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We all arrive home quickly with the safe, feeling dizzy with joy, well, most of us.

T: We'll put it in the cellar until we know what's inside it.

H: Okay, come on mate, i'll help.

Tom, Harrison and Matt carry the heavy safe onto a large metal table in the cellar as i follow them down eagerly, everyone else staying upstairs on the look out. Zendaya stands next to me and i smile at her.

Y: Want to do the honours?

Ze: Wait, really?

Y: You've proved your loyalty to us, and, you were the one who gave us the code so yes, really.

She beams at me thankfully and nods before walking elegantly towards the safe. She goes to punch in the codes but Tom steps in front of her.

Y: Tom, move out the way.

T: Shouldn't we x-ray it first?

Y: We have no time for that, please just move.

He frowns, infuriated, before barging past Zendaya and huffing up the stairs. Zendaya looks at me but i just shake my head and gesture at her to carry on. She hesitates a little before pressing in the codes. A small beep sends my heart racing as the safe door pops open. Zendaya grabs a hold of it and slowly pulls it open.

H: Well... what's in it?

Z: An envelope.

I frown before walking next to her, staring at the shockingly disappointing envelope in my view. I chuckle before grabbing it and tearing it open with no hesitation. Harrison and Zendaya watching over me with fascination. I open it and take out the letter, reading it out loud.

Y: "What was inside the safe is great, but overruling you, will be much greater."

H: What the fuck does that mean?

I pull out another object from the envelope, this time shaking with what lies in my hand.

Ze: Is that...

Y: A fucking tracker! We've lead them here! We have to warn everyone!

I drop the tracker to the floor and stamp on it with my heel. Zendaya and Harrison pull out their guns, as do i. We charge up the stairs to find the others.

Y: Tom! Alicia! ANYONE?!

A: Yes? What's wr....

It's like everything suddenly happens in slow motion, shots fly through the windows and all i hear is shouting. I stumble backwards and rest against a wall, flicking my eyes over to my scattered friends, they stop as they reach Alicia, and my heart drops. Red liquid trickles past her head as she lies cold on the floor, her eyes shut peacefully. I throw a hand up to my mouth to silence my soft sobs of sadness. This can't be happening, this is all my fault.

My sadness quickly turns to rage as i grip onto my gun and fire out of the broken windows at shadows running by. I manage to stifle some of the gunfire and when i find an opening, i run out of the front door, desperately trying to find a familiar face. I turn the corner sharply and quickly raise my gun as i come in to contact with a manly figure. But, before i manage to shoot, the figure turns around and i drop my gun to my side.

Y: Fuck! I could've killed you Alex!

Al: I'm sorry! I didn't know where anyone went!

Y: It's okay, stay close. I need to find Tom.

Alex nods frantically, his shaky hands holding on to his gun, looking rather unacquainted.

We creep through the side alley of the house and i push my back up against the wall as i prepare to turn the corner into the garden. With a deep breath, i hold out my gun and spin round the corner, firing at any unfamiliar faces, a few fire back but miss each time. Alex tries his best to help, but with basic training, he mostly leaves it to me.

We crawl into the kitchen as i lay my head against the island in the middle, holding my ribs as i gasp for breath. I am startled as a hand grasps my wrist but i relax again as i come face to face with my brown eyed boyfriend.

T: Are you hurt?

He sounds out of breath too, and trickles of sweat run down his scarred face.

Y: No, but...

My voice shakes as i try to form words, tears filling my eyes. Tom rests his head on mine and takes my hand in his.

Y: Alicia...

I don't even have to finish my sentence for Tom to understand what i am trying to say. In a way, i'm glad, because it hurts too much to say it out loud. We don't sit for long before more footsteps enter the room and we fire at them relentlessly. After the bodies fall to the floor, Harrison runs in behind us with Zendaya, making us jump. All five of us walk cautiously through to the lounge to find a guy sat on the arm chair in the corner, looking rather pleased with himself, surrounded by Matt and Zack.

Y: Noah Wilson, i presume?

N: You would presume correctly, darling.

Y: Why are you doing this? You know you can't beat us.

N: For fun. Why else?

T: What was in the safe?

N: Wouldn't you like to know?

Tom growls and steps closer to Noah, pointing his gun straight at his head.

N: Woah now big guy... There was piles of money, what else would it have been?

T: How much?

N: A lot.



H: Fuck...

I think all jaws dropped in the room. Noah laughs but soon stops as he sees Alex standing behind me.

N: Ah, the betrayer.

T: Well, you and us both, why didn't you tell us that he had put a tracker in the safe?!

Tom storms towards Alex, making Noah chuckle devilishly.

Al: I didn't know! I promise!

Y: Tom stop! I think we have more pressing matters to deal with, don't you?

He huffs and turns back to face a smug looking Noah, his teeth grinning exponentially.

Y: You aren't going to win against us. Give up.

N: Why else do you think i'm sat here. In my eyes, i have won. Yes, i have lost men tonight, but they meant nothing to me. But you, you lost someone who meant everything to you, and that feels amazi....


The shot rings through my ears for what seems like forever. I frown impatiently as i lower my gun, that was definitely left too long.

Tom walks in front of me and pulls the gun from my hand, chucking it to the side before embracing me in a well needed hug.

H: Wait. Who have we lost?

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now