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I head into the back garden to great Max, pulling my phone out to call up a few men to come with me on the mission to get the safe. I know that the best time to go is when it's dark, so, midnight probably. I manage to get 6 men on board who will meet me at the location that I've sent them. All I need to do now is pack a bag, but I'll have to do that when Tom leaves the bedroom. I also need to figure out where to keep the safe when I get it.

To clear my head and to delay my nerves, I tack Max up and get ready for a ride. That's one of the only things that manages to calm me down. Another thing being Tom, but it's going to be hard to look him in the eye today, let alone kiss him.

A: Hey Y/N!

Y: Oh, hey Alicia.

A: You, okay? You look troubled.

Y: Me? Oh, no I'm fine.

A: Riiiight... You're going out?

Y: Huh?

A: Are you going out on Max?

Y: Uh, yeah, sorry. See you later. Oh and, you might want to speak to Harrison.

I wink at her and her curious facial expression turns to excitement. She smiles widely before leaving the stables. I pop my hat on my head and hop onto Max.

Y: Okay boy, we are going to try a bit of no stirrup work today.

I start off with a controlled trot around the arena and then a canter. When I feel as though myself and Max are ready, I cross my stirrups over and stretch my legs out. I start off by trotting, making sure I keep my balance steady. As my confidence grows, I put up a small jump and I manage to balance perfectly as Max hops over it.

The session ends as quickly as it started and all the nerves that had been at the back of my mind are now back as I watch Tom walk outside towards me.

T: There you are. Nice ride?

Y: Yeah, good thanks.

T: Good. So, Zack tells me that he has found the safe.

Y: Yeah, he said.

T: I thought you'd be more excited about it?

Y: I am, but as you say, I need to stay focused.

T: Is anything bothering you?

Y: No, I'm fine.

T: Ok... I'm taking Harrison to the ammunition shop, want to come?

*Your thoughts* Y: This is my chance to pack a bag for tonight.

Y: Er, no, I think I'll take a quick shower.

T: Okay, see you later darling.

He pats my leg and begins to walk away. I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding in, and climb off Max. Leading him to his stable, I begin to think about how easy his life is. I'm jealous.


I grab my duffel bag from under the bed and pack all the essentials ready for tonight. I load three separate pistols and make sure to take extra mags. I finish packing and stuff the bag back under the bed. Slumping onto the beanbag in the corner, I begin to question everything.

Y: This is so stupid... Tom is going to kill me. Harrison will hate me for not listening to him. I'm going to get myself killed...

I begin to tear up and I bring my knees up to my chest and curl myself into a ball.

Y: No, I can do this. I have to. I can't leave it any longer.

I strut into the bathroom and take a well needed shower. It's now only 1 o'clock. Can time go any slower? I make myself a quick wrap and a cup of tea, tea solves everything.

T: Hey, we're back!


Y: Hey. Get anything cool?

H: I got a sick crossbow.

Y: When will you need a fucking crossbow?

T: That's what I said.

H: Neither of you are any fun.

I laugh as Harrison rolls his eyes and walks past me into the lounge as Tom walks towards me and embraces me in a hug. I hesitate a little but hug him back, not wanting to make him think there was something wrong, even though there is.

T: What have you been up to?

Y: Oh, nothing really. i just went for a ride and then went upstairs to... have a shower.

T: Are you okay? 

My head shoots up to look at him, only now noticing i was looking at the floor for the start of our conversation. I shake my head slowly and smile as confidently as i can. 

Y: Why wouldn't i be?

T: Was just checking, you seem a bit off. 

Y: No, all good thanks.

T: Ok. Well, we need to talk about how we will get the safe. Do you want to start now?

Y: No, we'll wait until tomorrow.

T: I thought you were eager to get it? 

Y: I was, i am. 

T: Well, why not start today? i mean, we won't be actually getting it until we are positive that our plan will work, and until we know that Z won't come after us if we get it. And...

Y: Yeah, Tom i get it. 

T: Fuck, okay i was just telling you.

Y: Yeah, okay, thanks. 

I walk away, doing so, i brush past Tom. It's burning me that i can't tell him what i'm doing, i feel really bad but i know he would just tell me to wait. I'm done with waiting. I'm the boss. I will do what is right.

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now