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The rest of the day is just spent chatting and snacking on various sweets. Alicia has definitely made me feel less shit and has tried her very best to take my mind off my worry with Tom. The time now 8:00, and my mind is spiraling again. Alicia is taking a nap and the silence isn't helping my tendency for over thinking. I take a breather outside of the tent and give Max a big hug, hoping that i will get myself enough serotonin to last me up until i fall asleep.

How wrong i am... instead of making me happy, it only makes me feel sad, and i start crying. I can't help but feel awful for what i have caused. I don't know why, i can't resist the impulse to go to Tom, and without hesitation and without a care of leaving Alicia behind, i get on Max and travel as fast as i can back home. 

The wind blows through my hair and tears fly against my face in the cold of the night. My vision is almost too blurry to see but i manage to arrive at the stables rather quickly and as i get Max to a secure area, i jump straight off and run to the front door in my panda pyjamas without a care in the world.

As i burst through the door, Harrison and Zack are already on my case, thinking that someone had just broke in.

H: Y/N? What the hell?

Y: I'm sorry, i need to talk to Tom. 

H: Er, probably not the best time actually...

Y: What? Why?

Harrison scratches his neck and goes quiet. What is going on? Instantly, i rush upstairs towards our room and burst through the door. I freeze, what the hell am i looking at? 

T: Y/N? What are you doing here?

Y: What am 'I' doing here? What is SHE doing here?! 

In front of me is Tom and Zendaya. The last person i expected to see standing in my bedroom with my boyfriend. 

T: It's not what you think, let me...

Y: Explain? That's what they all fucking say! And to think, i came here to actually apologise and explain how shit i feel about everything...

T: Can you just wait a second, Zendaya...

Y: Fuck you Tom...

Before Tom can reach me i am already running out of the house. I feel embarrassed about the fact that i am currently in my panda pyjamas and Zendaya was standing there, looking beautiful as usual, with MY gorgeously handsome... No, not the time to be complimenting him.

I ignore the shouting behind me as i grab Max from the stable and gallop away, different tears in my eyes now, tears of shock, confusion and betrayal. Why was she there? Was it to seduce Tom? Or is he working with her behind my back? 

I don't even want to think about that right now. I don't bother going back to A, i just need time by myself for now. I slow down into a walk with Max and head towards a lake. I jump off and fall straight to my knees, tears flooding down my face as i hear a grumble of an engine behind me.

I don't bother looking behind me, a car door slams shut and i just let a pair of large arms embrace me as i am concentrating on keeping my breathing steady. After some time, i drift off into a sleep, inhaling the scent of men's cologne, a familiar smell.


I peel my eyes open and feel my hands run against the cold grass beneath me. 

T: Y/N? 

I jump up as i realise what actually happened yesterday, and who i was just sleeping on. I stand by the lake and stare, arms folded as Tom walks up to me. 

Y: Don't come any closer.

T: If you fucking listen to me, you would understand that nothing happened and she was there for business reasons only!

Y: How am i meant to believe that? 

T: I can explain everything if you would just come home.

Y: No, i wont. I'm on a break remember? 

T: Why did you come back then? 

Y: I needed to say sorry, i felt shit for everything, not so much now because of what i saw...

T: Come on! You can't believe i would do anything with her? I love YOU Y/N! YOU! 

He takes another step towards me and i step back, only to find myself walking off the ledge of grass into the lake. Before i can hit the water, Tom grabs me effortlessly around my waist and holds me to his chest. He just holds me in that position and stares into my eyes, his jaw tensed, but his face somewhat softens the longer he scans my face. 

He then presses his lips onto mine, gripping my waist, not wanting to let go. At first, i hesitate, but i am smitten to his ways, and i eventually give in. Before i know it, he picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist. He carries me to the car and without warning, throws me gently into the back seat. Well this is one way to let out or frustrations...

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now