Pride Month (Ftm Y/N x Loki)

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//D/N = dead name//

//trigger warnings: slight anxiety attack, mention of being called dead name.//

no ones p.o.v

Y/N had never felt so nervous in his life. Why did this have to happen? Why now? Why today? Why ever?

Tony decided that the avengers should all get together and hang out. It was pride month and he thought it would be a good idea. Which it was, his next idea was the bad one. At least to Y/N. His idea was to play 7 minutes in heaven, and of course when Y/N tried to refuse to play he made him go first.

"C'mon D/n, it'll be fun." Tony insists. Y/N tensed at the name. He wasn't out of the closet yet and currently was still too nervous too. "Fine, but I'm only playing once" Y/N says, putting his hand in the bag. He picks a piece of paper hoping for Nat or Clint who already knew he was trans but no luck. Instead it was one person he was hoping not to get. "Lucky me, It's Loki" Y/n says with a fake smirk and false confidence. Loki rolls his eyes

"Do we still have to do this even though neither one of us wants to participate?" Loki questions. Tony just smirks "Yup, into the closet both of you" Y/N rolls his eyes walking into the closet like he wasn't afraid he was gonna pass out in there. Loki reluctantly followed and the door was shut, leaving the two in complete darkness.

Y/N could feel his anxiety grow and grow, looking anywhere but at Loki. Loki smirked "Is something bothering you D/N?" Loki asks. Y/N bites their tongue shaking his head. Loki's eyes narrow "You're lying." he says simply. Y/N squeezes his eyes shut. "D/N, what's wrong?" Y/N tenses up at the name backing into the wall too scared to speak. Loki goes quiet thinking for a moment.

Y/N's P.O.V

the walls felt as if they were closing in, as my mind was buzzing with anxious thoughts. I could hear my heart beating in my ears, as my mouth went dry. I could barely see a thing and my vision was getting cloudier by the second. Loki says something, I'm not sure what it was. "What?" I hear him take a step towards me, watching as he gets closer, I can see him much clearer now.

"I said come here" He offered me his hand. I was too overwhelmed to say no, and to be honest I really needed comfort now so holding my crush's hand seemed like a good idea. So I took his hand and to my surprise he pulls me closer. He was much taller than me so my head ended up against his chest as I felt his arms wrap around me. "Relax darling. take a deep breath." he tells me. and for once in my life I listen. He was cold, but in a welcoming way. Like freshly fallen snow on a winter morning. I relax into his embrace listening to his heart beat. To my surprise, it was alarmingly fast. I wonder why. But I couldn't think about that right now, not when I had the one and only Loki so close.

Loki's P.O.V

I could feel my heart race as D/N leaned into my chest. I had been feeling strange around her as of late with no clue as to why, but I couldn't worry about that right now. D/N needed help and currently I was the only one who could provide it. I have never been good with helping people with things of this nature, But I wasn't going to sit here and watch D/N suffer. "It is going to be alright" I whisper softly, feeling her hands grip the front of my shirt tightly. "D/N.." I start to speak again but the moment I speak that name she tenses up. Oh of course, how could I be so oblivious? "That's not your name is it?" I ask gently. They look up at me with tears in their eyes, they shake their head.

"I.. I'm not.." "Take a deep breath, darling you're shaking, It's alright, I will not judge you" I say trying to reassure them. They take a deep breath. "I.. My name is Y/N.. And I use He/Him pronouns" He mutters softly. "Y/N" I repeat softly to myself. "It suits you." Y/N smiles instantly, and I couldn't help but smile in return. To my surprise he wraps his arms around me completely, burying his face in my chest. "Thank you.." I hear them mutter. "For what?" "For accepting me for who I am" "Y/N, I have no place not to. Only you can judge who you are, no one else" I could feel as Y/N completely relaxed leaning into me, But I didn't mind. It wasn't everyday I had someone so beautiful this close. "You have no idea how much it means to hear you say that" Y/n says looking up at me again. His hair hung in his face so I gently pushed it aside, revealing his sparkling eyes, and now slightly blushing face. He was so adorable.

Y/N's P.O.V

I felt my face heat up. As he brushed my hair out of my face. Was this really happening right now? I was completely mesmerized as Loki smiled at me. I have never seen this side of him till now, he's never smiled like this, so soft and gentle.

"Y/N darling, may I say that you are quite handsome this evening?'' Loki says softly. If he wasn't holding me, my legs would have given out just then. Hearing him say my name, and call me handsome on top of it? I could barely comprehend it. "I um.. wow, t-thank you Loki, that's really kind of you to say" I manage to stutter out without fainting. Loki chuckles witch made me gay panic even harder. "I'm only telling the truth darling" wait a fucking minute. "Are you- are you flirting with me?" Loki smirks "That is a possibility yes" My eyes go wide as I look down. My face felt like it was on fire. "Is that a bad thing?" I heard a hint of disappointment in his voice. "No- no I just didn't expect it.. Loki I-'' I was cut off by Loki's finger on my lips. "Shh, I believe I understand. But, We don't have much time left" he says, letting go of me. I sigh "I don't want to go back to the party though" Loki smirks "Give me your hand" he says offering his hand to me. "Uhhhhhh Okay?" I was confused but I had always wanted to hold his hand so I grabbed it. In an instant we weren't in the closet anymore. We were on the roof, the cool breeze ruffling through our hair. "I didn't know you could teleport-" "Well now you do" Loki says. "And now we don't have to worry about the others interrupting us" I look at him to seem him smiling at me. "and, I can see you properly" "Oh.. that's not really a big deal-" "Hush, Y/N. It is important to me" Well that certainly gave me a confidence boost. A literal god, thinking I was important? I felt like I was on top of the world. "Why are you all of a sudden being so sweet to me?" I ask curiously, stepping closer to him. "Did I do something to get the one and only god of mischief to notice me?" I add with a smirk. "Oh Y/N, I've noticed you from the very beginning, I just haven't had the words to tell you until now" "wow, aren't I lucky. I have got god royalty crushing on me" Loki chuckles softly. "Y/N'' before I know what's happening I'm pulled into a kiss. Good god it was so intoxicating. His lips were so soft and they tasted like chocolate, most likely from the chocolate cake from earlier. I kissed back obviously, there was no way I wasn't going to now that I had Loki at my fingertips. I grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him closer. He obviously liked that for he smiled against my lips placing his hands on my waist.

We part from the kiss to breath. My heart was beating a mile a minute, that really just happened. "Y/N?" I look up at him. "Yes Loki?" I ask with a hint of a smirk. "Will you give me the privilege to call you mine?" Loki asks softly. I couldn't help but grin "Only if you allow me to call you mine" Loki smiles with a soft laugh. "I'm sure that could be arranged"

//Word Count: 1431//

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