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I watch everyone around me as i sit in silence, i bet half of these people don't even know who i am. Like Alex, they would probably be expecting an older woman to be running the mafia, I would like to leave it that way for now, they're having fun, and so am i. I push myself up and as my legs adjust to standing, i am instantly pushed forwards into the pool. The cold hits my skin, and i gasp for air as my head surfaces above the water, feeling my mascara run down my face.

I look around me to find the culprit, seeing some people laughing to each other before someone shouts "CANNON BALL!" And everyone starts jumping in with their clothes on. I giggle softly before feeling a pair of hands around my waist and i am pulled against a warm body. I spin round in the water to see a grinning Tom, so proud of himself.

Y: You pushed me!

T: Me? Please!

Y: You little...

I splash the water in his face and he vanishes under the water until i feel him lift me up onto his shoulders. I squeal in laughter and hold onto his head to balance myself, resting my chin on his soggy hair as he effortlessly walks us around the pool. He gently puts me back down and i wrap my legs around his waist as he leans his back against the side of the pool.

Y: I spent so much time doing my makeup you know ?

He frowns sarcastically and rubs his thumbs underneath my eyes, getting rid of some of the running mascara. I just watch his face in awe, feeling rather emotional, he has come such a long way. He never used to be affectionate and now, he has opened up to me so much.

T: You're pretty without it doll.

I place a soft kiss on his wet lips as his strong arms hug me closer to him.

T: So, that Alex...

Y: Really Tom? Way to ruin the moment.

I roll my eyes as his face grows serious. Nothing that i'm not used to, he's always had a grumpy face.

T: I don't like him.

Y: You hardly like anyone, You can't just hate every guy that talks to me.

T: I can, and i will.

Y: Harrison talks to me, and so does Zack and Matt. Most of my crew are men Tom.

T: Yeah, but they all know that they're dead if they do anything.

Y: Oh shush, Alex is just a friendly guy, a FRIEND.

T: Whatever, i'm keeping an eye on him though.

I roll my eyes and shake my head, but Tom pulls my face closer and looks me dead in the eyes.

T: I'm not kidding, you're mine.

Y: I wouldn't want it any other way.

He kisses me passionately this time, not caring about the people swimming and splashing around us.


A few hours later, I've mostly dried off, even though i am now too drunk to even care. I dance around on the patio with Alicia and Zendaya, waving our hips back and fourth, and waving our hands in the air. The boys stand at the side, just watching as usual.

Somehow i climb onto the table and start dancing like i'm on a stripper pole. People around me are cheering and clapping, boosting my ego and making me dance even more. Alicia holds my hand from the floor, making sure i don't fall.

Y: It's hot out here, right?

I look to Alicia as she covers her mouth with her hands in laughter as i begin to try and take my dress off. People start whistling, only giving me more confidence. Zendaya looks at A in concern.

Ze: Is she actually going to strip in front of all these people?

A: Looks like it pahaha!

Ze: I'll go get the boys...

Zendaya grabs Harrison's attention and he widens his eyes as he notices what i am doing. Tom stands with his back to me, or else, he would have grabbed me down way sooner.

H: Er, Tom. Mate... I think you need to get her down from the table now.

T: What? Wh... Oh you have GOT to be fucking joking!

I grip at my dress, trying to pull it up, forgetting that i'd actually have to unzip it to take it off, but before i can reach the zip, i am pulled down by a strong force and i land in a broad pair of arms.

Y: Oh look, It's my sexy bodyguard. Are you here to protect me?

T: From anymore alcohol? Definitely.

I suddenly feel very dizzy, i only remember Tom carrying me upstairs, and after that, i black out.



I blink open my eyes, my head is absolutely pounding! The bed sinks next to me and i squint my eyes to see Tom chuckling to himself, holding a glass of water and a box of paracetamol. I groan and cover my face.

Y: I'm so embarrassed, please remind me never to drink again.

T: I found it quite entertaining to be fair. Although, I was a tad annoyed when everyone nearly saw you in your underwear.


I sit up in shock as Tom laughs at me, placing the glass on the side table and facing me again, placing a hand on my cheek as i rest my head in his palm and let out an embarrassed sob.

T: It's okay, i came to your rescue before you could take your dress off.

Y: Uh, thank you. Oh my god, we need to start planning the mission today! We have so much cleaning up to do!

T: Hey, calm down. We will take care of the cleaning, Harrison called the maids. Take a tablet for your head and take a shower.

Y: Are you saying i smell?

T: Yes.

I scoff dramatically as he places a kiss on my head and winks at me before leaving the room. He's brutally honest though, I do need a shower...

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now