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H: Wait. Who have we lost?

I look at Tom, my eyes burning with the hot tears making an appearance. He looks to Harrison and rubs his neck, I don't want to be the one to tell Harrison the sad news, but i know it probably will have to be me.

Haz notices the looks that i am giving to Tom and his expression turns cold. He knows. Harrison starts laughing, a bit too hysterically, before going completely silent.

I walk up to him slowly and wrap my arms around him.

H: No. No, stop, NO!

He pushes me off as i stand broken and in pieces. Tears fall down his face as he runs out into the hall where Alicia's body lies. I try to call out and stop him but i'm not quick enough. I wave at everyone to stay in the lounge except for Tom, if anyone can calm his friend down, it will be him.

Me and Tom watch carefully from the lounge doorway as Harrison completely breaks down next to Alicia. His hands shakily stroke her pale, lifeless face. I scrunch my eyes together, hiding my head in Toms shoulder as he slowly strokes my back. He makes no noise, he's immune to this, and right now, i wish i could be too.

Harrison's sobs seem to last an eternity, but he eventually stands away from her body and turns his face to look at me and Tom, and then just to me. His eyes suddenly turn fiery, fists balled together.

H: This... This is YOUR fault!

Haz bolts towards me but Tom blocks his path. I take a step back, feeling guilty and ashamed. What if this is my fault?

H: I didn't even get the chance to tell her i love her! And now i can't... And it's ALL YOUR FAULT Y/N! Your plan failed, and i blame YOU for A's death!


I bow my head, thoughts running through my mind, and my emotions exploding. I look up long enough to see Harrison charge out of the broken front door, punching the wall as he does so, making me flinch. Tom sighs before walking over to me and holding my hands in his.

T: Stay here, i'm going to tell the others to leave and then we will stay in the pool house for the night. You go down, i'll look after Alicia, don't worry.

I look up at his face, the softest it's ever been. He doesn't wait for me to say anything, he just kisses me gently before twirling me round and walking me to the back door. I trudge down to the pool house alone, shivering violently from a mixture of shock and coldness. I walk through the door and flop onto the fresh bed in the room next to the pool area.

Not long after, i hear the door open again and see Tom walk in, taking off his bloodstained jacket.

Y: Is everyone okay? We need to find the money that Noah had.

I ask quietly.

T: We can sort that tomorrow, they're not my problem right now, you are.

As soon as he sits next to me on the bed, i burst into tears, my breathing unsteady and my hands shaking. As if prepared, he cuddles me in a comfortable position in his arms and leans back on the headboard, lying me down on his chest.

He says nothing, just strokes my back comfortingly, and before i know it, I feel myself falling into a deep sleep.


N: In my eyes, I have won. Yes, i have lost men tonight, but they meant nothing to me. But you, you lost someone who meant everything to you, and that feels amaz...


I shoot up, gasping for air. I feel an arm snake round my waist and i raise my fists in defence.

T: Woah, hey! Just me darling, just me...

I calm my breathing down and fall back down to Tom, letting him comfort me. He strokes my head soothingly for a while before i find the words to speak.

Y: This all doesn't seem real... No matter how much you will try to defend me, this IS my fault.

T: No, It's all our faults. I should've known better too, it's still my job as bodyguard to protect you. We can't spend the rest of our days moping around, we need to make this all worth it, we need to extract the 30 million from Noah's bank, and we need to make sure the rest of his men are dead.

He holds my head in his hands as he speaks truthfully and seriously, his eyes never breaking contact from mine. I nod strongly, gaining some strength from Toms words.

Y: First, we need to sort out A...

T: I made sure to cover her with sheets last night, but i really think Haz should be here to bury her.

Y: We'll prepare a funeral first thing, it's only right, I never got to plan a funeral for Andy. Haz doesn't have to talk to me, but i want him there.

T: I'll call him.

I nod as he kisses my head and leaves the room to find his phone. This is going to be a long day...


It's now 1:30. We have sorted out most of the house, mainly the bodies, and we have managed to plan the funeral for Alicia in about 2 hours time. It was going to be tomorrow, but with Tom helping me, we were able to fight until we got our own way, and right now, no one should dare to argue with us.

Now standing in our room, i look at my figure in the mirror. My body covered elegantly in a black dress, styled with black heeled boots and my hair pulled up into a neat bun. I finish off the look with a laced black fascinator, something A would have liked. I sniffle softly as Tom walks in, hugging me from behind in his all black suit. He rests his chin on my head as i look at the two of us in the reflection, feeling lucky to have him.

T: You ready?

Y: Ready as i'll ever be.

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now