A New Mission (Clint x Ethan(pt. 3))

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//This happens after age of Ultron and winter soldier. But it goes differently. Main differences are that Pietro didn't die, Bucky is an Avenger pretty much, And no one left so they are all the Avengers still. Yeah weird I know, but this is an alternate universe and I can do whatever I want. so :p//

4 Years after the incident.

The team was only starting to move forward after the loss of their dear friend. After an Incident with a bad AI new members of the Avengers were welcomed. Vision, an AI created with the mind stone, Wanda and Pietro. They are twins who were experimented on by hydra. Pietro has superspeed and Wanda has telekinesis, mind manipulation capabilities and more that she doesn't fully understand yet.

After what happened with Tony creating the evil robot that was Ultron. There were legal repercussions obviously. But they got through it as a team. Making home base in a far more secret location to keep themselves and everyone else safe.

Clint spent most of his time at home with his family, but at the compound almost exclusively stayed in the training room. He wasn't himself. Witty quips were at a minimum. What was the point of a joke when all he could hear was his friend's last laugh? No more pranks. How could he? His partner in crime was gone. He didn't hang out with the others outside of missions at all anymore. How could he? How could he be around everyone when all he could see was the empty bean bag where his best friend used to sit?

Natasha and the others were there for him as much as they could, but Clint was almost impossible to reason with. Wanda had managed to get a little bit out of him, but it wasn't enough to bring him out of the dark place he was in. Only his family made him smile anymore.

It was summer and Clint had been spending the time with his family when Nat called him in. The Avengers had been called to an emergency meeting, and needless to say Clint was less than happy about it.

"Whatever this is, it better be important." He says as he sits in his usual spot.

"Don't worry Agent Barton. This is very important" Furry says walking into the room. It goes dead silent the moment he comes into view. "We have come across a threat that has been single handedly breaking in and stealing a number of things from Shield bases globally."

"Are we talkin' one person here?" Tony questions not believing it.

"One man. One mission." Furry says bring up a picture of the man they were after. His face was mostly covered in all of the photos but he would be easy to spot for he had pale purple hair. "Shield has sent fifteen different teams after this guy. Not a single one came close to completing their mission." he explains. "We don't know who he's working for or what he's planning, All we know is that we suspect he's going after a base in Italy. Oh and one more thing" Furry looks to all of them. "We want him brought in alive"

"Great shouldn't be too hard, it's all of us after one guy" Tony says.

"isn't that exactly what you said before we went after Barnes?" Nat says, raising her eyebrow.

"She has a point," Steve says.

"Well yeah but it worked out didn't it?" Tony says with a shrug. "Besides, we got him, and the twins now. Catching one guy shouldn't be an issue"

Tony should have been right. It was just one guy. One mission. But, it turned out to be much harder than previously thought.

The team split up in two after landing in the snowy mountains in Italy.

Steve, Bucky, Clint and Nat


Tony, Bruce, and the twins.

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