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I sit, playing with my fingers as Tom drives me and Harrison to the airport.

Y: Now, the plan is to follow her out of the airport and see where she is going, we don't need to engage with her at all if possible.

T: Okay, once we find her address, I will get Zack on coms so he can keep an eye on it.

Y: Perfect, thanks Tom.

T: Of course, doll.

He places his hand on my thigh and I smile at him as his eyes face forward on the road. God, this man is so handsome, how can someone be so perfect?

We arrive at the airport and Tom parks in the visitor area, somewhere close to the front so we are slightly hidden but we can still see.

H: We have about 12 minutes before she should walk out.

Y: Okay, great.

H: Hey uhm, this has nothing to do with the job but... you wouldn't happen to know if Alicia likes me do you y/n?

I turn in my seat to gawp at Harrison, he stares back at me with confusion.

Y: Yes!

H: Yes? As in, yes you know or yes, she likes me?

Y: Both!

H: You're fucking me?

T: I hope not.

I scoff at Toms joke before facing Haz again.

Y: Please tell me you like her back?

H: I do, but I don't know how to ask her out on a date.

Y: I'll help you! It won't be hard. I mean, if Tom out of everyone managed to win me over, it shouldn't be hard at all for you to win her over.

T: Hey!

H: That's actually made me feel so much better, thanks y/n.

Y: You are most welcome.

Me and Harrison burst out laughing as Tom faces forwards and tenses his jaw.

Y: Oh, come on Mr grumpy pants, we are only messing around.

T: When you two are finished being children, Zendaya is here.

Me and Harrison instantly face the front. My eyes land on a tall, beautiful woman. Her hair is slick back and she is wearing a red jump suit that accentuates her body perfectly. As we where aware of anyway, three men follow shortly behind her, and a woman, presumably her assistant, walks ahead of her. We watch in silence as she climbs into the back of a black Audi, the men climbing into a separate car in front of her. Both cars begin to pull away, Tom already starting ours. We creep out, making sure to stay at least two cars behind them to make us look less suspicious.

Y: Okay, don't get too close.

T: I'm not an idiot y/n.

Y: Debatable.

Harrison snickers behind me, Tom just sighing quietly as he continues to keep an eye on Zendaya's car.

We drive for about 20 minutes before coming to a halt. Zendaya's two cars pull up in front of a grey apartment just near Richmond Park, Tom parking further back so we don't blow our cover. I know that Zendaya knows who we are, and she will know that we are after her, so we have to be careful.

We sit in silence as we watch all 5 people walk into the apartment, two of the men stopping outside the door and claiming their positions as doormen, probably to keep an eye out for us.

T: 10 Ham Gate Avenue. Get it up, notify us of any unusual activity that you find.

Tom speaks onto coms to Zack and Matt, giving them Zendaya's address to keep an eye on from the security cameras around the area.

Y: Right, let's go before they spot us.

Tom drives us back to the house, making sure at all times that no one was following us. We arrive home and I see Alicia waiting at the front door for us. I cannot wait to tell her about what Harrison said, or, should I just let him do it himself?

A: Hey! You found her then?

Y: Yep, got her location now too. We are one step closer to getting those codes.

A: Amazing, I'm glad.

H: Hey Alicia.

A: H-hi Haz.

Harrison smiles awkwardly and stands next to me to face Alicia who is nervously twiddling with her hair. To give them some time to talk to each other, I grab Tom and drag him into the kitchen. I'm freaking starving.

T: Watching Harrison try and chat up a girl sober is the funniest shi...

Y: Tom, leave him alone. He's trying his best! It's cute.

T: If you say so.

I grab a Pepsi from the fridge and make myself and Tom a cheese and ham toastie for lunch, Tom sitting in the office with Matt and Zack, watching over Z's apartment on the cameras.


Almost 4 o'clock and still no sign of movement. I stand over Matt for most of the day, writing anything in my notebook that jumps out to me. So far, the notebook is blank.

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now