Treat you better (Bruce x Y/N)

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It was late evening and Bruce was working in his lab when he heard the loud bang of the door slamming, and the fast paced tapping of someone storming in.


Bruce sighs knowing that sound all too well.

"What's wrong this time?"

"I'm done we are through. That asshole used me one too many times. Now this?!" Bruce walked into the living room seeing Y/N sat on the couch with a tub of ice cream.

"What did he do this time?" He asks gently as he sat down beside them, but not too close knowing Y/N needed space.

"He stood me up...."


"Again!" Y/N wailed, stabbing their spoon into the mostly frozen ice cream to try and get themselves a bite. "He stood me up to go too own of those over grown collage parties and dance with a bunch of stupid girls who he'll probably not even remember in the morning." Bruce listened as Y/N ranted and ranted about their now ex-boyfriend. The two of them have been going off and on for ages now. Bruce has been doing what he could to support Y/N But they were stubborn as hell. Maybe he'd finally be able to convince them to let the jerk go.

After screaming through a pint of ice cream and quite a lot of tears. Y/N rested their head against Bruce's shoulder. "I just need someone who will be there for me y'know?" They sniffle. "Will stop whatever they're doing to make sure I'm okay if something happens... Will listen to me rant even if they can't understand what I'm saying cause I'm talking too fast... Someone who'll support me. And of course I'd do the same for them like obviously but like... I need a shoulder to lean on.. Y'know?"

"What you need is to stop getting stuck with heartless people who will just hurt you." Bruce says. Y/N nods with a slight laugh.

"Yeah.. Yeah that's true."

"And maybe.. Just maybe. Realize what you need can be right in front of you" Bruce spoke softly and hesitantly. Trying to hide the fact he was nervous. He's been dropping subtle hints like this for ages. But would Y/N notice? Y/N looks down.

"I got ice cream in my lap.. Does that count as in front of me? Or should I be looking at the tv?" Bruce shakes his head with a laugh.

"Both I suppose." He gets up and hands Y/N the remote. "Here, pick something to watch. I'll get us some more ice cream. Just cause he stood you up doesn't mean you don't deserve a nice night."

"Thank you Bruce... I don't know what I'd do without you" Bruce smiles sadly as he walks to the kitchen.

"Neither do I-" he mutters softly.

Hours later. Y/N was falling asleep against Bruce's side. He smiles, gently brushing their hair out of their face before scooping them up in his arms and carrying them to their room. Bruce set Y/N on their bed carefully before leaving and asking Friday to lock their door. After cleaning up the mess from Y/N's rant, he went back to his lab. He sighs seeing his planner. Written in red pen was "confess your feelings". Nat had written in on tomorrow's date almost a month ago. Telling Bruce that if he didn't tell Y/N, She would and Bruce was completely dreading it.

(Word count: 565)

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