Pride Month (Male Y/N x Steve)

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It was late evening. Tony was throwing a huge party. His excuse this time? Pride month. The bisexual man thought it was the perfect excuse for a party. The party in question was mostly filled with rainbow party stuff, loud music and alcohol.

  Y/N had been enjoying himself for a while but eventually needed a break from the excessive amount of noise. So he left the main area of the party for some peace and quiet. He ended up going out on one of the balconies finding the one and only Steve Rodgers already there. "The party wear you out capsicle?" Y/N asks with a smirk as he leans on the railing next to the other. Steven laughs softly, a sound Y/N had grown rather found of over the years. "Yeah I suppose so. I'm guessing it's the same for you?" Steven says turning to look and Y/N. Y/N nodded "Yeah... I can only take Tony trying to sing lady gaga for so long." Y/N says. Him and Steve both laugh at that. Before falling into an awkward silence. Y/N bit at his lip. He had been struggling with feelings for Steve for a long time now, but as far as he knew Steve was straighter than a yardstick. Y/N didn't think he had a chance, but he was running on like 4 hours of sleep and caffeine so, once he thought about it for a moment he didn't see the harm of asking a question, but before he could Steve broke the silence. "Y/N can I ask you a question that you don't necessarily have to answer?" Y/N laughs "Oh, My favorite kind of question." He says sarcastically. "Sure, shoot." Steve's was staring out at the city scape as he started to speak "You're a man that's attracted to other men. How did you figure it out?" "You mean, how did I figure out I wasn't straight?" Y/N asks. Steve nods "Yes." "Hmm, well it was when I was in high school. I devolved this crush on this girl. We became friends and she invited me over to her house one day. And I met her brother who was only a little older than us. He was my first guy crush." Y/N explains. Steven listening thoughtfully. "But it wasn't that simple. It felt wrong at first, cause y'know. I'm a guy, he's a guy. I didn't know it was possible. So I actually went to my computer and looked up "can a guy like another guy." And that's how I learned what gay ment" Y/N laughs as he finished the story. "Kinda lame, but funny in a way." Steve nods with a bit of a smile. It got quiet again for a moment. "Could I ask you a question?" Y/N asks. "Go ahead." Steve says. "Have you ever been in love?" Steve smiles sadly "Yeah.." He paused "Twice." He added. "Twice huh... How did the first time end?" Y/N asks "With me crash landing a plane and ending up in an ice cube." Steve says. "Ouch- '' Y/N mutters. "And how did the second time end?" Steven smiles, sighing and looking up at the sky. "It hasn't yet" Y/N could feel heat rise to his cheeks. Was Steve saying what he thought he was saying? "what about you Y/N? Have you ever been in love?" Steve asks. Y/N hesitates for a moment before nodding. "Once." "And how did it end?" Y/N nervously reaches over and puts her hand over Steve's who was holding on to the railing. "It hasn't." The two made eye contact. Not another word was spoken but in that moment they both understood, they leaned in their lips finally meeting. The kiss was sweet and hesitant, the two were both nervous but more happy than either of them knew how to express. They parted for air leaning their foreheads against one another. Y/N laughs "what's so funny?" Steve asks. "Oh nothing, just never thought good ol' Captain America would swing this way." Y/N says with a small smirk. Steve chuckled "Well neither did I till I met you." Y/N turned pink "Oh aren't I a lucky guy, I managed to turn Steve Rodgers a little gay" Steve sighs shaking his head "Y/N?" " Yeah Steve?" "Shut up and kiss me." And that's just what he did. 

//Word count: 720//

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