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At some point during the night, i must have cried myself to sleep out on the balcony. The brisk London air wakes me up and i lay, not wanting to get up at all. Toms words keep repeating in my mind. "You've really let me down" "I don't fucking care anymore." After all this time with him, he has never once looked at me the way he did yesterday, and it's killing me. I've messed up big time. Maybe a break from this would be good, i trust them enough to carry on without me for a bit. 

After an hour of contemplating what to do, i make up my mind to have a little camping trip with Max and Alicia. I trudge downstairs to find Tom to tell him. My heart has never beaten so fast with nerves.

I walk into the office and everyone goes quiet, all eyes are on me. I clear my throat and walk up to Tom, voices starting to talk again. His eyes are on the screen of his laptop and he doesn't look up at all as i approach him.

Y: Tom, can we talk?

no answer...

Y: Please?

Still, no answer. I decide to just tell him what i am doing, he obviously doesn't want to speak to me, i don't blame him.

Y: I just thought i'd let you know, i'm doing as you said. I'm going to take a little break. I'll take Max and Alicia camping this afternoon for a couple of days. I trust you to carry on as normal with everything.

He scoffs as i say 'trust.' 

T: Trust? Trust is a funny thing.

He says this without breaking eye contact from his laptop. I swallow hard as i try to hold back tears. I don't bother talking back, it would only cause another argument, instead, i just nod understandingly and leave the room. 

I stroll outside to find Alicia feeding Max in the stables and i tell her the plan. I don't explain why we are going, but she knows not to ask. We both pack up some stuff and i attach both bags to Max's saddle. At around 11 o'clock we leave, i don't bother saying goodbye, like he said, he doesn't care what i do anymore. 

The journey starts off quiet but Alicia then begins to talk to me.

A: Wanna tell me why we are going on this little getaway? And why you are going with me and not lover boy.

Y: Not really.

A: Come on y/n...

Y: I don't want to talk, okay?

A: Alright, sorry.

After our 30 minute silent ride, we arrive at a field full of buttercups that looks perfect to camp in. 

Y: Here is great. 

A: Okay.

We both hop off Max and begin to unload the bags, firstly taking out the pop up tent. Yes, it's pop up, i'm too lazy for one that you have to use pegs for okay? I tie Max to a peg that i stomp into the ground, making sure it is secure enough. After unrolling our sleeping bags and creating a pillow fort, we decide to sit down and eat something.

A: I packed a pasta salad and some Pepsi. 

Y: Thanks A.

A: You're welcome. 

As we start eating, my stomach begins to turn at the thought of last nights events. Before i know it, i'm balling my eyes out. Alicia drops her bowl and crawls over to me, taking my head into her arms before i eventually calm down enough to look at her.

A: You gotta tell me what's going on, or else i can't help you. And i want to help.

Y: I, I really messed up A. 

Alicia moves herself to sit in front of me, all while holding my hand comfortingly.

Y: I tried to get the safe yesterday, without telling Tom or Haz. They stopped me, quite forcefully, before i could actually leave. 

A stays quiet as i carry on speaking.

Y: You should've seen the look on Toms face. He's so disappointed with me, and, Harrison said that i'm not thinking as a boss right now, hence the little break.

A: Oh y/n...

Y: I don't know if he will ever forgive me A... and i don't know what i will do if he doesn't. 

A: Of course he will forgive you.

Y: How do you know that?

A: Because he loves you! He will get over it, it will just take time. You know what he is like, he likes to hold grudges for a while.

Y: But this felt different, like something in him changed.

A: Well, it's the first time you have betrayed his trust like that, he is probably just in shock.

Y: Yeah, you're probably right.

A: And, as for Harrison... He'll get over it too. I can try and talk to him if you like? When we get back.

Y: It's okay, he was right, i need to start acting like a boss and deal with this by myself. I did this, so i need to fix it. 

A: You're the bravest person i know, i know you were only doing what you thought was right. But, next time, please just talk to Tom, or me, anyone.

Y: I will. Thank you Alicia.

A: No problem, now, eat your pasta cause i made it and i won't let you waste it!

I giggle as she hugs me tightly and hands me back my bowl. I definitely needed that talk. 

MY BODYGUARD- THE SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now