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Y: So, we know that Zendaya is currently in Spain, but she flies back tomorrow to London?

H: Yes, she has 3 men with her, along with her assistant.

Y: Ok, good to know. Thanks Harrison, I'd like you to keep track of her tonight and tell me if anything changes.

H: Of course.

I pat Harrison on the shoulder and make my way into the kitchen to see Tom pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

Y: Really? At 10 in the morning?

Tom just takes a quick glance at me, downing the strong liquid with no issues before placing it down next to the sink and folding his arms to look at me.

T: I need it, what are you doing up anyway? I told you to get more rest.

I walk over to him and he grabs my waist, hoisting me up onto the counter. He stands in front of me, wrapping my legs around him and placing his hands on my hips as he looks deeply into my eyes.

Y: I can't just sleep when there is work to be done. We need to know why Zendaya has those codes, and what she's planning on using them for.

T: We will find out, don't worry. But for now, I think you should join me for breakfast in the hot tub.

He smirks at me before lifting me off the counter and placing me back on my feet.

Y: I'll meet you out there, I need to check on Max. I want to see if Alicia has fed him.

T: Ugh, fine. Hurry up.

I kiss him softly before smiling at him as I walk out to the stables. Luckily, on the day that my father came to kill us, Max was on a hack with Alicia (My new assistant/friend) so he was safe. I hired Alicia because I began to lose so much time when I became the mafia leader, although, I still try to do as much by myself as possible.

I found Alicia in Belgium, she saw me one day grocery shopping, we got talking and it felt nice to finally have a friend. She is my age so I don't have the issue I had with Viola, thank god. She told me that she lives on her own, she has no family, no love life. So, naturally, when I became mafia leader, I took her in. She made her own choice obviously, I'm not my father, I wouldn't force her to do anything.

She didn't seem to be too fazed about me taking over as leader, in fact, she was very supportive. And I think she grew to have a crush on Harrison anyway.

Y: Hey Alicia.

A: Hey! He's all fed, watered and groomed. Are you taking him out today?

Y: Maybe later, I just wanted to say hi before having breakfast with Tom.

A: Okay, well, if you run out of time, I don't mind taking him.

Y: You're a life saver, thank you.

A: Any more news on Zendaya?

Y: Only that she is flying back to London tomorrow, Haz is keeping tabs on her.

A: Does he need any help? I mean, I can help him.

Y: A... Just ask him out already!

Alicia's face turns bright red as I laugh at her.

A: You know I can't, I don't think he likes me that way.

Y: You won't know unless you try.

I wink at her before walking up to kiss Max on his nose. I wave at her as I walk out of the stables and into the garden towards the pool and hot tub room.

I know I loved the safe house in Paris, a little bit, but the house we are in now, is my dream house. It's three stories big and it's a beautiful red brick colour with large pillars out the front. The front drive is huge with a pond as a beautiful feature. The 5 acres long garden consists of having a pool/hot tub hut, a bar, and an arena for training Max. I once lived a life of boredom, and now, I never have a boring minute.

I walk in to see a bare-chested Tom stuffing his face with a croissant in the hot tub.

Y: Started without me?

T: You were taking too long.

I scoff and walk into the changing room where all my bikinis are kept. I change into a bright red set with black polka dots on it and put my hair into a bun so it doesn't get wet.

I climb into the hot tub, Tom gawping at me as I sit next to him. I smirk at his reaction as I grab myself a strawberry and eat it seductively, making sure to hold eye contact with him.

T: What are you doing to me y/n?

Y: Me? Nothing.

I say innocently as I put the leafage of the strawberry in the bowl on the side before being dragged onto Tom's lap. Our lips collide as we share a passionate and intense kiss. His hands roam around my waist as I play with his hair, not wanting him to stop.

Since Paris, Tom has become more intense in our love life. Let's just say we are each other's firsts and we intend to be each other's lasts. We are both equal parts pleasure and pain, we are addicted to one another and I couldn't be happier. Yes, he has his moments where my hate for him can out weigh my love for him, but I could not live without him.


After our heated hot tub breakfast, we change in the changing room and walk back to the house together at about 1 o'clock. We walk into the office to meet with Harrison and Matt, Zack and Simon, our three new recruits. I sit at my desk, all four men standing in front of me, Tom at my side. This whole leader thing, it feels pretty bad ass.

Y: Okay, so, we know Zendaya is arriving tomorrow morning, but what time?

H: It should be about 10am.

Y: Okay, great. Do we know what she is planning on using the codes for yet?

M: We don't know for sure, but we did some digging and found out that the codes are for a safe. We don't know what is in the safe or where it is allocated though unfortunately Miss.

Y: Okay, good job guys. Tom, Harrison and I will go to the airport tomorrow. I need you two to stay here on coms and we will keep you in check, be on standby.

I point at Matt and Zack who both nod understandingly. I stand up and pour myself a glass of brandy and take a sip, the warmth running down my throat which sends shivers down my back.

Y: You're free to go.

I wave at them politely and they nod at me before leaving the room, all except Tom.

T: You know, you're hot as a boss woman.

I giggle as I perk myself on the end of my desk, Tom in front of me.

Y: I'm a lady, not a cup of tea.

He rolls his eyes in irritation but walks closer to me and snakes his hands round my waist, familiar butterflies erupting in my stomach.

T: Okay you are, beautiful, gorgeous, sexy and magnificent.

Y: That's better. I love you.

T: I love you too, so much.

He cups my face in his hands before placing a short but sweet kiss on my lips. My heart beams and I feel my face glowing with happiness. With him, I feel like anything is possible. He is my world.

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now