the kitchen.
'Aiya, let me do it,' I nag, trying to take hold of the knife she was using to mince meat but she pushed me away.
'Ya, stupid kid. Go do something else,' she rolls her eyes at me.
I walk out into the marble garden and walked down a flight of polished stone stairs to see a large building by the lake. I pull a lever and the walls and roof slid away to reveal a volleyball court. I take down the net and start digging the ball to myself. After a couple minutes of being way too attentive, I sit down by the lake, my pajama sweatpants almost dipping into the water as my thin T-shirt blew in the wind.
I admire the view for a minute before walking back up to the main house, sliding open the glass doors to complain to my grandma.
'Ah mA, I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DOOO,' I whine from across the living room.
'NOT MY PROBLEM,' she yells back.
I flop onto the floor, defeated.
This happens every year. I go home and I feel too comfortable.
I stare up at the vastly high roof before grabbing my phone and my pouch and walking to the front door. I take my keys and yell out to my grandma who was 2 rooms away.
'WHAT?!?' she yells back and I take a deep breath.
'OK, I DON'T CARE,' she yells.
I groan as I step out of the large door frame. I walk down to the gate of the estate and scan my phone against a scanner, which opened up the door for me. I wave past the security guards who laughed at me before strolling down the middle of the road in my pajamas.
No cars come here unless it's Grandma or our visitors. Perks of owning a 20 km square estate. I admire the mountain view as I mindlessly walk down the road, humming to myself like a lunatic.
The nearest convenience store was a popular franchise outside a large mall in Guangzhou about 5 kilometers outside my current location. I start jogging before slowly speeding up.
It's gonna take about 25 minutes to get there at this speed.
~25 Minutes Later~
I jog to a stop as I scan my phone again to open a larger gate and start walking towards the mall which is now only two streets away.
I hear people talking and whispering, taking pictures but I ignore them like always.
'我的天啊,那不是唐立灵吗?' (omg, isn't that tang liling?)
I almost rolled my eyes at her like who else would it be?
'I had no idea she was back in China. Who knew we would run into her here?'
Not me. I only discovered this route today.
I was in the outskirts of Guangzhou city, but this was still Taishan territory so I see a bunch of tourists and main-city idiots alot. (city bois 😎)
I continue strolling past them.
'Her fashion is really amazing. That shirt makes her figure look fantastic 我靠,' (slang for holy shit)
I'm in my pajamas.
'Aren't those from the Mejores trend?'
I kinda forgot that I started a trend by wearing pajamas last year.
For me, I'm just wearing clothes that get gifted to me by modeling agencies and stuff but then everyone else are turning it into a trend and it's lowkey annoying but I'm not gonna tell them that. Or should I?
I laugh to myself as people continue talking and taking pictures.
I'm not even wearing a bra what the heck-
There's nothing there so I'm good though. I finally reach the convenience store which is actually the size of an average mall but I ignore the stadium doors and stroll straight to the snacks aisle, noticing that people are still following me.
Ok, this is where it gets annoying. Every time I buy a snack or something, the whole world decides that they want it too and all of a sudden, my snacks are G O N E. They better not take my snacks this time or else I'm buying all the companies instead.
I grab several bags of specialty chips and grabs several tubes of gummies before heading to the cash register where I place my buys on the counter. I take out my phone, about to text Soo-ah, but before something else catches my eye.
'Taishan heiress out buying snacks. What's her secret to staying gorgeous?' 'DuChen Shrimp Chips have just received 1,000 online orders in the past 5 minutes. Cause unknown' 'LIVE FROM CHANGDACHANG MALL: Tang Liling looks around the cash register'
I click onto the live stream and it revealed a person standing behind an aisle of pots, filming me and that's when I started getting irritated and walk over the hiding person who was revealed to be a girl.
'Ya. What are you filming me for?' I ask even though it came out more like a sentence that a question. Scratch that. It was a threat.
She stuttered out random words and started to run.
She really thinks she can outrun an international athlete? Ha. Hold my chips.
I was about to start running but the girl had returned back to the hiding spot with the help of a stranger who was holding her phone.
'Miss? Was this girl following and video-taping you?' he asks, his voice muffled out by his mask.
I nod, taking the phone before ending the live stream. The shorter girl looked terrified so I let her off there. Normally, I would have smashed her phone or at least reported her to the police or my lawyer but she was a minor and there was another witness.
I walk back to the cash register where I paid for my snacks, scanning my phone before putting into the white plastic bag alongside my snacks.
From there, I exit the large convenience shop, heading home, ignoring all the stares that headed my way. After all, why should I care what they think?
I sigh, exhausted and it was only 11:00am.
All in a day's work, I suppose.
Author's Note:
couple hours early <3

Her Captain, The Gamemaster
Fanfiction'It's possible to be alone but not be lonely, y'know?' 'Not friends, not enemies. Just strangers with memories' 'Because once upon a time, you were my everything' The story of a girl who just wants some peace and quiet and maybe play some volleyball...