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H: Where's the champagne?!

T: Where it's always fucking been you div!

Me and Zendaya stroll down to the pool room, blankets and glasses in hand as we chuckle at the arguing men behind us in the kitchen.

Ze: Will they ever grow up?

Y: Nope...

Me and Zendaya have chosen to wear white bikinis, since this is basically the 'hen party.' And the boys are wearing black swimming shorts. Thankfully, the weather is looking nice for the next four days, so hopefully it will be nice for the wedding. But we all know what British weather is like...

Al: You look stunning Z.

Ze: thank you, you don't look too bad yourself.

I smile as Alex places a kiss on Z's head. I love seeing my friends happy, it makes me feel happy.

T: And you, my beautiful bride to be, look unbelievable as usual.

I giggle as Tom picks be up from behind and swings be round. When he puts me down i turn to face him, almost forgetting to breath as i looked at him in just his swimming shorts.

T: Do you need to take a picture?

I jokingly grab my phone and snap a picture as he laughs, grabbing it off me and chucking it onto the chair next to us. He cups my face and kisses me with a smile as Harrison barges through the door juggling three bottles of champagne.

H: Found them!!!

T: Finally.

I grab a bottle off him, not wanting him to drop it as it was rather expensive. I pop it open and pour us all a glass, Matt and Zack chilling in the pool, Alex and Z on the chairs and me, Tom and Haz dipping our feet in, talking about anything and everything.

H: So, have you both decided where you're going to have your honeymoon?

T: We've talked about it, but we both decided not to have one, there's a lot to do here and...

H: What?!

Y: What?

H: You can't NOT have a honeymoon!

Y: We had our weeks holiday, we can't leave you lot to do all of the work.

H: At least have a day away then. Go to Whitby or something?

Y: To be fair, i do like Whitby...

H: Exactly!

T: Okay, Whitby it is then. We'll go on Tuesday morning.

Y: can we stay in a cute cottage?

I look at Tom with puppy eyes. I love living in our house, but you can't beat a cosy cottage. Tom rolls his eyes but pulls me into a hug.

T: Anything for you darling.

H: Okay, way to make me feel even more single. POOL TIME!

Haz bombs into the pool, sending a wave of water crashing over me and Tom.

Y: You div! I'm so going to get you back!

I put my pool water filled champagne glass on the side and jump in, followed by Tom and the others, into the pool.


After we calm down from our water fight, we sit round the edge of the pool together. Zendaya and Alex walk off somewhere and soon return with some cups, a fold up table and two pink balls.

T: What are you doing?

Ze: So, we wanted to play a few games. I know you didn't want this as a proper hen party or stag do, but, you still deserve to have something.

Al: This one is obviously beer pong!

Y: Oh hell yes... imma whoop all your asses! Zendaya and Matt and Haz, you're with me.

T: You're going against me? Oh, you're going down love.

H: Leave that for the bedroom.

T: Ha ha, very funny.

We all stand either side of the fold up table and line all the cups up with a variety of different alcoholic drinks in them. I start first against Tom and i instantly get one in.


Tom groans before downing the cup with the vodka shot in it.

Now the third game of beer pong, and we are all very... content to say the least. The beer pong table is now drenched with drinks and one of the chairs is somehow floating in the pool. The music is booming and everyone is dancing with happiness, but at some point me and Tom vacated into the room next to the pool and fell asleep on the floor together.


T: How the fuck did we get here?

I roll onto my side to face Tom, my head thumping.

Y: I have no clue. And... you have a pen mustache on your face by the way.

I laugh through the pain as Tom helps me stand.


Y: Owww, not so loud.


We all manage to clean the pool room as best as we can and make our way back to the house. Everyone hanging from one too many beer pong games.

Y: Okay, I'm ordering everyone to shower please.

Al: Yep, we need it.

As ordered, everyone takes a shower and gets dressed. I pour everyone some water and leave out a pack of aspirin to help cure the hangovers. Me and Harrison help move some of Toms things into the spare bedroom, ready for tomorrow morning. As Harrison is keeping him occupied, i run back to my room to take another sneak peak of my dress. I smile excitedly at it hanging on my wardrobe before zipping it up, ready to be seen again in the morning. My nerves have not yet set in, but i think by tonight, when i'm sleeping without Tom, they will...

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now