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T: Are you kidding me? What was that?!

Tom paces around the bedroom as i sit on the bed, watching him go back and forth.

Y: Tom, i don't think he's lying, and if he is, we can just kill him.

T: If he is, we could get killed too! Like Zendaya said, Noah is a slimy man, he could've told Alex to come here.

Y: Tom, please just trust me on this.

He groans loudly before stopping in front of me. I stand up and place my hands on his shoulders.

Y: Please, kill me too if i'm wrong.

He scoffs as he looks down at me, furrowing his eyebrows before pulling me into a hug.

T: You know i could never kill you, but i'd never let you live it down.

Y: Fine by me.

He pulls away and stares seriously into my eyes.

T: Are you really sure about this?

Y: Yes. We will take him with us on the mission too, that way, he is always in our sight.

T: Okay, i'm really trusting you on this.

I kiss his cheek before walking to the door, only to be pulled back and into Toms chest.

T: If you're going to kiss me, kiss me properly.

He cups my face in his hands and pulls me closer as we share a deep kiss. He pushes me against the door as his hands roam freely around my waist, i play with his fluffy curls, humming with happiness.


I walk to the spare room and knock on the door before entering willingly. Alex sits on the chair in the corner, jumping up when he sees me. He smiles at me with a tinge of worry in his face.

Al: Hi, hey.

Y: We have decided to trust you, for now. You're going to give us all the information you have, and, you're coming on the mission with us.

Al: Okay, fine. Anything to prove my loyalty to you.

Y: You have training right?

Al: Yes, i have.

Y: Great. Meet us downstairs in the office in 10 minutes.

Al: Thank you.

I nod in response before leaving the room and running downstairs to grab Harrison and the others from the garden. They come in, all sweaty from their training, and i tell them about Alex. They all nod understandingly, although, Harrison reacts as Tom did which, i knew he would.

H: Right, well, you know i'll kill him if he is lying to us right?

Y: Get in line.

Alex enters the room awkwardly as everyone watches him carefully. I wave at him to stand next to me.

Y: Okay, as much as you are all against him right now, he is here to help so suck it up. Alex, tell us what you know, in detail.

Al: Well, Noah knows that you are after the safe, he also knows that you are planning to do it next week sometime. He has about twelve men assigned to go against you all. They aim to wait for you to retrieve the safe before attacking, and i have to warn you, they intend to be vigilant and highly defended.

T: How does he know?

Al: He has had men watching you for a week or so, he was always very paranoid about you all.

T: Paha, he should be.

Y: What if we change the day? Do it sooner? Has he still got men watching us?

Al: If you do it sooner, he won't be as ready, but, he will still try and take it somehow. And no, since he found out your plan, he told them to stand down, thinking he had found you out.

H: Well, that settles it then, we go sooner.

Y: Alicia? Have you learnt enough today to be comfortable with that?

A: I think so.

Y: You need to do better than you 'think so.' I need to know that you can look after yourself if we can't help.

A: I can, i will.

H: I'll keep her close, don't worry.

They both look at each other, Alicia looks slightly nervous but Harrison squeezes her hand in reassurance.

Y: Okay, we go tomorrow night then, i want you all to get your stuff ready in the morning. Any last minute training, do it tonight.

Everyone nods in understanding and i discharge them from the room, staying behind with Alicia.

T: I'll meet you in the lounge.

Y: Okay.

Tom leaves the room and I take Alicia by the hand, leading her outside.

A: What are we doing?

Y: I want you to show me what you've learnt today. I need to see for myself that you can fight.

I put my fists up, indicating for her to fight me. She shakes her hands before curling them up into fists, taking a swing at my head. I dodge her easily and hit her in the side of her ribs with my hand, she winces but maintains her stance.

Y: Come on, focus.

I go to punch her stomach but she blocks my fist with her hand and hits my face. I stumble back at the contact but smile proudly. I stand up straight and prepare myself once more. She goes to hit me again but i grab her arm and sling her over my shoulder, making her land on the floor behind me. She coughs and splutters as i reach out my hand for her to take.

She grabs my hand but instead of getting up, she pulls me down and hooks me into a headlock. I tap out, feeling breathless. I cough a little before Alicia helps me up.

Y: I'm impressed. You still have a lot to learn, but i feel a lot more comfortable with you coming tomorrow now.

A: Thank you, sorry if i...

Y: Uh uh... Never apologise for hurting someone in a fight. Show no weakness.

A: Yes ma'am.

We giggle together before i walk back inside to go meet Tom in the lounge. Alicia leaves me to go upstairs to have a shower. I am really hopeful that no one gets hurt, I can't bare the thought of losing any one of my friends, or my love.

( Hi ! I might not able be able to post for a few days as I have got work and I won't have time to write. Bare with me okay! I hope you enjoy this chapter :) I'll be back in no time )

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