Colors (Y/N x Loki)

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You sigh irritatedly as you got ready for work. Getting into you're grey uniform. At least you could only assume it was grey. See you had yet to find your soulmate, so almost everything was grey to you. Seeing in black in white got very boring, and you didn't really like the face you have yet to find your soulmate despite the ridiculous amount of parties you went too when you didn't want too, to try and find the person who would bring color into your life. You push those thoughts away as you look at yourself in the mirror, at your grey eyes, grey hair, grey everything. Sure it was different shades of grey but it didn't make much difference to you anymore. It was hard to feel confident in one's appearance when you couldn't even tell what color your outfit was. "Focus Y/N" You tell yourself, pushing those thoughts aside as you head to work.

  You're a recently promoted Shield agent. You specialize in interrogation, you had a certain knack at getting people to talk. Which is why you were being sent to talk to the one and only Loki. You had heard a lot about him and what happened in New York. But you have never seen him in person, and now you were about to see him face to face. You could feel your nerves rising as you were led to his holding cell. They were always like that before an interrogation, but as soon as you stepped into the room they would turn to steal and nothing ever went wrong. Until this time.

  "Agent L/N" "yeah?" "Good luck" The agent opened the door and you walked in. You could practically feel the door lock behind you as you took a deep breath. You step out to see him. Well his back side at least. He was facing away from you but it was still very clear that he was at least a head taller than you. "Ah so someone finally stopped by for a visit." He says still not looking at you. You could hear the smirk in his voice. "If you want to see this as a friendly visit then sure, we can go with that." You say, forgetting about your nervousness getting straight to business mode. Loki sighs, it was clear that he knew this wasn't going to be very fun. "I'm going to keep this simple. I ask a question, you answer" You say looking down at the tablet which held all the questions that Shield wanted you to find the answers too. "Whatever" Loki says. "Alright, I'll start then" You say looking up. You hadn't realized that Loki had turned to face you so when you looked up. You don't see the back of his head. Nor do you see the grey colorless eyes everyone had from your point of view. But instead you see a pair of green eyes, Vibrant green eyes that shimmered like jewels. Then, in a blink of your eyes the whole room was filled with color. Which had to mean one thing, You and Loki were soulmates.

You couldn't bring yourself to look away, stood there in complete shock. Loki smirked "Well. Isn't this interesting."

You couldn't believe it. After all this time, living in a colorless world, searching for the one who would bring color. Only to find them, in an interrogation of all things, and on top of that he was one of the most if not the most dangerous you have ever come face to face with. "What's your name?" Loki questions. It's like you had forgotten all your training, and you couldn't help but answer. "M-my name is Y/N" "Y/N" Loki repeats a smile coming to his lips. "Well, Y/N. It is a pleasure to meet you, even though it is under unfortunate circumstances." His voice was as smooth as silk. It made you desire nothing more than to be held in his strong embrace. His cold and harshness had seemed to melt away completely. Replaced by, Something else. "Well I agree that this is definitely not how I envisioned meeting you" You say trying not to sound as nervous as you were. Loki nodded "It would be nicer not to be locked up like this" he says gesturing to the door of the holding cell. "I.. I'm sorry. I can't open the door." "Why is that?" Loki questions. "Are you afraid of me Y/N?" You swallowed, shaking your head, you weren't gonna let him control you. "No. I'm not afraid of you Loki. But I cannot open that door." "Will Shield not let you?" "No Loki you don't understand. I don't have the ability to open this door. I don't have a key." I explain with a sigh. Loki scowled. "And even if I could.. I don't know if I should. Just because.." "Just because I'm your soulmate, doesn't change the fact that I'm a monster." "I don't think you're a monster." Loki refused to look at me, it was clear that he saw himself as such. What I thought wouldn't change that. At least not right now. "I don't know if I can trust you yet. But the truth is I would like to." I said speaking as sincerely as I could. It was the truth. I did want to trust Loki, he is my soulmate, and I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. "I'm happy I found you. You should know that at least'' I say moving closer to the glass. I wanted to be closer to him, I wanted to hold his hand. Loki looked up at me finally. My heart skipped a beat, he was gorgeous. I knew from then on my favorite color would be green. Because of him and his beautiful eyes. "I'm... Happy you found me." Loki says hesitantly. Suddenly I got an idea. "Loki. I'm going to try to get you out of here. I.. I can't promise I'll be quick. But I can try to figure something out." Loki smiled a bit. "I don't have to live with my soulmate locked up. I will do anything I can to get you out of here." I place my hand against the glass. "Trust has to start somewhere.. Right?" Loki just stared at me for a moment. I worried that maybe I had gone too far, or maybe he didn't believe me. Until he hesitantly put his hand on the glass mirroring mine, only the glass separated us now "You can do it." Loki says looking down at me. I smile instantly. "I have to go. But I will return as soon as I can" I say softly wishing it wasn't true. "I will wait for you. Y/N'' Loki says softly. "I'll see you soon Loki" I say, stepping away from the glass. Loki nodded "I shall be here." I nod my head before walking out of the room, a plan for getting him out already forming in my mind.

I couldn't believe the colors I was already seeing, it served as a permanent reminder of my soulmate who was waiting for me. Nothing would stop me from getting Loki out of there, I had a promise to keep.

//Word Count; 1204//

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