Pride Month (Male Y/N X Bucky) pt 1

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I'm planning on doing a few short stories centered around pride. So if you have any requests on the subject don't hesitate to ask!!))

Y/N wakes up early. Witch was unusual for him, But Today. June first. He had plans. The sun was just barely up and he was on his way to the garage where Sam and Bucky were waiting for him. Y/N laughs as he sees Bucky wearing a 'be gay do crimes' t-shirt.
"Have fun shopping?" he questions with an eyebrow.
"You could put it that way" Bucky says with a laugh shaking his head.
"I bet him twenty bucks he wouldn't wear it all day" Sam says with a laugh.
"It's pride month so I might as well show my support right?" Bucky says with a shrug.
"We got as much as we could fit into the car." he ads opening the trunk revealing pride decorations filling almost the entire car. Y/N grins "perfect! Let's get to work!" He says grabbing a few bags and handing them to Bucky and Sam.
"I want this decorated before Steve gets back from his morning run. And considering he doesn't leave for at least another fifteen minutes, I think I we have a good chance of doing it."
"Oh, one more thing" Sam says digging though one of the bags
"a haha, here they are." He says finding what ever he was looking for.
"Are you serious?" Bucky asks with a sigh.
"This, was partially your idea" Sam says pulling out two pairs of cheep looking sun glasses with rainbow lenses.
"Omg, I love them. Please tell me you got three" Y/N asks his eyes sparking with excitement.
"You know we did" Sam says with a smirk pulling out a third pair.
"Hell yeah!" Y/n cheered immediately putting them on. "Alright! Project Rainbow phase two!"
"Wait what was phase 1?" Sam asks.
"Getting the stuff Sam."  Bucky says smacking his shoulder.

The three of them began unloading the car. And then began the decorating process. They were mostly keeping to the common area, but the meeting room ended up mostly covered in rainbow too.
Wanda ended up coming down and eagerly assisted. Meaning the whole thing got done a lot quicker. The four of them now standing in the middle of it all.

"I think it looks fantastic." Wanda says with a smile.

"We did good." Sam says proudly.

"Now we should probably eat." Bucky says. "I'll make some breakfast."

"Hell yeah your cooking is awesome." Y/n says punching Bucky's arm. Bucky smiled practically glowing with happiness. "Y'all get started on that, Ima go get dressed."

"Are you not already dressed?" Sam asks.

"Well yeah but I've been working all morning so I didn't put in a whole lot of effort. Now I'm gonna go look good." Y/n says.

"Oh please you always look good." Bucky says with a roll of his eyes.

"Why thank you" Y/n says overly dramatic. "I shall return momentarily!" He added as he went off to his room.

((Word count: 489))

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