New Years (Loki x Y/n)

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((I know it's late but y'know. Happy New Years everyone!))
((As I'm writing this I realize that way too many of my stories involve a party of some kind lol-))

It was a loud party. Of course it was. Being New Year's Eve and all it wasn't very surprising. Still it was loud and Y/n was bored

"I don't see the point of it all, it's only a revolution around the planets sun. Why do they care about it so?" Loki questions not to anyone in particular. Y/n looked up.

"Piece of mind mostly."

Loki turned to look at the individual standing to the side of the party. He rose an eyebrow.

"When bad things happen, it's easer to get past them if you move on to another year. It's a new chapter for some people. It's a sentimental thing. But also it's an excuse to get drunk so there's that." Y/n explains.

Loki nodded now standing beside them.

"It still seems pointless."

"Well our customs are much different then yours Loki."

"Of corse, but you don't seem very pleased by it either." Loki pointed out.

Y/n sighs.

"Well- yeah you have a point. It's all just a bit too loud for me. New Years is nice an all but, it's not so great alone."

"What do you mean by that?" Loki asks

"Well uh, it's kind of a thing. That if you're with someone, and you kiss as the clock strikes midnight. You'll be together for the rest of the year and have good luck."

"That's ridiculous." Loki says rolling his eyes.

"Yeah I suppose it is but, you start to really care about that kind of thing when you're made fun of about it most of your life" Y/n says.

"Why would someone make fun of you for something is ridiculous as that?" Loki asks

"Because all of my friends always had someone to kiss at midnight I didn't so.." Y/n says slightly embarrassed.

"I see.. so you felt left out from this.. tradition?"

"Pretty much yeah.." Y/n sighs staring out at the party. The lot of them drunk as they danced and sung out of key. They didn't exact have the heart to join in. But they hated being left out. So they were in quite the uncomfy situation.

"Y/n?" Loki says trying to get the others attention.


"Do you want to leave?" Loki asks

"Huh? What do you mean?" Y/n asks

"Well you seem like your in a bad mood, I'm sure I could cover up your disappearance if you want to leave." Loki offers

"While that's nice of you.. I don't think so.. I don't think I could sleep do to all of the noise. And I rather not be alone."

Loki went quiet thinking for a moment.

"Well.. I could go with you."


"If you don't wish to be alone, but want to leave to a quieter location. I could go with you." Loki offers

"You.. want to hang out with me? Just the two of us?" Y/n asks completely astonished.

"Well, your company is certainly better then this loud nonsense" Loki says 

Y/n couldn't help but smile widely.

"Okay then." they say looking at Loki. "Let's go."

Loki couldn't help the smile tugging at the corners of his lips as Y/n lead him away from the party.

Soon they were up on the roof of the avengers base. It was quiet. Which was relaxing compared to chaos that the two of them had just left inside.

Y/n closed their eyes breathing in the fresh air. Loki couldn't help but stare. They looked so much more at ease, and while Loki had never even thought to admit it he was completely enchanted. 

"What are you staring at?" Y/n questions.

Loki snaps out of his daze looking away.

"Nothing." Loki snapped. "Nothing at all."

Y/n rose an eyebrow.

"Nothing eh? Cause it sure looked like you were looking at something." they say a bit cheekily

"I don't know what you're talking about." Loki counters.

"For the god of lies you really are a terrible liar." Y/n jokes with a smirk.

"I am not!" Loki protests.

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"You really are."

Loki huffs in defeat. Y/n shakes their head. They were no idiot. They knew that Loki had been noticing them lately. Did they know exactly why? No. But they were hoping for one specific reason. No matter how foolish Y/n it was, they hoped that maybe, just maybe, the god of mischief felt the same.
Y/n got tired of the awkward silence and checked their phone.

"It's one minute to midnight.." they murmurs. Loki looked troubled. His eyes furrowed. His mouth drawn tight. He was looking from the sky to the ground never daring to glance Y/n's way. "Uh.. Loki-?" He finally looks at them.

"Do you want to kiss me?" Loki says out of no where causing Y/n to go red.


"You said, those who kiss at midnight get good luck for the rest of the year.. and stay together.." Loki says. "So I'm asking.. do you want to kiss me?"

"We're.. we're not even together Loki I.. I didn't expect this." Y/n stammers.

"I know I know.. I should have asked sooner.. but I was a coward and I'm sorry.."

"Hey, hey it's okay." Y/n says grabbing his hand. "I'm just surprised is all." Loki looked at then with hopeful eyes.

"Are you agreeing then?" He asks. Y/n grins, glancing down at their phone before looking up at him.


As soon as the word left their mouth Loki grabbed their waist with his other hand and pulled them into a kiss.

Cheering could be hear from inside. The clock struck midnight. It was now the new year, and neither of them had to be alone.

((Word count: 994))

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