The Chase (Villain Y/N) Pt 1

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You pant heavily, wiping blood off your face with your hand. Captain America really knew how to throw a punch.

"They got away from me-" You hear him say as he caught his breath from yours and his last bout. He sighs "it's up to you now Nat" The moment you hear that you start running. Fighting Captain America you could handle, but fighting Black Widow right after? You rather not. You continue to make your way up to the top of the aircraft carrier. Why were you on an aircraft carrier? It belonged to S.H.I.E.L.D and you were being held prisoner. You had successfully hijacked it but of course The all mighty Avengers showed up to stop you. They always did. You had been playing this game of catch and run with them for a long time now. They may win temporarily but they never kept you for long.

Level four. Only three more levels and you could take one of the many planes, jets or boats off of here. You snuck around trying to get to the ladder to the next level only to run into the Russian spy herself.

"Hey Y/N" She says standing in a defensive position ready to fight. 

"Miss me Romanoff?" You ask with a smirk. 

"Not one bit" She says before taking a shot at you. You dodge her fist easily before stomping on her foot and shoving her into the wall 

"Awe, I missed you too" You say with a wink. She glared coldly 

"You're not getting away this time Y/N" 

"Oh really and how can you be sure about that?" Without hesitation she knees you in the gut pushing you away from her as you fake double over pretending to be in more pain than you actually were, not that she knew that. 

"You're not the only one you can play dirty" You smirk. 

"Yeah yeah sure- But you love this chase of ours too much to actually end it, or you would have killed me when you had the chance" Before she could respond you tackle her to the ground grabbing a tazer off her belt and using it on her she went stiff her eyes widening from the pain. "See you around" You say as you get up, then you run off. Natasha puts her finger on her ear piece. 

"Y/N got past me. You better not let them get off this boat"

You manage to get through level two and three without coming face to face with anyone. Which only meant one thing. A bigger group was waiting for you on the top of the ship. You sigh as you get to the top of the ship seeing you were right. Luckily you saw them before they saw you. You spotted Hawkeye first. They suspected you coming out of a different location so his back was too you. Witch gave you the opportunity to use the taser you got from Natasha on him and knock him out on the way down. 

"sorry robin hood, better luck next time" you mutter with a smirk. You look around seeing that the Avengers made it way too easy for you. You knew for a fact you could sneak past them to get to one of the quinjets. So that's what you did, but your plan was cut short when you heard a voice you didn't recognize.

"Mr. Stark, on your left." Suddenly a blue and red blur swings past and lands in front of you. 

"The hell?" you question going to get in the quinjet, But in an instant a white substance stuck your hand to the door. 

"Sorry but I can't let you get away," he says. You knew by his voice that he had to be a teenager. You could have easily taken him down and gotten away, but you hesitated. He was just a kid. And before you could question what a kid was doing here everything went black.

You wake up in a round cell. The walls were clear so you could see your surroundings. It seemed to be very similar to the ones on the helicarriers. Which you knew cause you had been in one of those cells before. You were mad. You got caught again, but you were more mad about the kid. Why the hell would the Avengers let a kid fight alongside him? He should be allowed to enjoy the last of his childhood not be out doing dangerous daring do where he could get killed. You're snapped out of your thoughts when someone walks in

"Well well well. Look who decided to pay me a little visit." You say with a smirk as you see Natasha standing outside the cell, glaring at you. "you know, when you look at me like that it makes it really hard to believe that you don't enjoy this"

"Oh I do enjoy this, seeing you in prison. where you belong" She says coldly. You laugh 

"Oh really? If I truly belong locked up then why does it never last long?" You ask sitting up. Her gaze turns colder. 

"I'm not here to chat Y/N. I'm here to get answers." Natasha says. 

"Well you aren't getting any unless I get some too" You say your eyes narrowing. 

"Alright, fine. What do you wanna know?" She asks. 

"How come the Avengers are recruiting children now?" You ask coldly. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Romanoff." You snap standing up. 

"Spider-man is one of the Avengers. Why that is, is none of your business." Natasha says keeping a straight face. 

"He's A child. You call me the villain-" 

"That's because you are" Nat cuts you off causing you to pause for a moment, you smirk turning to look at Nat. "Sure" You say you voice calm but filled with rage "but at least I wouldn't put a kid in an adults job" Natasha hesitates 

"He can handle himself." 

"Can he really?" You ask. Natasha doesn't respond walking away silently. 

"You know I'm right" You call after her. She pauses for a moment before continuing to walk away, not even looking at you. You sigh, sitting back down with rage boiling inside of you.

Hours go by. No one has come to visit you since Nat left. It's just you and your thoughts alone in your holding cell. Until you hear footsteps. 

"So who pulled the short straw to have to talk to me this time?" You ask not feeling like getting up. You hear a dark chuckle 

"Oh, I'm here because I want to be darling" You smirk as you recognize the voice instantly. 


//Word Count: 1113//

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