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I pour myself a glass of vodka and coke before a gentle tap on my shoulder causes me to spin round. Zendaya stands in front of me in a stunning gold, sparkly dress. Her hair is pinned up and her eyes are a smoky brown, she looks very classy and elegant. I stop myself from gawping and i smile at her.

Y: Hi! Wow, you look lovely!

Ze: So do you! Red is definitely your colour.

I know.

Y: Thank you so much. Help yourself to a drink, I'll catch up with you in a bit, i'm looking for Alicia.

Ze: Thanks. I think i saw her in the lounge.

Y: Oh, thank you.

I wave goodbye as i weave in and out of the crowds of people until i eventually reach the living room. I spot Alicia speaking to a random girl in the corner, i run towards her, making sure i don't spill my drink.

Y: There you are!

A: Y/N! Heyyyy beautiful.

She immediately ignores the girl next to her and looks me up and down.

A: Honestly, you're the prettiest girl here.

Y: You're too kind. You look amazing too! I love your skirt!

A: Thanks, er, have you seen Harrison anywhere?

Y: I think he is in the garden, why?

A: I think i have drank enough liquid confidence to tell him how i feel.

I burst out laughing and hug her.

Y: Go get him!

I clap my hands as she pushes through the random people, making a couple of them drop their drinks, i just snort quietly and shake my head. I look around the room and lock eyes with Tom who is standing with one hand in his pocket and one hand holding a glass of whiskey, his eyes never leave mine, all while some guy is talking to him.

I start walking towards him but my view is quickly blocked when a guy bumps into me, my drink spilling all down my dress. i shriek as the cold alcohol trickles down me.

Y: Fuck!

?: Oh my god, i am so sorry!

I look up at the guy who's fault this all is. He has short, sweepy dark hair, I want to say black hair, and dark eyes.

Y: Ugh, it's okay.

Al: Allow me to get you another drink to apologise. I'm Alex by the way.

(I am using Alex as 'Al' so you don't get confused with Alicia!)

Y: I'd like to say nice to meet you but, it's not a great way to meet you.

Al: Aha, yeah, my bad.

I laugh a little as i brush myself down a bit.

T: What's going on love?

Y: It's okay, he walked into me by accident and spilt his drink on me.

Al: Yeah, sorry man, i'm Alex by the...

T: I don't care 'man.' Go get my girlfriend another drink.

Al: Right. okay.

Alex walks away and i gawp at Tom in disbelief.

Y: You didn't have to be so rude Tom.

T: He should've watched where he was going, dick.

Y: It was an accident!

T: I don't give a shit, he's ruined your dress.

Y: It's fine, it's just a bit of alcohol.

T: Well i care y/n, and he needs to leave when he gets your drink.

Y: You need to calm down, he isn't leaving. For the last time, it was an accident.

I shake my head in annoyance and leave Tom to find Alex. Now who's the jealous one...


I find Alex in the kitchen, looking at the vodka bottle, not knowing how much to pour. I chuckle and walk to help him.

Y: Here, i'll do it.

Al: Oh, hi. Sorry, i don't really drink vodka so i'm bad with measurements.

Y: It's okay. Also, i apologise for Tom, he's very protective, that's all.

Al: It's okay, i get it. A girl as pretty as you needs protecting. Especially in the world we live in.

Y: Thanks, i can look after myself too though.

Al: Of course, sorry, what's your name?

Y: Y/N Sharpe.

Alex almost chokes on his drink and looks at me in disbelief.

Al: Wait, you're THE Miss Sharpe? The new mafia leader?

Y: Yes, why?

Al: Sorry, i, i didn't expect you to be this young.

Y: Well i am more than capable to run it.

Al: Yes, i don't doubt that, sorry, i didn't mean for that to come across the wrong way.

Y: Aha, it's fine. Just, do me a favour, don't treat me any differently now you know who i am. I don't have many friends because of how well known my last name is.

Al: Of course not, i will happily be a friendly face for you to talk to whenever.

Y: Thanks Alex.

Al: Will, will Tom be okay with that though?

Y: I am allowed to make friends, he needs to understand that, so yes, don't worry.

Al: I mean, he's kinda scary.

Y: Nah, he's secretly a big softy, only a special few get to see his soft side though.

Al: Remind me NOT to get on his bad side.

I laugh as i take a sip of my new drink. I'm not really bothered about my dress, it's drying up a little bit now, and it's dark enough for people not to see it anyway. I leave Alex to get some fresh air outside. I scan the garden and instantly spit out my drink as i notice Alicia and Harrison making out next to the stables. They obviously hear my laugh because they both look at me and turn bright red, Alicia punches the air as if to say 'i did it!' and Harrison gives me a thumbs up. I laugh and walk past them to the pool room and sit on the side, taking off my shoes to dip my feet in, smiling to myself. I couldn't be happier right now, let's hope it lasts.

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now