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We arrive at the cemetery that I planned for Alicia to be buried at, gripping my bag on my lap. I only planned it for me, Tom and Harrison to be here. No one else knew her enough, and plus, i want to keep a low profile for all of us. Tom cuts the engine and sighs. I inhale shakily as i look at him and grab his hand. His phone starts buzzing so i let go and exit the car, letting him take it in private. A few seconds later, he appears next to me and intertwines our fingers.

T: That was Harrison. He's here, he's already by the place we picked.

I smile contently and nod. I'm glad he's here, she would have wanted him here.

Me and Tom walk up the path towards the blossom tree at the end where we chose to bury her. She used to love the blossom tree in our garden, so i thought it would be rather fitting. I spot Harrison standing by A's coffin, his hand gently running over the wood. My heart aches.

He looks up at us and a small smile appears on his lips. None of us say anything, just stand and watch as the coffin is lowered into the ground. A few tears leave my eyes, but i try to be as strong as possible. Being with Tom has taught me so much, and i will try my best to only look back at the best memories i had with Alicia, and try not to let the bad ones haunt me.

The burial doesn't take long. No one says any words, we didn't have much time to prepare any speeches. I leave a bouquet of roses and her favorite necklace by her grave stone.

Y: I'm so sorry. I should never have let you get involved in this life. You were too young to die...

I whisper softly, a single tear dripping onto the soil. I stand up quickly and step back. Harrison and Tom both place down a single white rose as i watch on silently. Harrison walks over to me and Tom stays back, letting us talk things through.

Y: Harrison, I...

H: Please, let me say something first.

I nod sympathetically and brace myself for the worst.

H: Y/N, I never should have been that harsh on you, this was all of our faults, and Alicia wouldn't want us to become enemies. You're my boss, but most of all, you're my friend, and I'm here for you through this.

I start crying even more now, smiling gratefully at him before jumping in his arms and hugging him tightly. I hear him sob into my shoulder which only makes me hug him tighter.

Y: I'm here for you too Haz. I love you.

H: I love you too. Both of you.

Harrison let's go of me for a second, giving him enough time to reach for Toms arm and pull him into our huddle of hugs and tears.

Tom laughs lightly as we relax in each others arms. We finally pull apart and giggle at how stupid we must have looked, but we don't care. The trio is back in tact.


We all arrive back home, our eyes looking red and puffy from crying.

Y: I'm going to check on Max, i won't be a second.

T: Take as long as you need.

I kiss him gently and walk round the back to the stables. Max, luckily, wasn't harmed in the ambush last night. Noah's men were too busy attacking us that he probably didn't even notice him. Thank god.

Y: Hey boy. Looks like you'll be seeing a lot more of me. A's with the stars now.

I sniffle silently and rest my head on his, stroking his mane. I groom him and sit on the hay with him for a while, until Tom walks in, making me jump slightly.

T: You groomed him in that dress?

He laughs as he sits down next to me. I shrug, unbothered by the dirt in my hair and covering my dress. Tom smiles as he pulls a strand of hay out of my hair.

Y: She loved Max, as much as i did.

T: Yeah, she did. We're going to make her proud. We'll get that money.

Y: I'll have a quick shower, and we can get started on that. The rest of Noah's bastards will pay.

I stand up, lending a hand for Tom. I lift my head proudly as i look at him, he scans my face before smirking.

T: How far you've come. You're so much stronger than you think darling. I'm completely and irrevocably in love with you.

I reach up and place a hand behind his head, pulling him down to kiss me. We hum blissfully into the kiss and pull away breathlessly.

Y: I'm completely and irrevocably in love with you too. Don't you dare ever leave me.

T: I wouldn't dream of it love.


I throw on some navy joggers and one of Toms over sized hoodies before taking off my makeup. I dry my hair as best as i can with a towel before meeting with Tom and Harrison down stairs in the office.

I take a seat on my desk and they sit on chairs in front of me.

Y: Okay, i know all of this is still pretty fresh, but we have to get that money or all of this would have been for nothing.

H: Agreed. I think we should get the money first and then plan to kill the rest of Noah's men.

T: Sounds good to me.


Within five minutes of hacking Noah's bank, we finally transfer the money to ours. A load of weight lifts off my shoulders and i finally feel like we have accomplished something, I can't wait to tell the others tomorrow. We are now 30 million pounds richer, no amount of money would ever make up for the loss of Alicia, but it feels damn good that we are avenging her, and taking back what is rightfully ours.

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now