Treat you better pt 2. (Bruce x Y/n)

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((Finally got this done! Woo! Took me forever and I had to get through multiple art blocks- but it's done! I know it's been ages since I've posted since I've been focusing on my bigger projects but I'll do my best to do some more small things too. Anyways, Hope you enjoy!))  

Bruce spent the rest of the night in his office. Waking up way to early considering how late he stayed up that night. He sighed getting up to start his day. But of course he caught sight of his calendar. It was today. Nat was gonna tell Y/n for him today. Which meant he either needed to tell them first or he needed to hide, and he definitely knew he wasn't brave enough for the first option. He needed to get out of here. Bruce knew there was no chance of stopping Nat. For all he knew she could have sent Y/n a text for them to seem when they wake up. But he couldn't just run away forever. So for now, he just locked himself in his office not even daring to think about leaving.
A little while later...

Y/n woke up in their room too groggy to be confused on how they got there. They rubbed their eyes, deciding the best thing to do was to take a shower then get food. So that's what they did.
They walked down stairs to see Nat and Clint at the table eating.
"Morning." They mumble groggily as they walk into the kitchen for some food.
"Morning Y/n" Nat says with a nod. Clint only nods too busy stuffing his face with food.
"Where are the others?" Y/n asks sitting down with a bowl of cereal
"Rodgers and Tony had a mission. Thor is with his girl friend" Nat explains. "Haven't seen Bruce today though"
"That's odd.. we were talking last night." Y/n says.
"Oh? Were you?" Nat raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah- I came home late because a certain someone stood me up again."
"Y'know my offer of going and knocking his teeth in is still on the table" Clint says. Y/n shakes their head.
"It's fine. I handled it, I have officially called it off for good" Y/n says.
"Like for real this time?" Clint asks.
"Yes for real!" Y/n says indignantly. "I even blocked his number. And every social media I could think of"
"Wow." Clint says.
"Alright now I think I believe ya." Nat says.
"Yeah yeah whatever. Anyway, Bruce stayed with me last night and we ate ice cream and made fun of people on tv. Granted I don't remember all of it but yeah." Y/n explains. "I wonder where Bruce went" they add.
"Knowing him he probably locked himself in his lab" Nat says, shaking her head.
"I'm gonna go check on him" Y/n says. But then they look down at their food. "After I eat."

Bruce sat in his lab. Trying to convince himself that he was indeed working and not just hiding from the inevitable. But of course it didn't last long for there was a knock at the door as it opened revealing Y/n.
"Morning Bruce. Is everything okay?"
"Huh?- oh um. Morning Y/n." Bruce says nervously adjusting his glasses.
"Are you alright?" Y/n asks.
"Of course I am. Why do you ask?"
"Because you only hide in your office like this when something is wrong." Y/n points out. Bruce sighs, shaking his head. He knew they were right.
"Hey.. talk to me." Y/n says reaching over and putting their hand over Bruce's fist that was clenched on the table.
Bruce looked up at them, his glasses falling down his nose. "Well.. the truth is.." he adjusted his glasses nervously. "I.. I've been keeping a secret from you."
"Really? I thought you hated secrets." Y/n says surprised.
"I hate dangerous secrets. This is different.. it's personal but um.. you deserve to know." Bruce attempts to explain.
"Okay..?" Y/n says getting a little confused. "Go on then."
Bruce takes a deep breath.
"Look.. I've been here. On the sidelines watching you get hurt over and over again.. by one ass who you thought could change." He begins. "And all those times you would rant about what you really want.. what you really need. And.. the truth is.." Bruce looks up and finally makes eye contact with Y/n. "I want to be those things for you Y/n."
"Bruce.." Y/n says her eyes wide, but the corners of her lips began to turn up.
"I'm tired of seeing you hurt and upset.. I care about you too much. I want you to be happy.. but I also want to be the one who makes you happy"
"Bruce." They stepped closer
"Am I making any sense? Probably not um.. sorry I've been trying to figure this out for a long time and I still haven't gotten my words together."
"Bruce." Y/n repeated they're hand now cupping the side of Bruce's face. Bruce went red finally realizing how close Y/n was.
"Uh.. yes?"
"I like you too.." they murmured leaning forward and kissing Bruce's cheek. Bruce blinked, and blinked again.
"Oh." Y/n giggled a bit with a smile. "I'm sorry I've been so idiotic with my ex and all.. I was kinda trying to distract myself from my feelings for you.. I thought I could be happy- and I was wrong." Y/n explains. "I'm really happy you told me."
"Yeah me too." Bruce says with a smile.
After Bruce got the chance to shower and eat. The two of them say to watch TV as the two did often enough. But this time they were holding each other as they had always wished to do.

((Word count: 922))

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