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Y: Fuck! This is taking too long! Where the hell is everyone?

I run my hands through my hair and fall back onto the armchair in the corner of the room.

M: Wait... Miss Sharpe, there is some movement.

Y: Holy shit, finally!

Tom, Harrison and Zack and I all run over to the desk to watch the screen. We watch as Zendaya steps outside, coming face to face with a hooded figure with their back to the camera.

T: Who the hell is that? Zoom in.

Matt zooms in as Zendaya visibly hands the figure a letter of some sort. Maybe the codes? The figure then walks away, head down, as Zendaya walks back into her apartment.

Y: What did she give them? Re-wind the footage.

Matt re-winds the footage about three times but we still can't figure out what it is.

H: It could have been anything. The codes, a meet up address, a number of some sort. We are in the shadows right now. Maybe it's time to confront her.

T: What that's too dangero...

Y: Good idea.

T: Wait what? No, not happening.

Y: Sorry, who's the boss here?

T: Y/N, this isn't something to rush. We don't know who she is working with. Until we know, we need to stay hidden.

Y: But if we leave it too long, she'll find where the safe is and whatever is in it. I can't let that happen.

T: So, you'll risk the lives of your men instead?

Y: Why are you making this so difficult?

H: Oh boy...

In the corner of my eye, I see Harrison nod at Zack and Matt to leave the room. He stays behind and shuts the door.

H: Guys, we need to be clever here. I think you both need to clear your heads and work together.

Y: You're right, I'm sorry alright? I just want this to fucking work.

T: Y/N, I want this to work just as much as you do. We need be careful. We'll get that safe and what's in it, I promise.

I rub my temples with a sigh and look up at Tom with a slow nod.

Y: Okay, I'm trusting you on this.

Tom walks over to me and places a kiss on my forehead as I snuggle into his chest.

H: Not gonna thank me for stopping you from ripping each other's heads off?

Me and Tom turn to look at Haz the same time with a serious face.

H: Okay, okay.

He holds his hands up before leaving the room swiftly. I turn to look up at Tom.

Y: I'm sorry.

T: It's okay, I am too. You need to de-stress a bit darling, I'll run you a bath.

Y: Only if you're joining me.

T: I can't, sorry. I'm working on finding the safe with Zack.

Y: Without me? Let me...

T: No, you really need to relax a little, okay? You can help me tomorrow.

Y: Uh, fine.

T: Grab yourself a glass of wine, I'll run the bath.

He softly kisses my lips and heads upstairs. Grabbing a glass of prosecco from the kitchen, I stroll tiredly to the bathroom, hearing the water running already. I open the door to see Tom pouring raspberry scented bubbles into the bath, maybe a bit too much.

Y: Okay, go easy on the bubbles.

T: I've never used fricking bubbles so I don't know how much you're meant to put in.

I laugh at him as he chucks the empty bottle onto the floor.

Y: It's perfect, thank you.

T: Don't lie, I'm shit at stuff like this.

Y: But it's the fact that you tried that makes it better.

I hug his torso as he slowly relaxes at my touch and hugs me back. He rests his chin on my head.

T: I best be going. Enjoy your bath beautiful.

Y: Thank you Tom, let me know what you find.

T: Of course.

I watch as he leaves the bathroom before I strip out of my clothes. I dip one foot in first, checking the temperature was right. Being happy with it, I climb in and sigh as the warmth relaxes my body. Before I know it, I drift off into a well needed sleep.

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now