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This is it... Today is the day me and Tom get married! I'm sat on the edge of my bed, Zendaya on a stool in front of me doing my makeup, my hair already done. I told her not to do it too heavy so i trust her to make me look half decent. It's currently 9:00 and i am meeting Tom at the field at 11:00. I know it's early, but we plan to celebrate for the whole day, obviously.

Y: I've never been so nervous for something in my entire life. What if Tom has changed his mind, what if he doesn't actually love me and...

Ze: Y/N! Shut up! Of course he fricken loves you, it's normal to be nervous, neither of you have felt a love like this before so i'm sure he feels the exact same way.

Y: God, i know. I'm sorry. I'm just being silly.

( Toms pov )

H: You nervous?

T: Nope.

H: Really?

T: Of course i'm fucking nervous! What if she only said yes because she feels bad for me bro... she deserves better than me. I'm an arsehole sometimes.

H: Yeah, you are. But she really loves you mate, you two belong together! I have watched the two of you grow together, and i don't want to get too soppy, but you literally saved each other. Now stop bloody worrying, put you suit on!

T: I love you, you div. I can't stop thinking about her standing in the room next to me, probably in her dress. God, the love i feel for this woman is indescribable. 

H: Mate, she's really made you soft.

T: Shut up.


( Y/N's pov )

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( Y/N's pov )


( This style but with your own hair colour :) )

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( This style but with your own hair colour :) )

( This style but with your own hair colour :) )

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( Y/NS pov )

I hear Tom leave with Harrison, meaning it's nearly time for me to leave. I stand in front of my mirror, looking at my dress as Zendaya finishes the last tweaks to my hair.

Ze: You look absolutely beautiful Y/N. He's going to faint at the sight of you.

Y: I hope not!

I laugh along with her as we both begin to tear up.

Y: Okay, let's not cry yet, you've just finished my makeup!

Ze: I can't help it! I've not known you both that long, but i couldn't be happier for you. And, this is the only wedding I've been to so i'm very excited!

Y: I never thought in a million years that i'd be getting married. It's like a fairytale come true.

Ze: Come on, it's time to get Max ready. 

Y: Yes, let's go.

It doesn't take us too long to get Max ready until we are at a stage where i am happy to get on him. I use a block too climb on him side saddle, and Zendaya holds him by a lead rope to take us to the field. All excitement is bursting inside me, giving me butterflies that are making me feel slightly sick. That's normal right?

We slowly make our way down to the field. It shouldn't take us too long, I hope it doesn't, i just want to be there already. 

Ze: Alright, It's just around this corner. Wait here okay? I'm going to warn them that you're here.

I nod, to nervous to speak right now. I can here them talking around the bush, Toms distinctive voice sending shivers through my body. I can't wait to see him. Not long after she left, Zendaya rushes back round the corner, snapping me out of my daydream. 

Ze: Ready?

Y: Fuck yes.

Zendaya grabs Max's reins and chucks his lead rope on the floor, not needing it anymore. She slowly walks us round the corner and a huge smile creeps across my face as i lock eyes with my handsome groom. The maroon tie complementing his dark hair and tanned skin, his hair perfectly bouncy, and his smile lights up my heart.

( Toms pov )

I rub my clammy hands together with nerves as Haz taps me on the shoulder, causing me to turn around swiftly. As she turns the corner, my heart begins to race. I smile uncontrollably and It suddenly just feels like everything is in slow motion. Max looks lovely, but Y/N looks incredible. The dress is perfect, she's perfect. 

(  Y/NS pov again )

I smile at Alex, Matt and Zack standing by the side and Zendaya goes to join them. I stop next to Tom on Max and Tom reaches up to help me down by my waist. I get a familiar tingle through my body and i don't break eye contact with him. Harrison takes hold of Max and i stand, holding hands with Tom as the registrar starts to speak. In all honesty, i'm too busy gawping at Tom to even hear what the guy is bloody saying.

R: You may now kiss the bride.

That's the bit i was waiting for!

I instantly jump into Toms arms and he kisses me with love. Not just an everyday kiss, this one feels different. The world seems to disappear around us, and it's now just me and him. Eventually pulling away, he stares down at me, breathless, and glowing. 

T: I love you so fucking much.

Y: I love you so much more.

T: You look bloody gorgeous. You need to wear that dress everyday, please and thank you.

Y: Only if you wear that suit everyday, Mr Holland. 

T: Fine by me, Mrs Holland.

Y: Oh my god, that sounds amazing. 'Mrs Holland.'

I smile widely and give him another kiss, everyone clapping and cheering. 


We all sit under the gazebo that we hired, drinking and laughing together. I didn't really have any family, but now, these people are my family, and i can't imagine my world without them. The rest of the night is filled with smiles, dancing, drinks and crying with happiness.


( Time skip back to the house after the wedding )

Now lying on top of the bed next to Tom at the end of the night, we just smile, staring into each others eyes. 

Y: How did we get here?

T: We rode back up the fields...

Y: No you dumb ass, how did we get HERE. You were so annoying when you were first allocated to be my bodyguard, well, you still are, but less.

T: Hey! 

Y: I'm serious! Look how far we've come.

T: I owe it all to you my love. You helped me be better, to see that i can still be loved even though i was raised to be a killer.

Y: We helped each other. I can't wait to spend the rest of our mafia life together.

He chuckles quietly before pulling me close and kissing me tenderly. This is our first night together as husband and wife, and i know it's going to be amazing. This man is my everything, my husband, my bodyguard ;)


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