Pride month (Bucky x male Y/n) pt 2

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"Come get it while it's hot!" Bucky yelled from the kitchen.

"You talking about yourself cause you're always hot." Y/n says with a smirk as they reach the bottom of the short flight of stairs.

Bucky just smirks and shakes his head as he filled plate. "Shut up and eat your breakfast Y/n" he turns offering him a plate and that's when he notices what he's wearing.
Y/n stood proudly in a white crop top with a rainbow stripe across the middle, black skinny jeans and a rainbow belt to match the shirt.
The rainbow sunglasses from earlier were on his face but were halfway down his nose as too not hide the sparkly eyeshadow.

"Damn Y/n Lookin' good!" Sam says helping himself to a plate of eggs and hash browns.

"Why thank you" Y/n says with a wide grin. "And thank you for breakfast" he adds as he takes the offered plate.

"Yeah." Bucky says quickly turning away as he went back to filling plates.

Whilst people were getting breakfast, Steve got back from his run. Mostly being confused on how they could get all these decorations up so quickly.
Y/n was laughing so hard when he asked if it was someone's birthday.
Sam was explaining why they were celebrating while Bucky was completely distracted. Only snapped out of his thoughts when Sam elbowed him.
"Earth To Barnes!"

"Huh? Oh- sorry what's going on?" Bucky says.

"What's going on with you man? Where's your head?" Sam asks.

"No where. Doesn't matter." Bucky says.

"Guys cmon! We're going to play card games!" Pietro says before speeding into the common area.

"Fuck yeah!" Y/n says recovered from his laughing fit.

The team had moved on from game to game over time. Tony tried to suggest monopoly at one point but was instantly vetoed since apparently he was known to cheat.
They ended up playing charades, but it didn't last long because everyone lost it when Peitro was trying to mime but couldn't stop making sound effects.
And it only got worse when Thor mimed disco. No one had expected him to know what it was.
Bucky ended up never going up for a turn since he didn't guess one correct answer. For he was sat next to Y/n and couldn't stop thinking about how close they were.

"Well I think we can agree who's the worst at this game." Sam says nudging Bucky's arm teasingly.

"Oh yeah I guess so." Bucky laughed it off.

"You doing okay?" Y/n asks having noticed that Bucky seemed off.

"Yeah yeah, charades just isn't my thing I guess" Bucky says.

"Well what is your thing?" Y/n asks.

"Oh you should hear him sing." Steve says.

"Sing?" Tony raised an eyebrow.

"Steve I swear.." Bucky sighs.

"You sing James?" Wanda asks.

"Oh I'd love to hear this" Nat says with a smirk.

"Oh yeah Bucky used to sing all the time" Steve said. "Girls loved it."

"James you dog!" Sam elbows him.

"Well now we gotta hear it." Clint says.

"Alright fine fine. But I'm not the only one singing." Bucky says.

"Like hell you are." Y/n says. "It's Karaoke time!!"

It did not take long for alcohol to come out. Even Steve loosened up a little and managed to sort of sing a bit after some coaxing from a much tipsier Tony.
Y/n was having the time of his life, singing gimme gimme with Clint who thanks too his wife and teenage daughter knew all the words, while Wanda barely followed along.
Bucky once again found himself distracted. How could he not be? Y/n was a master at being the center of attention- wether he realized it or not. As he sang he made eye contact with Bucky. Grinning wildly and shooting him a wink. Y/n wasn't an idiot, he'd noticed Bucky watching him all day. Usually it would be the kind of thing that would make him nervous. But this time it wasn't like that. This time it made him feel confident. Something about how Bucky stared made him want to do more.
When the song was over of course their was cheering. And the mic's were handed off.
Y/n strut his stuff over to where Bucky was sitting, leaning on the wall near by. "Finally gonna tell me what's been on your mind Bucky?~"

"I don't know what you're talking about" Bucky says taking a drink in hopes to hide his blushing face.

"Oh cmon I'm not an idiot. I know you've been staring" Y/n says.



Bucky finally made eye contact. "Well you make it really hard to look away." 

"Do I really?" Y/n smirks. "Well I gotta say, I didn't expect you to swing this way. Guess that shirt is more true then I thought." He says poking Bucky in the chest.

"I don't know. Maybe you're right. I've never- tried it." Bucky admits.

"Well.. I'd gladly be your first." Y/n says. "If you don't like it, we can always act like it never happened."

"I don't want some meaningless-

"Who said anything about meaningless?" Y/n asks. "Bucky I wouldn't do this if  I wasn't interested. What do you take me for? A heartbreaker?"

"Well no it's just.."

"Do you wanna kiss me or not?" Y/n says matter of factly.

"I- well." Bucky stammered.

"Yes or no question Buck-a-roo"

"Can we not do this here?" Bucky says red with embarrassment and frustration.

"Wasn't planning on it." Y/n says grabbing Bucky by the shirt and dragging him off.

Bucky's head was reeling. Was this really happening? He definitely wasn't imagining it. That didn't make it any less hard to believe. He was really being dragged away too kiss a guy. The more he thought about it, the more he hated how long it was taking to get to somewhere privet.

Y/n was quick to lock the door behind them. "Okay, how do you want too..?" instead of getting to finish his sentence Y/n was cut off by getting grabbed by the face and pulled into a kiss.
His hands quickly grasped at Bucky's shirt, in an attempt to regain some stability.

"Woah.." Y/n breathed out as they pulled away.

"Sorry I just.."

"You got nothing to apologize for sweetheart." Y/n says biting his lip. "Tell me, did you like it?"

Bucky cleared his throat "Well.. I know I like you but.."

"But~?" Y/n questioned eagerly. Bucky grabbed Y/n by the waist pulling him closer.

"I think I need another taste." He murmured. Y/n smirked draping his arms over Bucky's shoulder

"Oh well, I'm definitely not saying no to that." He says before kissing him again.

That bet Bucky had with Sam? The one about the shirt?
Let's just say Bucky ended up giving Sam those 20 bucks. ;)

((Word count: 1157))

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