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It's time. Time to try and leave without Tom noticing. I turn my head to see him fast asleep next to me, i wriggle softly out from under the covers and slowly drag my bag out under the bed. I hear Tom move and i instantly freeze, biting my lip, hoping he doesn't hear me. After a minute of nothing happening, i carry on getting myself sorted. I quietly slip on a pair of black leggings and a black jumper, along with my black Doc Martins.

The time being 10:45, i have and hour and 15 to be at the location to meet with my men. I remain cool and collected as i walk downstairs towards the door. I feel as though someone is watching me so i look around before unlocking the door, only for it to be slammed shut again, and suddenly, i'm out cold. It wouldn't be the first time in all honesty.

As i slowly begin to open my eyes and move around, i quickly notice that i am back in bed. My initial thought is about how my head is pounding and i'd like to know who actually knocked me out. I slowly sit myself up and open my eyes a bit wider. Wishing i had stayed knocked out a bit longer, i see two very angry and disappointed men standing in front of me, arms folded and their faces stone cold. It almost brakes me to see Tom this disappointed.

I sigh and fall onto my back, bringing my hands up to my face, virtually feeling embarrassed that i got caught, and slightly annoyed with myself.

T: What the fuck do you think you were doing?

Y: Firstly, who hit me?

H: I did, now answer the god damn question. And sit up.

I force myself up and sit on the edge of the bed so they are facing my left side. I can't look at them anymore than i have to.

Y: I was going to get the safe okay?

H: I fucking told you Tom.

Tom looks down, he had just heard the news that he hoped not to find out was true.

T: I can't believe you would be stupid enough to try and do this, without us!

Y: It isn't stupid! It's necessary!

Now standing up, hot tears fill my eyes, anger boiling in my veins.

T: You aren't seriously thinking of going this alone still?

Y: Yes, i am. And i won't be alone.

I try to walk past them but Harrison stands in my path and Tom pushes me back with a hand on my shoulder.

T: So not only were you going to leave without the people you trust the most, but, you actually ordered other men to go with you instead?

Y: Tom, you wouldn't understand. I knew you wouldn't, hence why i didn't ask you to come!

T: I do understand! But you're running in to this like a dear in headlights. You have no idea what to expect!

Y: Yes, i do!

T: Tell me then!

Y: I don't have to explain myself to you Tom. Let me go!

I try to push his hand off me but he places both hands on my shoulders and shoves me onto the bed. I glare at him in shock.

T: You aren't going, end of! This isn't the right time!

Y: I am not waiting another minute Tom!

H: Fuck sake y/n, you aren't thinking like a boss, you're thinking like a stubborn child!

T: He's right. I think you should take a break from this, you're going to get yourself, and others, killed.

Y: You're asking me, the boss, to not do anything? Are you mentally deficient!?

H: No, but you are thinking that you could've pulled tonights mission off!

Y: Get out, both of you.

H: Y/N, listen...


I stand in confidence, hot, angry tears streaming down my face. Harrison storms out the room as Tom stands still, unfazed. His usual soft, brown, loving eyes have turned cold and unfamiliar.

Y: Tom, i said get, out.

T: I know what you said.

Y: Then leave. I don't want you here.

T: You've really let me down. At this point, do whatever. I don't fucking care anymore.

Tom emotionlessly leaves our room, slamming the door behind him. As soon as he leaves, i break down onto the bed, mixed emotions fueling my body. I jolt up and grab the lamp from the side table, throwing it at the wall making shards of glass scatter the floor. I storm out onto the balcony and gasp for air, feeling a panic attack coming on. I slump on to the deck chair and place my head in my hands.

This is all self-inflicted, it's all my fault. Tom and Harrison now both hate me, all because i want a safe that i don't even have the codes for. And god knows what is even in it! I'm such an idiot. I feel disheartened and torn, but, i still feel driven to do what i think is right, but if i do, Tom will hate me forever. And, no matter how much he has broken me tonight, i can't let him hate me.

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now