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Me and Tom are currently on a private jet back home. We are both feeling high on life, grinning like children in a candy shop. Although, my candy is a 3 carat diamond ring set in 14 karat solid white gold...

Y: I'm so excited to tell the others!
T: Me too, but most of all, I'm excited to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful woman sitting next to me. You have turned my world upside down, and you've saved me from myself.

I can't help it, I start crying again, for the hundredth time in the last two days. I straddle his lap as his hands roam around my waist. I trail kisses on his neck towards his lips, making him let out a small moan of enjoyment.

?: would you like some more champ... oh, sorry.

Tom shoots his head in the direction of the flight attendant who is holding a tray of two glasses and a bottle of champagne. His face bright red with embarrassment and his eyes look everywhere except at us. I giggle quietly.

T: Piss off will you? We are in the middle of something here.
?: Apologies...

The flight attendant scurries off, almost dropping the glasses. I burst out laughing but Toms face stays emotionless.

T: are you going to help me with my little problem or what?

I stare confused for a second until I feel him move underneath me stiffly. I look down and a small chuckle leaves my mouth.

Y: Looks like a big problem to me.

I kiss him once more before he lifts me up, my legs still around his waist, and he carries me to the bedroom at the back of the jet.


Y: I hope the house is still as clean as we left it!

I shout as I walk through the new front door, dropping my bags and looking around. Harrison runs out of the kitchen, toast in his mouth. He smiles widely when he sees me and instantly embraces me in a tight hug.

H: It's good to have you back! Where's Tom?

As if on cue, Tom shuffles through the door with the remaining bags and chucks them to the floor to hug his best friend.

T: Hey mate! You've managed to not burn the house down then?
H: it hurts that you both have no trust in me.

I laugh at his comment before I hear more footsteps approach from upstairs. Zendaya and Alex run down, hand in hand.

T: hey love birds.
Ze: Hey! We want to hear everything about the trip! How was it?
Al: Babe let them settle back in first.

Zendaya laughs before turning to me.

Ze: sorry, it's just been so weird being the only girl here, I've missed you!

I hug her warmly before giving one to Alex too. Alex and Zendaya started seeing each other after Alicias funeral. They do look cute together, I have to say. Harrison is still single, but I think after Alicia, it's going to take some time for him to find someone else. But he seems happy at the moment, and that's what matters.

Me and Tom manage to unpack most of our stuff before calling a meeting with everyone in the office. We say out hellos to Zack and Matt who walk in last minute, before standing in-front of everyone with excitement.

Ze: why are you calling a meeting? It's your first day back!
Y: we, have some exciting news.

Tom smiles at me and I smile back, biting my lip, before handing out my left hand, showing everyone the ring.

Y: We're engaged!

Z gasps and everyone starts cheering and hugging us.

Ze: oh my fucking god! That ring!
T: thought I'd use some of my safe money to finally make a move.
H: I'm proud of you mate. So happy for you both.

Harrison pulls us both into a hug and I can't help but feel like the luckiest person on earth. If only Alicia was here too, and Andy would be so proud. But I know they are looking down on us and cheering.

As we all settle down, Zendaya pulls me out of the room and upstairs to the balcony.

Ze: okay, so, where are you wanting the wedding? What dress? What shoes? What hair style?
Y: oh my god Z, slow down. I definitely need your help with this, but let's take it easy haha. So, let's start with the dress...

Me and Z spend most of the day making mood boards on Pinterest of different dresses and jewellery ideas. It feels good, my life feels somewhat normal. I mean, we've planned to have a gun holster on my leg under the wedding dress just in case but... yes, somewhat normal. After speaking with Tom, we plan the wedding for three weeks time. We don't want it too big, mainly because being a mafia leader has its cons, but, we want to keep it to just friends. The idea is to have it on a farm, not too far away from us.

By farm I don't mean a sludgy pig farm, I mean one with a beautiful view of London in the distance, and with endless flowery fields. And my plan is to ride side saddle on Max down the isle, hopefully not falling off in the process.


The next couple of weeks are hectic. Planning for the wedding all while keeping an eye on gangs near London is no easy task, but none of them have had any interest in us, yet.

We are now Two days away from the wedding, I feel anxious and full of excitement. We have agreed not to have a hen party or stag do, but we have planned to have a small gathering in the pool room and watch films together tonight (Saturday), which is safer for all of us anyway. Tom will be spending tomorrow night (Sunday) in the spare room so on the morning of the wedding, Harrison can help him get ready, and Zendaya will spend the night in my room so that she can help me get ready. I also need her help to get Max ready so that he looks all beautiful and smart when he walks me down the fields and down the isle. Tom and the other men will be leaving before me in a car so i won't see him until we are saying our vows in front of our hired registrar.

It's all beginning to feel so surreal. Not long now...

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