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Lying breathlessly in the car, Tom sits next to me grinning to himself. I smile too, before i realise that Alicia is probably wondering where the hell i have disappeared to.

Y: Shit! Alicia!

I jump out of the car, adjusting my pyjamas and grabbing Max, who is just chilling by the lake.

T: Where are you going?

Y: I'll see you at home, you've still got some explaining to do!

I shout to Tom as i ride away towards the camping spot.


A: Where the HELL have you been?!

Y: I am SO sorry A... I went back to speak to Tom and ZENDAYA was there in my room with him and i freaked out and ran away and then i ended up at a lake and Tom found me and we ended up in his car and...

A: Okay, y/n i get it... It's ok, i was just worried. But, wait, Zendaya?

Y: Yeah, i don't know what she was doing there, but Tom reassured me that they didn't do anything funny. But we do have to go home now, i need to know what's going on.

A: Of course, let's pack everything up.

It doesn't take long until we are back home, i leave Alicia to sort Max out as i run upstairs to take a quick shower, preparing myself for the meeting of hell. I don't know why i am so nervous. Probably because Zendaya is the most beautiful human alive and it's hard to believe that Tom is with me and not her... Maybe i just need to stop overthinking.

I finish my shower and slip into a casual leopard print dress and some black flat shoes, finishing off by putting on a little bit of makeup and throwing my hair up into a ponytail. At least i look presentable now.

Strolling downstairs, i see Harrison waiting at the bottom. I confidently walk up to him with a small smile.

Y: Hey Haz... I uhm, i want to say that i'm sorry. I never intended to upset anyone, i wasn't thinking straight.

H: It's okay, i have to say, i was a prick for saying those things though, you're a great boss.

Y: Thanks Haz, but i know i need to do better, and i promise, i am going to.

I give him a hug before following him into the office, where i am greeted by Tom, Zack, Matt and the annoyingly pretty Zendaya.

I stand by my desk as they all face me quietly. I begin to finally speak.

Y: So, what do you have to tell me?

Z: First of all, I'm sorry for causing such a stir, I never intended to upset anyone. I got in touch with Tom yesterday and i think you could use my help. I'm not your enemy in this.

Y: How do i know we can trust you?

Z: I have already given your men the codes for the safe.

I look to Haz.

Y: Is this true?

H: Yep, we had a look if they matched the safe that we located, and they do.

Y: Okay, so, do you know what is in the safe?

Z: Unfortunately not. But i know that a lot of big business people want what's in it.

Y: Who gave you the codes?

Z: I got them off one of my colleagues, word got around about a safe and i wanted the codes. But, i didn't want to do it by myself, hence why i am here.

Y: What did you give to the hooded guy? We saw you on CCTV.

Z: Oh, that? That was one of my guys, i sent him out to look for your address.

Y: Oh, okay.

T: But y/n, she also has some news on someone who is also after the safe, and i think we really need to be careful about our next steps.

Y: Who is it?

Z: His name is Noah Wilson. He is a slimy man, he can get himself into anywhere, he's definitely one to look out for. He can be very dangerous.

T: So can we.

Y: Okay, we need to make a plan then. Can i trust you Zendaya?

Z: Me, and my men.

Y: I hope so.

I nod at her, my face blank, i'm not going to get too familiar with her yet, looks can be deceiving.

I walk with Tom out to the kitchen to get a late lunch, the time being 2:00 o'clock and i haven't eaten anything, apart from a granola bar whilst me and Alicia where packing all of our camping stuff away. Well, all things considered, it was still a nice little getaway.

T: Come here.

I walk to Tom who is standing against the table, arms open to hug me. I look into his eyes, now soft and reassuring, unlike the other night where all i felt was hatred from him. I smile softly as he looks down at me with his naturally frowny face.

T: Are you ok ?

Y: Yes, i am now. I'm sorry for freaking out about everything, and, i'm sorry about not telling you my plan. I was so stupid. I never want to hurt you, i can't have you looking at me the way you looked at me the other night again.

T: Y/N, you mean the world to me, I didn't expect you to do something like that and i guess, it just scared me. I don't ever want to loose you, I'll follow you wherever you go, through fire and rain.

Y: I'm s...

T: Stop saying sorry. I forgave you along time ago. You're the one person i can't stay mad at.

He kisses me on my head and pulls me closer as footsteps approach behind me.

H: Lucky, he can stay mad at me for about a year.

T: Shut up you eavesdropper.

H: I came to get food, not my fault. Toast anyone?

Y: Yes please Haz.

I giggle into Tom's chest, feeling happy to hug him again. Until, Zendaya strolls in and ruins the moment. I step back from Tom and look at her before walking outside to sit on the patio, pulling Tom with me. I feel like i may be being a bit of a jealous girlfriend, but something about her annoys me.

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now