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So, you remember how we left off right? Well, a lot has changed in the last 2 years. I'm now a mafia leader. Buckle up. Things are about to get messy.


The bitter cold of London hits my face as I weave in and out of people in the streets. I care not of the people who I push and shove out of my way, I need to catch this guy. I corner him in a dark alley, nothing but the sound of rats rustling in the bins beside me and my unsteady breath. Where the fuck is Tom.

Y: Give me the codes, I know you have them.

?: I don't think so.

My patience running low, I aim my gun at his head and tilt my head to the side in anger.

Y: Give me the codes or I swear I'll shoot you!

?: I... I don't have them alright! But I know who does.

Y: Who?

?: Z...

Before he can finish the name, a shot fires past my head and straight through the mans head in front of me, making me flinch slightly. I turn and frown at the dark-haired man standing over me.

Y: You have awful fucking timing! He was about to tell me who has the codes!

T: Bullshit, he was a liar. He was playing us.

Y: Yeah, well now we will never know, will we?

T: I know everything.

Y: Really? What am I thinking right now?

T: Youuuu... want to give your gorgeous boyfriend a kiss?

Y: Nope.

T: Don't lie.

I smirk and raise my eyebrow as he curls his arms around my waist, looking down at me with a devilish smile. I place a hand on his face, slowly tracing his scar on his cheek before shoving his head backwards, making him collide with the wall behind him. I giggle as I walk ahead, Tom following me with a grumble.

Y: I was actually thinking about how much I hate you right now for killing that guy, along with our chances of getting the codes.

T: Oh, come on!

He runs next to me, arms folded like a child. I pout sarcastically as he rolls his eyes.

Y: All I got was 'Z.'

Tom comes to a halt and I look back at him with a frown.

Y: What? You know who it is?

T: Yeah... I think I fucking do.

Y: Who?

T: Zendaya...

Y: You mean... THE Zendaya? The biggest Hustler in England?!

T: I think so...

Y: Shit!

I run my hands through my hair, frustration running through my veins. I inhale deeply, before stopping in front of Tom who also looks slightly annoyed.

Y: It's okay, we've got this. We just need to find her and I'll do the rest.

T: Not without my help.

Y: Tom...

T: This isn't something you can just do yourself Y/N. I'm helping.

Y: Are you forgetting that I managed to kill my own father? And can I remind you, that was for you.

T: How could I forget; it was the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me.

I snickered a little to cover the slight heartache clawing its way through my chest. It was definitely hard, but he got what was coming for him.


Okay, I'll rewind a little bit. It was a couple of months after me, Harrison and Tom ran away. We decided to rent a place in Belgium, and it was lovely and quiet for a few days, until Harrison's laptop alerted us that my father had found our place.

We had no time to even plan anything before my father and his men ambushed us.

D: Y/N I know you are in here!

Harrison and Tom managed to fight off some of his men as I was dragged out the door by my hair and thrown to the ground by my father.

D: You little shit! After everything I have done for you, this is how you choose to repay me?!

Y: You've done nothing for me, other than cast me aside to different safe houses, all while you sit up in your ivory towers and bark orders to your helpless disciples!

A sharp hit to my face soon shut me up, but before he could do any more, Tom hits him to the ground next to me and points a gun to his head. Before he can shoot, a guy runs at him with a knife, slicing his cheek (hence his scar) and Tom falls unconscious.

My father stands to his feet and aims his gun at my poor, still Tom. Without thought I ran to block his view, his eyes glared in confusion and disbelief.

D: You would risk your life? For HIM?

Y: Yes, I would!

D: ...

D: Then I shall have to shoot you too, like I shot your mother!

Trust me when I say, my blood ran cold at his words. My whole life he had lied to me. My mother was never shot accidentally in the ambush when I was 13... He killed her on purpose, planned the whole thing, to cut out an obstacle he thought was in his way. Luckily for me, his only choice was to send me away, not kill me.

At this point, I was so distraught and filled with anger, I used my fighting lessons to grab the gun off my father, shooting the man beside him before pointing it at him. My eyes where blurry from my hot tears, but I still caught the glimpse of his angry face as the bullet fired through his chest.

After I killed my father, all eyes where on me to take his place. And of course, I took it. At first, I was scared and weak. But with help from Tom and Harrison, I turned my weakness into strength, and my fear into fearlessness. And now, I am one of the most feared mafia leaders in England. I sometimes thank my father for what he did, because it has only made me stronger and more confident.

We are pretty much all caught up, now, where were we?

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