Pride Month (Loki x Stephen)

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"I don't think this is a good idea-" Loki said as he adjusted the color of his dark green button down shirt while looking in the mirror.

"Relax Loki, I'm sure it will be fine" Stephen says walking up behind the other. "Stark and I don't exactly have a history of getting along." Loki says looking at his reflection. Stephen placed his hand under Loki's chin. "Loki." Loki turned to look at his boyfriend. "I can assure you that it will be fine. Take a deep breath" Stephen said softly. Loki nodded, taking a deep breath. Stephen smiles softly leaning in and kissing his boyfriend softly. He was still losing his mind over that. His boyfriend. Loki was his, and he's never been happier. Loki couldn't help but smile as they pulled away. "There's the smile." Stephen says with a chuckle. Loki blushed pouting "Let's just go and get this over with. "Very well" With that Stephen created a portal and the two walked out into the forest. The Stark family cabin in front of them. Though it looked a little different than usual.

A pride flag was hung outside every window, and there were rainbow fairy lights all around the front porch. On top of that Peter Parker was on the roof putting up more lights with Tony directing him, Aunt May and Pepper on the ground watching him worriedly.

"Hey Look! Loki and Stephen are here!" Peter says from the roof. The others look over. Morgan, who was making flower crowns, looked up and grinned, getting up and running over.

"Uncle Strange!" She squealed as she ran over. "Hello again Morgan" Stephen says softly. Tony and Pepper both smile at their daughter as they walk over. Morgan stops right in front of the new arrivals staring up at Loki. Loki looked back at her with a neutral expression.

"You're Late Mr. Wizard." Tony says with his usual snark. "I arrived exactly when I said I would, so I would have to disagree." Stephen countered used to Tony and his antics. Pepper just shook her head "The others are inside" she says politely. "How does this look Mr. Stark?" Peter calls from the roof. Tony turns "Looks good kid!" he yells back at him before looking to Stephen and Loki. "Don't break anything." he says looking from one to the other before promptly walking away. Loki rolls his eyes "oh please. We're not children." he mutters. Then he realizes that Morgan is still staring at him. "Can I help you?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. Morgan smiles "Hi, I'm Morgan. What's your name?" she asks. "I am Loki" Loki responds, not sure how to talk to the small child before him. "You're really tall" "Yes I am" Loki says still very confused. "Wanna make flower crowns with me?" Morgan asks. "er- I'm sorry small one but I'm afraid I don't know how to do that" Loki says. Stephen just stood there watching their interaction unable to hide the fact he was smiling. "That's okay, I'll show you" Morgan says grabbing Loki's hand, well more of just his fingers and leading him to her blanket that was laid out on the ground. Loki looked to Stephen for some kind of help and Stephen just gave Loki a wink. Loki glared. Thanks a lot.

Loki and Morgan spend hours together, she teaches him how to make flower crowns and they make enough for everyone and then some. Then Loki teaches her about mischief and they go around seeing how many people they can give flower crowns without them noticing. Morgan giggles flopping on the couch "How many did we get?" She asks. "Thirteen." Loki says with a grin. "fourteen" Morgan says cheekily. "Oh?" Loki raises an eyebrow glancing at her. She simply giggles and points at Loki's head. He laughs realizing he had managed to get a crown of white flowers on his head. "I'm impressed." "Why thank you?'' she says dramatically before falling into a fit of giggles. Loki laughs along with her. She moved to sit in his lap facing him. Loki raised an eyebrow "What are you doing small one?" "You got pretty braids in your hair?'' Morgan points out. "did you make them?" Loki smiles softly "Why thank you, and yes I did." "Could you braid my hair like that?" Morgan asks. Loki's heart melts. He remembered a long lost memory of him and his mother. Her braiding his hair for him, he would always make the excuse that it kept it out of his face when reading, but he knew it was just because he wanted to be like her. "Of course, if you turn around I'd be happy too."

"Mommy, Daddy look!" Morgan says running over to her parents who happened to be chatting with Stephen and some of the others. Tony smiles, kneeling down to her height. "What's up kid?" "I have princess hair!" She says twirling around showing off the small pair of braids that held back her hair. "That's amazing sweetie" Pepper says with a smile. "Who did these lovely braids for you princess?" Tony asks. "Loki did," Morgan smiles. Stephen smiles instantly at the mention of his boyfriend's name.

Stephen excused himself and walked outside to find Loki on the porch. "Tire yourself out?" he asks, raising an eyebrow as he stands beside Loki. Loki smiled a bit "Maybe a little" he admitted. Stephen laughs softly "And you were afraid something would go wrong, but a certain someone changed your mind." Loki smiled more "Yes, the little girl has grown rather fond of me" "Oh just admit you had fun" Stephen says. Loki laughs softly "Yes I had fun but.." "but?" Stephen raised an eyebrow. "but" Loki grabbed Stephen's hand looking at him softly. "Right now, I just want to be with you" Stephen melted, lacing their fingers together. "I love you so much" "I love you too Loki"

//word count: 987//

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