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3 months later- Friday

So, this week is mine and Toms first proper holiday together! We planned to go away for the week to stay in a hotel in Monte Carlo and I am SO excited! We are currently in the taxi from the airport to get to our hotel with my many bags. I've never been away on a proper holiday so I had no idea what to bring, so I pretty much brought everything.

Y: Do you think Harrison will be okay? Looking after the others I mean? And Max?
T: Y/N, stop worrying, they'll be fine okay? You deserve a break, we both do, let's just enjoy it whilst we can.

He grins excitedly and pulls my lips onto his, kissing me hungrily. Well, I know what we'll be doing when we get to the hotel... well, the whole holiday...

~~~ (time skip to the end of the holiday, sorry!)

It's now the last day here in Monte Carlo, I can't explain how much I have enjoyed spending this time with Tom. He has told me so much more about him that I never knew, mainly because we never really had time to just sit and chat normally, I feel like I've fallen in love with him all over again.

Every day we tried new things, he took me on a boat ride, we went out for various meals, and we visited so many sights. Although, the last couple of days, Tom has been acting a little weird, and I'm not quite sure why...

T: how long does it take to chose a bikini to wear to the beach? You look fucking amazing in anything, now hurry up.
Y: now now bossy boots, I'm done.

I strut out of the en-suite in a gold bikini matched with a pair of white heels and a white shall to cover me on the walk to the beach. Tom just sits on the edge of the king size bed, gawping like a little excited puppy. He takes my left hand, kissing my scar from when I cut it on the mission to get the safe, and stares at me in awe.

Y: You know, you've seen me in a bikini millions of times.
T: But each time you never fail to surprise me darling.

I laugh and pull him up from the bed, dragging him outside as quick as possible so we can get a good spot on the beach before it gets packed full of people.

On our walk to the beach, Tom seems unnaturally quiet and I begin to worry.

Y: Are you okay Tom?
T: Huh? Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

I just nod, still not really reassured by his reply, but I brush it off. We find a lovely spot on the beach, right out of the way of everyone and settle our stuff down.

We stay here for the whole day, reading, swimming, sunbathing, and the whole time, Tom is still acting strange. Every time I try to kiss him he pulls back and starts a random conversation.

The sun soon begins to set and most people have left the beach to hit the clubs and bars probably. I wrap my shall around me and sit closer to Tom, watching the beautiful sunset over the sea. We sit for a second in silence until Tom clears his throat.

T: okay, I think I'm ready.

I lean forwards and look at him, a little confused.

Y: ready for what?
T: can you, stand up?
Y: er... okay?

I stand up like his asked, feeling a little weirded out. But my confusion suddenly turns into burning excitement as Tom gets on one knee in front of me.

Y: oh my god....

He pulls a small box from his bag and his shaky hand opens it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. My hands cover my mouth in shock and I start to cry uncontrollably. Tom looks on at me with a worried face.

T: Y/N... will you marry me?

I can't seem to form my words properly as i stare in awe at the adorable man in front of me. I've never seen him this worried.

T: Please answer because I'm worried that your crying for a different reason...

I let out a little laugh and jump onto him, making him fall back on the sand, and I smother him In kisses.


He rolls me onto my back and straddles me as I giggle hysterically. He takes my left hand and slides the diamond, glistening ring on to my finger. I stare at its beauty before pulling Tom down to kiss me. I wrap my legs around his waist, wanting him to be as close to me as possible. Well, this explains why he was acting so weird!

The rest of the night was a blur of happiness and passion, the best night of my life with my FIANCÉ!

A few years ago, I would never have even imagined being engaged, I would have never even imagined of being with anyone. I was always just alone. Jokes on you dad, this man has made me the happiest person on earth, and I'm the strongest I've ever been, but also thank you, because you introduced me to my future husband. I don't usually believe in fate, but in this case, it really was fate that we met. I can't wait to tell the others when we get home !

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