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Y: Right, speak slowly and clearly, don't shout.


Y: Harrison!

I grip my ears, my head still pounding. What an ass, he just laughs along with Zack but they both soon shut up as Tom stares intensely at them. I recollect myself and take a sip of water.

Y: How am i the only one with a pounding head? You all drank as much as me.

H: Yeah, but you're just a light weight.

Y: True...

Ze: I didn't drink a lot, i knew there would have to be at least one clear headed person today.

Y: Smart... Anyway, let's start.


After about three hours, leading us up to 12 o'clock, we finally come up with a plan that we all agree on.

T: Okay, so, everyone knows what to do, Harrison, you better start training Alicia now, i don't care how hung over you feel.

H: Sure, no rest for the wicked.

T: Correct.

Harrison takes Alicia by the hand and takes her outside to train. Zack and Matt follow behind, also getting ready for next weeks mission.

Ze: So, is it too early to pick weapons?

Y: It's never too early to pick weapons.

I smile at her, leading her and Tom to the ammunition and weapon room. I pull the keys from my pocket, unlock the externally metal door and push it open, revealing the assortment of various artillery.

Ze: Wow...

I smile proudly and gesture her in.

Ze: This is... wait... a crossbow?

T: Don't ask, it was Harrison's choice.

Ze: Of course it was.

We all laugh, looking at the selection to chose from. I pick up a colt 1911 and show Tom, he nods in approval and grabs himself one too. I hand another to Zendaya and she takes it gratefully.

Y: Grab a couple more and make sure to take a few flip knives, not the wolf ones, they're my special ones.

Z: Will do, thanks for this.

Y: No problem, although, you brake them, you pay for them.

Z: Fine by me.

I smile at her, making sure she knew i wasn't being too harsh, she smiles back and we leave the room, making sure to lock it behind us.

*knock knock*

T: Who the hell could that be?

Y: I ordered some clothes so it could be my parcel.

T: Okay, i'll be in the office, come give me a fashion show in your new clothes.

He pecks my cheek as i watch him walk past, he's so...

*knock knock*

Fuck sake, i'm coming.

Y: Hold on i'm... Alex?

I open the door to greet a very smiley face standing in front of me.

Al: Hi, i hope you don't mind me visiting, i was just wondering if you needed any help clearing up? It was a bit of a state when i left.

Y: Of course not, i was just expecting the parcel man sorry aha. No need to help with the cleaning, the maids are taking care of it, but please, come in, i was about to make a tea anyway.

Al: Thanks.

I take Alex to the kitchen and switch on the kettle. I take a seat next to him.

Y: So, did you have a good night last night? I'm hoping you aren't feeling as bad as i do this morning.

Al: It was a great night, thank you. And, no, i feel fine aha.

Y: Are you from London? Where do you work?

Al: Yes, i live in an apartment in central London, and i work for... his names Will, well, we call him that.

Y: Oh, nice, what do you do?

Al: Well, i guess like you guys, i'd rather keep that private right now.

Y: Right, sorry, i didn't mean to intrude.

Al: No, you didn't at all, we're friends it's fine.

I smile politely and make the tea, handing a mug to Alex.

T: How nice, did my invite to the tea party get lost?

Tom stands in the doorway, arms folded, eyes narrowed at Alex. I roll my eyes at his bluntness.

Y: He came to help clear up, which we obviously don't need help with, it was only polite to make him tea.

T: Then you won't mind if i join?

He walks past emotionlessly, holding eye contact with Alex.

Al: Not at all.

Alex gulps as Tom walks into the room, clearly feeling nervous around him. I grab his attention and i pull a reassuring face, telling him not to worry.

T: So, Alex right?

Al: Yes, Yes sir.

T: I did some background checks on you, just for safety you know.

Y: Tom, where are you going with this?

T: Who did you say you worked for again?

Y: He already said, Will?

Al: Y-yeah.

T: Yeah, Will, short for Wilson. Noah Wilson.

Y: What?

I look at Alex in disbelief. Noah Wilson, the guy who we were warned about, and Alex who is supposedly my 'friend' is working for him. I stand up and take a step back, Tom standing confidently next to me, looking like he's about to throw hands. Alex stands up, putting his hands up in defence.

Al: Please, hear me out, i'm here as a friend.

T: Bullshit, do you think we are dumb?

Tom pins him against the wall, making Alex groan in pain.

Al: P-please, i have information about the safe! Y/n you have to believe me!

Y: Tom, hold on.

T: What? No!

Y: Hold on!

I push Toms shoulder slightly, making him drop Alex back down. I stare at Alex, reading his face as if i it will tell me if he is lying or not.

Y: Spill.

Al: Noah, he's watching your every move, he plans to wait for you to get the safe, and then he will attack.

Y: Why should i trust you?

Al: I wasn't lying when i said you are my friend, i'm done with Noah's shit, he treats everyone like crap. I want to help the right side, that's you guys. I promise.

I look at Tom, his face covered in concern and anger. i give him a 'I believe him' look and he inhales deeply, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his hand. I turn back to Alex who is almost shaking in fear.

Y: You stay here, until we know for sure that you aren't lying.

Al: Okay, thank you, i promise i'm not.

Y: I hope not, god help you if you are...

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now