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Friday- 11:30pm

Today is the day. All thoughts are running wild and nerves are building. I thought i'd be used to this, missions i mean, but i'm not. I don't want to fuck anything up because all eyes are on me to make sure it's successful.

All the stuff we packed last night is shoved into the boot of two separate cars, both black Audi's, and we all get in. Me, Tom, Harrison, and Alicia in one car and Zack, Matt, Alex and Zendaya in the other.

T: You feeling okay?
Y: Yeah, it's all going to go to plan. We are going to get the safe, and get home safely.
H: Who you trying to convince? Us? Or yourself?
Y: Is it bad if i say both?
T: We're here
Y: Shit.

I whisper under my breath, staring at the dark building in front of us. Harrison talks through coms to tell Zack that we are here, warning him to slow down behind us. The building is just past the Tower of London, the bricks are a dark grey and it screams "I'm haunted." It looks empty but I'm still not letting my guard down.

We all get out of the car, guns are the ready. I look behind me to see the others getting out of their car and I wait for them before giving them the order to follow me inside. I take the position of going first with Tom by my side.

Creeping towards the door, I flick my eyes back and forth, making sure that no one is watching us. We walk down the dark alley way next to the building, heading round the back so that the odd car driving past won't see us. My clammy hands grip to my gun tightly, preparing for anything.

Just our luck, rain starts pouring it down, seeping through my clothes. This is one thing we didn't prepare for...

Y: Fucking weather.

Tom spots an opening in an open window and taps my shoulder. I give him a nod to give him permission to go first, waving for the guys behind us to follow inside. I ask Zack and Matt to wait outside on look out.

Y: If you see or hear anything, get us on coms.
M: Yes ma'am.

I watch carefully as Tom climbs effortlessly through the window, using his torch to scan his surroundings before offering me a hand. I place one foot on the ledge and grab onto his hand, hoisting myself up, my hand grazes past a shard of glass and I curse loudly.

Tom covers my mouth to help not blow out cover, although, the pain coming from my left palm is hard to ignore. I whimper into his hand as he waves at Alicia to come in and bandage me up. He continues to scan our surroundings as I focus on the side of his face, breathing steadily.

Alicia finishes with my hand and Tom releases his hand from my mouth.

T: You okay to carry on?
Y: Yes, it's not like I've been shot, let's go.

He nods proudly and we wait for Harrison, Alex and Zendaya to climb through before carrying on through the empty house. Literally, empty.

H: There's nothing here.

Harrison whispers as we all stand in the front room. We have scanned the whole building and there is nothing, no safe, no sign of previous living.

Y: This doesn't make any sense... This is definitely the right location ?
H: Yes, one hundred percent.

At this moment, Alex sighs loudly and we all turn to look at him as he leans against an unstable looking wall.

Y: Alex I don't think...

Before I can tell him not to lean on it, he falls through and let's out a high pitched squeal. All of us run towards the hole in the wall that Alex had just made, coughing and flapping away at all the dust filling the room.

Y: Alex?! Are you okay?
Al: Arghhh.

I hear Tom and the others laughing behind me but I roll my eyes and reach down to brush off the shards of broken wood on Alex's body, helping him up from the floor before being distracted by a large looking square behind him. I push him gently to the side and run over to it.

Y: Holy shit! It's the safe!

In an instant, everyone is behind me, gasping excitedly.

Ze: We can celebrate later, we need to get it out of here quick.
H: She's right, Let's all lift it out.
Al: No one going to thank me? This is technically because of me.

I tap Alex on the shoulder, little bits of dust floating off him.

Y: Don't act like you planned on falling through the wall Alex. But yes, well done.

I chuckle at him before giving him a hug, which is shortly cut off by a cough behind me. Obviously Tom.


We all get out safely to Matt and Zack, and manage to get the safe into the back of one of the cars without anyone seeing. All of us are fairly quiet getting into the car, not wanting to disturb any of the nearby houses. But, as soon as we begin to drive off, I let out a shriek of happiness.

Y: We actually did it!
H: That was so easy!
T: Yeah, too easy.
A: I agree with Tom.
Y: Why aren't you celebrating?! This is amazing! We planned so long for this moment!
T: It all just seems too simple, yeah, we planned so long, and we didn't even have to fight one bit for it. It just doesn't settle right with me.
Y: Nothing settles right with you, once we open it, you can relax, and you'll see that there was nothing to be worried about.

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